The Definitive Charley’s War volume 1: Boy Soldier

By Pat Mills & Joe Colquhoun & various (Rebellion)
ISBN: 978-1-78108-619-3 (TPB/Digital edition)

This book includes Discriminatory Content produced during less enlightened times.

On July 27th 1914, Austrian foreign Minister Berchtold had Emperor Franz Joseph sign a Declaration of War in hopes of stealing a march on the empire’s political opponents of the Triple Entente and ensure any peace proposals would be pointless. The Great War officially began the following day…

When Pat Mills & Joe Colquhoun began their tale of an impressionable lad who joins up just in time to fight in the disastrous Somme campaign, I suspect they had, as usual, the best of authorial intentions but no real idea that this time they were creating comics history. The landmark feature was originally published in British war anthology Battle (AKA Battle Picture Weekly, Battle Action, etc.). A surprise hit, the serial proper launched in #200, running from January 1979 until October of 1986.

It recounted, usually in heartrending and harrowing detail and with astounding passion for a Boys’ Periodical, the life of an East-End kid who lies about his age to enlist with the British Army reinforcements setting out to fight the Hun in 1916.

The stunning strip contingent contained within this edition – 86 weekly episodes in all – span January 6th 1979 through 25th October 1980, forming one of the most powerful and influential characterisations of the oh-so-ironic “war to end all wars” ever depicted. Lovingly researched, lavishly limned and staggeringly authentic, the saga touches upon many diverse aspects of the conflict – even the effects on the Home Front – all delivered with a devastating, sardonically understated dry sense of horror and injustice, albeit frequently leavened with gallows humour as trenchant as that legendarily “enjoyed” by the poor trench-bound “Tommies” of the time.

This magnificent (mostly) monochrome mega-compilation opens with a 4-page instalment (for much of the middle run the series came in 3-page episodes) ‘Charley’s War – the Story of a Soldier in World War One’, following 16-year-old London Bus Company worker Charley Bourne as he eagerly enlists and so-quickly graduates to unending, enduring horrors of muddy, blood-soaked battlefields, beginning with The Somme.

Military life was notoriously hard and unremittingly dull – except for brief bursts of manic aggression and strategic stupidity which ended so many lives. Closely following the recorded course of the war, Mills & Colquhoun put young Charley in the Westshire Regiment and show a rapidly changing casualty-shaped cast being constantly whittled away by various modes of combat attrition.

The weekly hellscapes show lesser-known, far-from-glorious aspects of the conflict readers in the 1970s & 1980s had never seen in any other war comic. Each strip was cunningly punctuated and elucidated by the telling narrative device of the simple lad’s letters to his family in “Blighty” whilst also cleverly utilising reproductions of cartoons and postcards from the period.

With Boer War veteran Ole Bill Tozer as his mentor, Charley narrowly survives shelling, mudslides, digging details, gas attacks, the trench cat, snipers, callous stupidity of his own commanding officers – although there are examples of good officers too – and the far-too-frequent insane absurdity of a modern soldier’s life. Slowly but irrevocably the callow, naïve boy becomes a solid, dependable warrior – albeit one with a nose for trouble and a near-divine gift for lucky escapes.

When Tozer leads a party across No-Man’s Land to capture prisoners for interrogation, new pal Ginger sustains a frankly hilarious wound in his nether regions. As a result, however, and despite the sortie establishing the inadvisability of an attack, Allied generals continue their plans for a “Big Push”. Thus, Charlie is confronted with an agonising moral dilemma when he catches a comrade trying to wound himself and get sent home before the balloon goes up. This time, grim fate intervenes before the boy soldier can make his terrible choice…

The unit’s troubles increase exponentially when arrogant, ruthless aristocrat Lieutenant Snell arrives; constantly undermining if not actively sabotaging every effort by sympathetic Lieutenant Thomas to make the riffraff cannon fodder’s lives tolerable. The self-serving toff officer takes an extremely personal dislike to Charley after the lad drops in trench mud a huge picnic hamper belonging to the rich twat…

On July 1st 1916 The Battle of the Somme begins. Like so many other unfortunates, Charley and his comrades are ordered “over the top”: expected to walk steadily into mortars and machine gun fire of entrenched German positions. Thomas, unable to stand the stupidity, cracks and commands them to charge at a run. It saves his squad but lands his men in a fully-manned German dug-out…

After ferocious fighting the lads gain a brief respite, but retreating Huns have left insidious booby-traps to entice and destroy them. Many beloved characters die before Charley, Ginger and poor shell-shocked Lonely are finally captured by “the Boche”.

