How to Draw Superman

How to Draw Superman

By Ty Templeton, John Delaney and Ron Boyd (Walter Foster Publishing)
ISBN 978-1-5601-0327-1

Although the 1990s Superman cartoon show never got the airplay it deserved in Britain, it remains a highpoint in the character’s long, long animation history, second only to the astounding and groundbreaking seventeen shorts produced by the Max Fleischer Studio in the 1940s. These modern visualisations became the norm, extending to both the Justice League and Legion of Super Heroes animation series that followed.

The broad stylisation also worked in two dimensions in the spin-off comic-book produced by DC (itself a series well worthy of and long overdue for trade paperback release), so this lovely slim “How To” book from Ty Templeton, John Delaney and Ron Boyd is doubly a package to pore through and learn from.

Brilliant colour and clear concise instructions, covering the undeniable basics that every artist of any age will need to master, such as perspective and basic anatomy, plus a detailed step-by-step breakdown and model sheet for every major character and villain make this an indispensable aid and a fun read for the aspiring Artist of Tomorrow.

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