The Last Basselope — One Ferocious Story


The Last Basselope — One Ferocious Story

By Berkeley Breathed (Little, Brown & Co.)
ISBN: 0-316-10881-2

After a woefully brief and glittering career as a syndicated strip cartoonist and socio-political commentator (so often the very same function) Berkeley Breathed retired Bloom County and Outland to create children’s books. He lost none of his perception or imagination, and actually got better as a narrative artist. He didn’t completely abandon his magical cast of characters.

Although not a Christmas story this charming and tearfully funny tale is a joyous celebration of the wonder of childhood and how little adventures can become great big ones. Starring his best-loved characters (although I personally identified far too closely with Binkley) from Bloom County and Outland: Opus the penguin, Bill the Cat, Milquetoast the Housebug, Ronald-Anne (her mother named her for President Reagan – because he had done so much to advance the cause of Poor Black Women) and Rosebud, the eponymous Basselope of the title.

Opus is a dreamer of great dreams and a frustrated explorer. In his unassuming, shy way he lusts for glory and the heady wine of immortality which can only be found by Discovering Something. Anything will do. And in the pages of the latest ‘National Geographic Enquirer’ he finds his dream waiting.

Organising a safari he heads for the woods at the back of the house in search of the most elusive beast in history and every crypto-zoologist’s Holy Grail. How he finds The Last Basselope and what he actually learns is a magical journey into the uncharted wilds of childhood’s imagination which reveals the strength, power and character of true friendship.

This beautifully illustrated, captivating and multi-layered fable is ideal for the eternally young at heart and all those still looking for a path back to their own wonder years.

© 1994 Berkeley Breathed. All Rights Reserved.