As they await their fate, the traumatised veteran of 1914 reveals to Ginger and Charley the horrific events of the previous Christmas and why he so wants to die. Moreover, the sole cause of that appalling atrocity is the same Snell now commanding their own unit…

Through Charley’s signature dumb luck they escape, only to blunder into a gas attack and British Cavalry. The mounted men gallop off to meet stiff German resistance (resulting in some of the most baroque and disturbing scenes ever depicted in kids’ comics) whilst Bourne and the lads are miraculously reunited with their lost comrades. The combat carnage has not ceased, however. Awaiting orders to attack, Lt. Thomas and his embattled men are suddenly subjected to a terrific barrage. With horror the officer realises they are being shelled by their own big guns and dispatches a runner to Snell who has a functioning line to Allied HQ.

The role of messenger was the most dangerous in the army but, with no means of communication except written orders and requests, failure to get through was never acceptable. By the time Charley volunteers a dozen men have failed. With British shells still butchering British troops, Bourne resolves to test his luck as the “Thirteenth Runner”…

As previously stated, Charley’s War closely follows the war’s key events, using them as a road map or skeleton to hang specific incidents upon. This was not the strip’s sole innovation. Mills’ detailed research concentrated more on characters than fighting – although there was still plenty of heartrending action – and declared to the readership (which at time of original publication were categorically assumed to be boys between ages 9-13) that “our side” could be as monstrous as the “bad guys”.

Mills also fully exercised his own political/creative agendas in the series and was constantly amazed at what he got away with and what seeming trivialities his editors pulled him up on (more fully expanded upon in the author’s informative and detailed ‘Strip Commentary’ concluding this edition)…

With the Thirteenth Runner storyline, likable everyman Charley Bourne slowly began his descent from fresh-faced innocent to weary, battle-scarred veteran as the war reached beyond cataclysmic opening moves of the Somme Campaign into the conflict’s most bloody events. Frantically making his way to the rear positions, Charley successfully passes twelve fallen runners but only encounters more officer arrogance and Professional Soldier stupidity before the battle ends. Snell refuses to even read the message until he has finished his tea…

Helpless before aristocratic indifference, Charley angrily returns to the Front. Finding everyone apparently dead, he snaps. Reduced to a killing rage he is only dragged back to normal when Ginger, Smith Seventy and the Sarge emerge from a shattered support trench.

The lad’s joy is short-lived. Thomas is arrested for showing cowardice in the face of the enemy, and with him gone Snell commands the unit of despised disposable commoners…

Removed to the Rear to have their wounds treated, Charley and his chums meet Weeper Watkins. The former ventriloquist cries permanently. His eyes are ruined by exposure to poison gas but he is still considered fit for duty. All too soon they fall foul of sadistic military policeman Sergeant Bacon who has earned his nickname as “the Beast” over and again…

With a chance to blow off steam – like a hilarious volunteer Concert Party show – Charley and Weeper are soon in the Beast’s bad books. However, his first attempt to beat and break Bourne goes badly awry when a couple of rowdy Australian soldiers join the fray and utterly humiliate the rogue Red Cap.

Bullies are notoriously patient, however, and Bacon’s turn comes at last when Lt. Thomas is found guilty. Charley and Weeper refuse to be part of the firing squad which executes him and are punished by military tribunal, leaving them at the Beast’s non-existent mercy. Enduring savage battlefield punishments including a uniquely cruel form of crucifixion, their suffering only ends when the base is strafed by German aircraft. With sentence served and Bacon gone, Charley is soon back in the trenches, just in time for the introduction of Tank Warfare to change the world forever. A fascinating aspect of the battle is highlighted here as the strip concentrates heavily upon German reaction to the innovation. The Central Powers considered the tank an atrocity weapon in just the same way modern soldiers do chemical and biological ones.

In the build-up to the Big Push, Charley is singled out by a new replacement. Unctuous Oliver Crawleigh is a cowardly spiv and petty criminal, but he’s also married to Charley’s sister Dolly. The chancer ignobly attaches himself to the young veteran like a leech, offering to pay Charley to either protect him or wound him some minor way which will get Oiley” safely back to Britain…

The next day the British Empire’s new landships make their terrifying debut with army infantry in close support. The effect on the Germans is astounding. In a ferociously gripping extended sequence, Mills & Colquhoun take readers inside the hellish iron leviathans as outraged Huns devote their manic utmost efforts into eradicating the titanic tin terrors. The carnage is unspeakable but soon Charley, Oiley and Smith Seventy are inside one of the lumbering behemoths, reluctantly replacing the dead crew of clearly deranged tank man Wild Eyes. The modern-day Captain Ahab drags them along for the ride, seeking a madman’s redemption for the loss of his pals, the slaughter of a town and destruction of a church…

In the quiet of the weary aftermath, Oiley deliberately puts his foot under a tank to “get a Blighty” (a wound sufficiently serous to be sent home) and attempts to bribe Charley into silence. The disgusted, exhausted teenager responds in typically cathartic manner. During this lull in the fighting, events on the German side see despised commoner and Eastern Front veteran Colonel Zeiss spurn his aristocratic Junker colleagues’ outdated notions, devising a new kind of Total Warfare to punish the British for their use of mechanised murder machines…

Charley, meanwhile, is wounded and his comrades celebrate the fact that he will soon be home safely. Naturally, things are never that simple and the callous indifference of the British army’s medical contingent – especially notorious “Doctor No” who never lets a man escape his duty – means any soldier still able to pull a trigger is sent back into battle.

