True Story Swear to God 2: This One Goes to 11

True Story Swear to God 2: This One Goes to 11 

By Tom Beland (ait/planet lar)
ISBN: 1-9320-5132-1

Tom Beland is a man in love. At his time of life and looking like he does, he finds that hard enough to believe. That his One True Love lives three thousand miles away, in Puerto Rico, is pretty much incomprehensible to him. And that she’s stuck there without him during the most humungous hurricane he’s ever heard of is not a situation that is going to happen twice.

This second collection of the charming, true, modern romance sees creator and protagonist Beland accept that he and his beloved Lily cannot be apart any more. Matching the comedy and drama of outrageous weather systems with the irresistibly opposing forces of two mature people who are each settled in their own space can only mean that something has to give. Who’s going to move or who’s going to quit?

This One Goes to 11 combines charm, gentleness and real-life trials as old as humanity and wraps them in a warm deceptively subtle cartoon style to tell a story we’ve all featured in and can’t help but empathise with. Well worth seeking out.

© 2005 Tom Beland. All Rights Reserved.