Babar and Father Christmas

Babar and Father Christmas

By Jean de Brunhoff (Egmont)
ISBN: 978-1-4052-3822-9

In this final translation – to date – of Jean de Brunhoff’s immortal and so very urbane elephant (released in 1941 as Babar et le père Noël), the patient parent undertakes an arduous expedition to bring joy to his children and his people.

One day Zephir the monkey tells Babar’s children Pom, Flora and Alexander, and of course Cousin Arthur, about the fabulous Father Christmas who brings presents to children in the world of Men. Captivated, they decide to invite the venerable gentleman to visit them, but after a very long time with no reply, they become despondent. Devoted Babar decides to find Father Christmas and personally invite him to the Land of the Elephants…

Produced at a time when the World desperately needed something bright, cheerful and filled with hope, this last tale from de Brunhoff (the franchise was revived after WWII by his son Laurent, who produced ten more books between 1948 and 1966) is a fabulously inventive and escapist adventure brimming with simple charm and clever, enchanting artwork. Europhiles will also be delighted to discover that the North Pole is merely a forwarding address and his real home is where it’s always been – in the cold, snowy mountains of Bohemia.

Great Children’s Books are at once plentiful and scarce. There are many, but definitely never enough. This deceptively engaging series has weathered the test of time and has earned a place on your shelves and in your hearts.

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