Bourne returns just in time to meet the first wave of Zeiss’ merciless “Judgement Troops”, who storm British lines, slaughtering everyone – including German soldiers who get in the way – in a savage, no-holds-barred assault. The “Blitzkrieg tactics” overwhelm everything in their path. Charley and his mates reel from fresh horrors: battlefield executions, flamethrowers, experimental forms of poison gas, strafing by steel javelins and brutal, uncompromising hand-to-hand combat in their own overrun trenches before the bloody battle peters out indecisively…

Zeiss is subsequently cashiered by his own appalled superiors, but knows that one day his concepts of Blitzkrieg and Total War will become the norm…

Exhausted, battle-weary Charley is again injured, losing his identification in the process and returned eventually to England as a shell-shocked amnesiac. His mother undergoes slow torture as she receives telegrams declaring her son, missing, dead, found wounded and lost again…

Mills & Colquhoun now begin a masterful sequence that broke all the rules of war comic fiction; switching emphasis to the Home Front where Charley’s family mourn his apparent death, and work in the war industries. It’s at this time that German Zeppelin raids on British cities begin. Mills’ acerbic social criticism makes powerful use of history as our recovering boy soldier experiences the trials of submarine warfare, when the troop ship carrying him and Bill Tozer back to Blighty is torpedoed…

When their perilous North Sea odyssey at last brings Charley back to Silvertown in London’s West Ham, it is in the wake of a catastrophic disaster in which 50 tons of TNT detonate at a munitions factory, killing more than 70 workers and injuring a further 400. No longer comfortable around civilians and with no stomach for jingoistic nonsense of stay-at-homes or covert criminal endeavours of boastful “war-hero” (and secret looter) Oiley, Charley hangs out in pubs with the Sarge and reconnects with old soak/Crimean War survivor Blind Bob

London is under constant threat, not just from greedy munitions magnates who care more for profit than safety of their workers or even victory for their homeland, but also increasingly common aerial bombing raids which provoke mindless panic and destruction at the very heart of the British Empire.

Focus here divides as Charley’s days are contrasted with the zealous mission of devoted family man Kapitan Heinrich von Bergmann who leads his Zeppelin squadron in a carefully calculated night sortie against the hated English. When Blind Bill is evicted from his rooms, Charley invites him to stay with the Bournes and the beggar’s incredible hearing (coupled with the area’s quaint air-raid listening devices) provides enough warning to seal Bergmann’s doom, but not before the airman has rained tons of explosive death on the capital…

During the bombing, Charley discovers his mum is still toiling in the local munitions works. The exploitative owner has decided not to sound his air raid evacuation alarm as he has profits and contracts to consider. Charley is not happy and dashes to get her out…

This stunning collection ends with a sharp jab at dubious practices of British recruitment officers (who got bonuses for every volunteer they signed up) as Charley stops his extremely little brother Wilf from making the same mistake he did, and teaches the unscrupulous recruiter a much-deserved lesson…

To Be Continued…

Charley’s War is a highpoint in the narrative examination of the Great War through any artistic medium and exists as shining example of how good “Children’s Comics” can be. It is also one of the most powerful pieces of fiction ever produced for readers of any age.

I know of no anti-war story that is as gripping, as engaging and as engrossing, no strip that so successfully transcends its mass-market, popular culture roots to become a landmark of fictive brilliance. We can only thank our lucky stars that no Hollywood hack has made it a blockbuster which would inescapably undercut the tangibility of the “heroes” whilst debasing the message. There is nothing quite like it and you are diminished by not reading it.

Included in this volume are a full cover gallery and restored colour sections (reproduced in monochrome for earlier collections but vibrantly hued here to vivid effect) and writer Mills’ wonderfully informative chapter notes and commentary on the episodes. Not just a great war comic, Charley’s War is a highpoint in narrative examination of the Great War through any artistic medium. I won’t belabour plot, script or even the riveting authentic artistic depictions. I won’t praise the wonderful quality. I simply state if you read this you will get it, and if you don’t, you won’t.

Let’s all make ensure that it’s NOT all over by Christmas!
© 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985 & 2018 Rebellion Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved. Charley’s War is ™ & © Rebellion Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.

Spirou & Fantasio volume 21: The Prisoner of the Buddha

By André Franquin, Jidéhem & Greg, translated by Jerome Saincantin (Cinebook)
ISBN: 978-1-80044-135-4 (Album PB/Digital edition)

This book includes Discriminatory Content produced during less enlightened times.

