Poison Candy, Vol 1

Poison Candy, Vol 1

By David Hine & Hans Steinbach (TokyoPop)
ISBN: 978-1-4278-0080-0

Here’s a taut Sci-Fi thriller in the manner of Scanners from the English speaking end of the manga world. Young Sam Chance has most of the usual teenager’s problems but that all changes when he starts having nosebleeds and manifesting terrifying psychic powers. When doctors examine him he is found to be the latest victim of SKAR: South Korean Adolescent Retrovirus. There is no cure.

And then his life gets really weird. Whilst coming to terms with his imminent death his family is approached by the world’s richest computer games manufacturer with a solution; to cryogenically preserve him for two tears until the cure he’s working on is perfected. It seems like the perfect – if drastic – answer.

So why then is the Government prepared to assassinate every one who knows him and even shoot down the plane he’s travelling on? Despite all such efforts Sam escapes and nervously submits to the freezing process, bitterly regretting the two years he’ll be separated from his girlfriend. A century later he opens his eyes…

And that’s where this volume ends: a sharp and quirky tale that promises much to come and a few new twists to this fan-favourite theme of teen psychic super soldiers. Keep watching…

© 2007 David Hine and TOKYOPOP Inc. All Rights Reserved. POISON CANDY is ™ TOKYOPOP Inc.