Spirou (whose name translates as “squirrel”, “mischievous” and “lively kid” in the language of Walloons) was created by French cartoonist François Robert Velter – AKA Rob-Vel – for Belgian publisher Éditions Dupuis. The evergreen youngster in red was a response to the success of Hergé’s Tintin at rival outfit Casterman. In the beginning, the character Spirou was a plucky bellboy/lift operator employed by the Moustique Hotel (an in-joke reference to Dupuis’ premier periodical Le Moustique) whose improbable adventures with pet squirrel Spip evolved into astounding and often surreal comedy dramas.

The other red-headed boy adventurer debuted on April 21st 1938 in an 8-page tabloid magazine that bears his name to this day. Fronting a roster of new and licensed foreign strips – Fernand Dineur’s Les Aventures de Tif (latterly Tif et Tondu) and US newspaper imports Red Ryder, Brick Bradford and Superman – the now-legendary anthology Le Journal de Spirou expanded exponentially: adding Flemish-language edition Robbedoes on October 27th 1938, boosting page counts and adding action, fantasy and comedy features until it was an unassailable, unmissable necessity for continental kids.

Spirou and chums helmed the magazine for most of its life, with many notable creators building on Velter’s work, beginning with his wife Blanche “Davine” Dumoulin. She took over the strip when her husband enlisted in 1939, aided by Belgian artist Luc Lafnet until 1943, when Dupuis purchased all rights to the feature. Thereafter comic strip prodigy Joseph Gillain (“Jijé”) took over, until 1946 when his assistant André Franquin inherited the entire affair. Gradually, the new auteur retired traditional short gag vignettes in favour of longer adventure serials, introducing a wide returning cast. Ultimately, Franquin created his own milestone character. Phenomenally popular animal Marsupilami debuted in 1952’s Spirou et les héritiers and became a scene-stealing regular and eventually one of the most significant stars of European comics.

Jean-Claude Fournier succeeded Franquin: overhauling the feature over nine stirring serial adventures between 1969-1979 by tapping into a rebellious, relevant zeitgeist in tales of drug cartels, environmental concerns, nuclear energy and repressive regimes. By the 1980s, the series seemed stalled: three different creative teams alternated on the serial: Yves Chaland, Raoul Cauvin & Nic Broca and significantly Philippe Vandevelde writing as “Tome” & artist Jean-Richard Geurts – AKA Janry.

These last reverently referenced the revered and beloved Franquin era: reviving the feature’s fortunes over 14 wonderful albums between 1984-1998. On their departure the strip diversified into parallel strands: Spirou’s Childhood/Little Spirou and guest-creator specials A Spirou Story By…

Later teams and guests to tackle the wonder boys include Lewis Trondheim, Jean-Davide Morvan & Jose-Luis Munuera, Fabien Vehlmann & Yoann, Benoît Feroumont, Emile Bravo, Jul & Libon, Makyo, Toldac & Tehem, Guerrive, Abitan & Schwartz, Frank le Gall, Flix and so many more. By my count that brings the album count to approximately 92 if you include specials, spin-offs series and one-shots, official and otherwise. Happily, in recent years, even some of the older vintages have been reprinted in French, but there are still dozens that have not made it into English yet. Quelle sodding horreur!

Cinebook have been publishing Spirou & Fantasio’s exploits since October 2009, initially concentrating on bringing Tome & Janry’s superb pastiche/homages of Franquin before dipping into the original Franquin oeuvre and adding later tales by some of the bunch listed above, but for their 21st manic marvel they reached back all the way to 1959 for a purely Franquin-formulated furore. Originally serialised in LJdS #1048-1082 prior to its release as album Le prisonnier du Bouddha in March 1961, this slick tale of Cold War tensions, silly sci fi and outrageous satire sees the master in collaborative mode with Jidéhem (Jean De Mesmaeker) and Greg (Michel Regnier)…

On January 3rd 1924, Belgian comics superstar André Franquin was born in Etterbeek. Drawing from an early age, he began formal art training at École Saint-Luc in 1943. When the war forced the school’s closure a year later, Franquin found work at Brussels’ Compagnie Belge d’Animation as an animator. There he met future bande dessinée superstars Maurice de Bevere (Lucky Luke-creator “Morris”), Pierre Culliford/Peyo (creator of The Smurfs) and Eddy Paape (Valhardi, Luc Orient).

In 1945 everyone but Culliford signed on with Dupuis, and Franquin began his career as a jobbing cartoonist/illustrator. He produced covers for Le Moustique and scouting magazine Plein Jeu and, throughout those early days, was with Morris trained by Jijé. At that time main illustrator at Le Journal de Spirou, Jijé turned the youngsters and fellow neophyte Willy Maltaite – AKA Will (Tif et Tondu, Isabelle, Le jardin des désirs) – into a creative bullpen known as the La bande des quatre. This “Gang of Four” promptly revolutionised Belgian comics with their engaging “Marcinelle school” style of graphic storytelling.

Jijé handed Franquin all responsibilities for the flagship strip part-way through Spirou et la maison préfabriquée, (LJdS #427, June 20th 1946) and the eager beaver ran with it for two decades, enlarging the scope and horizons until it became purely his own. Almost every episode, fans would meet startling new characters like comrade/rival Fantasio or crackpot inventor The Count of Champignac.

Spirou & Fantasio became globe-trotting troubleshooting journalists, endlessly expanding their exploits in unbroken four-colour glory. They travelled to exotic places, uncovering crimes, capturing the fantastic and clashing with a coterie of extraordinary arch-enemies such as Zorglub and Zantafio. Along the way Franquin premiered one of the first strong female characters in European comics – competitor journalist Seccotine who is renamed Cellophine in current English translations.

In a splendid example of good practise, Franquin mentored his own apprentice cartoonists during the 1950s. These included Jean Roba (La Ribambelle, Boule et Bill), Jidéhem (Sophie, Starter, Gaston Lagaffe) and Greg (Bruno Brazil, Bernard Prince, Zig et Puce, Achille Talon), who all worked with him on Spirou et Fantasio. In 1955, a contractual spat with Dupuis led to Franquin signing up with rivals Casterman on Le Journal de Tintin, where he collaborated with René Goscinny and old pal Peyo whilst also creating raucous gag strip Modeste et Pompon. Franquin quickly patched things up with Dupuis and returned to LJdS, subsequently co-creating Gaston Lagaffe (AKA Gomer Goof) in 1957, but was still obliged to carry on those Casterman commitments too…

From 1959, writer Greg and background artist Jidéhem began regularly assisting Franquin, but by 1969 the master storyteller had reached his Spirou limit. He quit, taking his mystic yellow monkey with him…

His later creations include fantasy series Isabelle, illustration sequence Monsters and bleak adult conceptual series Idées Noires, but his greatest creation – and one he retained all rights to on his departure – was Marsupilami, which – in addition to comics – has become a megastar of screen, plush toy store, console and albums.

Plagued in later life by bouts of depression and cardiac problems, Franquin passed away on January 5th 1997, but his legacy remains: a vast body of work that reshaped the landscape of European comics.

Let’s review happier if undoubtedly scarier days here in a Cold War classic where Spirou and Fantasio revisit rural melting pot Champignac-in-the-Sticks after strangely losing touch with crackpot inventor and Merlin of mushroom mechanics Pacôme Hégésippe Adélard Ladislas de Champignac – the aforementioned Count of Champignac.

The idyllic hamlet is in turmoil with the incipient opening of this year’s Cattle Festival ramping up regular bucolic angst. Its picturesque streets are filled with self-determined cows and short-tempered farmers, meaning the two investigators really have to watch their steps…

Finding the ramshackle chateau turned into a super-secure fortress, the lads and Spip – in truth impatient, impolite Marsupilami – break into the once-familiar estate and discover it has become a wild kingdom of gigantic plants. Eventually rescued by their odd old friend from encroaching green hells, the boys are unaware the Count is concealing another guest – until

after many odd incidents they meet timid nuclear physicist, potential Soviet defector and fellow scientist of conscience Professor Nikolai Nikolayevitch Inovskiev. The hulking gentle giant has invented something that will change the world and doesn’t want its incredible power abused…

He calls his little box of tricks a Gamma Atomic Generator (GAG for short) and it can promote rapid and monstrous plant growth, create severe but localised weather effects and cancel gravity – and it fits into a jacket pocket…

As the boys endure an accidental indoor blizzard, two enemy agents observe from outside before being accidentally but painfully caught in the GAG’s destructive effects. Terrified of the device being misused by the capitalist West, they make plans to steal it back during the cattle show, but Spirou and Fantasio foil the scheme – but only after the GAG makes the farm fest a chaotic, never to be forgotten Fortean event for the entire village…

Thinking job done and world saved, our heroes are horrified to learn from the shellshocked spies that the GAG is not unique. In communist China, Inovskiev’s covert collaborator – American Harold W. Hailmary – is a prisoner of the People’s Republic and surely cannot hold out much longer in delivering them the magic box and all its secrets…

Coincidentally, at that moment in British-controlled Hong Kong, a smuggled message reaches the Chief of Police: an American is imprisoned somewhere in the heart of the Valley of the Seven Buddhas…

When dapper British agents Douglas and Harvey attempt to interview Champignac and the boys, they discover the missing Russian and implore them all to act in a manner Her Majesty’s Government would unofficially look kindly upon even as it turned a blind eye…

Soon, equipped with the GAG, Spirou, Fantasio, Spip and the Marsupilami are sneaking across the Chinese border and heading into one of the most eccentric and spectacular missions of their lives… one replete with deadly peril, fantastic feats, spectacular chases, tank battles and hairsbreadth escapes, all leavened with outrageous surreal slapstick and deviously trenchant satire…

This edgily exuberant yarn is packed with action, thrills and spills and also offers a remarkably even-handed appraisal of Cold War politics messaging and always-timely moral.

Readily accessible to readers of all ages and drawn with all the beguiling style and seductive wholesome élan which makes Asterix, Lucky Luke and Yakari so compelling, this is a truly outstanding – and funny! – tale from a long line of superb exploits, proving our heroes deserve to be English language household names as much as those series – and even that other kid with the white dog…
Original edition © Dupuis, 1960 by Franquin, Jidéhem & Greg. All rights reserved. English translation 2024 © Cinebook Ltd.

Deadpool Epic Collection volume 2: Mission Improbable (1994-1997)

By Joe Kelly, Ed McGuiness, Larry Hama, Christopher Golden, Jeph Loeb, Adam Pollina, Aaron Lopresti, Bernard Chang, Ben Herrera, Adam Kubert, Fabio Laguna, Kevin Lau, Pete Woods, Shannon Denton & John Fang & various (MARVEL)
ISBN: 978-1-84653-427-0 (TPB/Digital edition)

With a long, LONG awaited cinematic combo clash finally headed our way this summer and in the year a certain Canadian Canucklehead’s turns 50, expect a few cashing-in style commendations and reviews. Here’s a handy starter package to set the ball rolling…

Bloodthirsty and stylish killers and mercenaries have long made for popular protagonists: so much so they even have their own movie subgenre. Deadpool is Wade Wilson (a barely disguised knockoff of Slade Wilson/Deathstroke the Terminator: get over it – DC did): a hired killer and survivor of genetics experiments that has left him a scarred, grotesque bundle of scabs and physical unpleasantries but practically invulnerable and capable of regenerating from any wound.

The wisecracking high-tech “merc with a mouth” was created by Rob Liefeld & Fabian Nicieza, debuting in New Mutants #97, and apparently another product of the US/Canadian Weapon X project that had created Wolverine and so many other mutant and/or cyborg super-doers. He got his first shot at solo stardom with a couple of miniseries in 1993 (see previous volume) but it wasn’t until 1997 that he finally won his own title.

This collection spans cover-dates December 1994 – October 1997, compiling the increasingly funny, furiously fight-filled Deadpool #1-9 (plus issue minus 1) as well as Wolverine #88, X-Force #47 & 56 and combination release Daredevil & Deadpool Annual 1997, with excerpted material from Wolverine Annual ‘95: all-in-all a frenetic blend of light-hearted, surreal, frays, frolics and incisive, poignant relationship drama that is absolutely compulsive reading for dyed-in-the-wool superhero fans who might be feeling just a little jaded with four-colour overload. For the sake of completeness, also included are pertinent snippets from X-Force #46, 71, 73 & 76…

Preceded by an Introduction from Joe Kelly, the cartoon violence kicks off with the First Official MU Meeting of its most stabby stalwarts. ‘It’s D-D-Deadpool, Folks!’ (by Larry Hama, Adam Kubert, Fabio Laguna & Mark Farmer) was December 1994’s Wolverine #88 wherein Wade is hunting his former girlfriend Vanessa AKA Copycat. Sadly, he’s looking in the same apartment severely-wounded X-Man Logan is searching for traces of equally missing cyborg (and Alpha Flight ally) Garrison Kane who was at that time calling himself “Weapon X”. In minted Marvel Manner, the misunderstanding leads to major violence and mass healing factor deployment…

The fractious relationship was renewed in a short from Wolverine Annual ’95 wherein Chris Golden, Ben Herrera &Vince Russell reveal ‘What the Cat Dragged In’ when Wolverine -seeking a cure for dying comrade Maverick (infected with the Legacy Virus) – accidentally liberates Wilson from a bio-lab where evil Dr. Westergaard and Slayback hold him captive. The villains wants to duplicate healing factors and soon pay heavily for their lack of ethics…

A slice of X-Force #46 and full load from #47#s ‘Breakout’ (September & October 1995 by Jeph Loeb, Adam Pollina & Mark Pennington) focuses on Deadpool’s ill-advised relationship with X-teen Siryn (Theresa Maeve Rourke Cassidy) who against her better judgement calls on the smitten merc to free her from an extremely unsafe asylum: The Weissman Institute. That bloody rescue only confirms that it’s not only the lunatics in charge of this nuthatch and in the melee mutant forces clash and Wade takes up involuntary residence…

He’s stuck there for a very long time and only let loose in ‘Crazy for You’ (X-Force #56, July 1996, by Loeb, Pollina, Bud LaRosa & Mark Morales) when mind-wiped Theresa regains lost memories and goes back to get him with teammate Shatterstar in tow. Once the true mastermind is exposed everyone makes for the exits in advance of the next big change…

Preceded by a mini-gallery of Ed McGuinness covers, at last, inevitably Deadpool claimed his own title. A new era began with extra-sized spectacular ‘Hey, It’s Deadpool!’ as Joe Kelly, McGuiness, Nathan Massengill & Norman Lee re-introduced the mouthy maniac, his “office” and “co-workers” at the Hellhouse where he picked up his contracts and also afforded us a glimpse at his private life in San Francisco. Here he has a house and keeps an old, blind lady a permanent hostage. This was never going to be your average superhero title but the creators fully leaned into the outrageous…

The insane action part of the tale comes from the South Pole where the Canadian government has a super-secret gamma weapon project going: guarded by Alpha Flight strongman Sasquatch. Now somebody is paying good money to have it destroyed, but nothing goes quite to plan…

In #2 ‘Operation: Rescue Weasel or That Wacky Doctor’s Game!’ finds the slightly gamma-irradiated hitman still mooning over lost love Siryn (I cannot emphasise this enough: the barely legal mutant hottie from X-Force) when his only friend/tech support guy Weasel goes missing, snatched by ninjas working for super-villain Taskmaster – and just when Deadpool’s healing ability is on the fritz. Deadpool #3’s ‘Stumped! Or This Little Piggie Went… Hey! Where’s the Piggy?!’ ramps up the screwball comedy quotient as Siryn convinces the merciless merc to turn his life around, which he’ll try just as soon as he tortures and slowly kills the doctor who first experimented on him all those years ago…

The turnabout storyline continues in ‘Why Is It, to Save Me, I Must Kill You?’ featuring a hysterically harrowing segment where Wilson must get a blood sample from The Incredible Hulk, before concluding in #5’s ‘The Doctor is Skinned!’ …or The End of Our First Story Arc’, wherein T-Ray – his biggest rival at Hellhouse – moves to become the company “top gun”…

Another extended story arc opens with Deadpool #6 and ‘Man, Check Out the Head on that Chick!’ as the gun (sword, grenade, knife, garrotte, spoon…) for hire accepts a contract to spring a woman from a mental asylum. Of course it’s never cut-and-dried in Wade’s World, and said patient is guarded by distressingly peculiar villainess The Vamp (who old-timers will recall changes into a giant, hairy naked telepathic cave-MAN when provoked …cue poor taste jokes by the dozen…).

The saga is briefly paused for a looming publishing event. Flashback was a company-wide publishing event wherein Marvel Stars shared an untold tale from their past, with each issue that month being numbered # -1. Deadpool’s contribution was a darker than usual tale from Kelly, Aaron Lopresti & Rachel Dodson, focusing on para-dimensional expediter Zoe Culloden. She’s a behind the scenes manipulator who has been tweaking Wilson’s life for years. ‘Paradigm Lost’ looks at formative moments from the hitman’s history and possibly reveals the moment when – if ever – the manic murderer started to become a better man…

Back at the plot (and with extra inking support from Chris Lichtner), it just gets worse in ‘Typhoid… It Ain’t Just Fer Cattle Any More or Head Trips’ as that captive chick turns out to be murderous multiple personality psycho-killer Typhoid Mary. Her seductive mind-tricks ensnare Deadpool, dragging him into conflict against the Man Without Fear in a closing episode mad-housed in Daredevil & Deadpool Annual 1997’s ‘Whomsoever Fights Monsters…’

Sadly, Typhoid isn’t easy to get rid of and Deadpool #8 (Kelly, Pete Woods, McGuiness, Shannon Denton, John Fang, Massengill & Lee) sees her still making things difficult for Wade in ‘We Don’t Need another Hero…’ with the merc forced to confront true madness… or is that True Evil?

It’s a return to lighter, but certainly no less traumatic, fare for final complete entry ‘Ssshhhhhhhhhh! or Heroes Reburned’ (with ancillary pencils by Denton) as Deadpool reclaims his pre-eminent position at Hellhouse just in time to be suckered into a psychological ambush by utterly koo-koo villain Deathtrap – clearly another huge fan of Tex Avery and Chuck Jones’ greatest hits…

Wrapping up the storytelling portion are pertinent moments from X-Force #71, 73 & 76, as crafted by John Francis Moore, Pollina, Andy Smith, Mike S. Miller, Morales, Mark Prudeaux, Rich Perrota, Walden Wong, Scott Hanna & Sean Parsons. Here dangling plot threads are addressed as Wade makes his peace with Siryn (or thinks he does) and fellow merc Domino hires out to insane assassin Arcade… with big trouble brewing for a later date…

Slowing the pace and closing this particular red ledger is a flurry of bonus features beginning with ‘Deadpool Behind the Scenes’ by Matt Idelson & Chris Carroll: outlining the creative process via ‘The Story’, ‘The Cover’, ‘If at First You Don’t Succeed…’

Next are ‘Character Design’, excerpted letters pages ‘Deadlines’; ‘Behind the Scenes: Daredevil/Deadpool ‘97’ and Behind the Scenes: Deadpool #6, 7 & 9’ from concept to finished art, and closing with articles and poster art from promo magazine Marvel Visions #12, plus house ads, trading card art (18 images by 21 different artists), even more posters and covers to earlier collected graphic novels.

Although staying close to the X-franchise that spawned him, Deadpool was always a welcome counterpoint to the constant sturm und drang of his Marvel contemporaries: weird, wise-cracking, and profoundly absurd on a satisfyingly satirical level. Now he’s bigger than God – Graeco-Roman ones at least – this titanic tome could serve as a great reintroduction to comics for fans who thought they had outgrown the fights ‘n’ tights crowd and a must have bible for film fans looking to get their funnybook freak on.
© 2022 MARVEL.

Deadpool Corps volumes 1 & 2: Pool-Pocalypse Now and You Say You Want a Revolution

By Victor Gischler, Rob Liefeld, Marat Mychaels, Adelso Corona, Jaime Mendoza, Cory Hamscher, Matt Yackey & various (MARVEL)
ISBN: 978-0-7851-4825-8 (v1 TPB/Digital edition): 978-0-7851-4827-2 (v2 TPB/Digital edition)

These books include Discriminatory Content included for dramatic effect.

Stylish killers and mercenaries craving more than money have long been popular fictional protagonists, and light-hearted, exuberant bloodbath comics always find an appreciative audience so in anticipation of a certain movie mash up let’s look again at what those tendencies can lead to…

Deadpool is Wade Wilson : an inveterate, unrepentant hired killer who survived cancer and rogue experiments that left him a grotesque bundle of scabs, scars and physical abnormalities as well as practically immortal, invulnerable and capable of regenerating from any wound.

He is also a certifiable loon…

The wisecracking high-tech “Merc with a Mouth” was created by Rob Liefeld & Fabian Nicieza, for New Mutants #97: another product of the Weapon X project which created Wolverine, Garrison Kane and many more mutant/cyborg super-doers. Wade got his first shot at solo stardom with a brace of miniseries in 1993 (Deadpool: the Circle Chase & Sins of the Past) but it wasn’t until 1997 that he finally won his own title, which increasingly blended fourth-wall-busting absurdist humour (a la Ambush Bug and Warner Brothers cartoons) into the mix and secured his place in Marvel’s top rank.

Since then he has become one of Marvel’s iconic, nigh-inescapable characters, perennially undergoing radical rethinks, identity changes, reboots and more before always – inevitably – reverting and resetting to irascible, irreverent, intoxicating type in the end…

Here, following events too ludicrous to mention, Wilson has linked up with a quartet of alternate Deadpools from very different alternate Earths and formed the strangest team in Marvel’s history (and yes, that includes The Pet Avengers).

Collecting Deadpool Corps #1-6 (June-November 2010) manic mayhem begins in 6-part saga Pool-Pocalyse as ‘Disrespect Your Elders’ by Victor Gischler, penciller Liefeld and inker Adelso Corona sees new comrades Wilson, strikingly buxom Lady Deadpool, errant pre-teen killer bad boy Kidpool, floating masked cranium from Marvel’s Zombiverse Headpool and a costumed mutt answering to Dogpool (or sometimes “Cujo”) hired by an Elder of the Universe. Disturbingly, The Contemplator needs them to expunge a horrific threat to creation…

From a universe preceding our Big Bang one, an unstoppable force that absorbs intelligence has manifested. Thousands if not millions of planets have succumbed to the power of The Awareness, all their sentience and independence subsumed into a slavish nullity. Protected as they are by innate, intrinsic imbecility, Contemplator tells these Deadpools to go kill it…

In a bit of a dudgeon over their selection is another Elder. The Champion is the mightiest physical specimen in existence and feels the honour of saving universal intellect should be his, but although he’s no big brain either, he just isn’t in the Wilson squad’s league…

Whizzing across the cosmos in the super ship Bea Arthur with plenty of pit-stops in the skeeviest bars, cantinas and dives for information and violent recreation, the team soon confront and readily outwit their brawny rival…

Forced to take a different tack, Champion teams up with fellow Elder The Gardener to remove his insufferable rivals, but is utterly astounded by their response. Somehow elected their leader, “Championpool” readies himself for glorious combat before again finding himself humiliatingly outsmarted by the Terran morons and stranded on a dead-end world whilst they fly off to reap all the glory…

Tracking the threat involves going undercover, drinking, beating up lots of aliens, shopping and even colluding and cohabiting with legendary star smuggler The Broken Blade, but eventually they near the end of their quest…

More a superb succession of sharp gags than a plot, the adventure follows the Crazy Corps as they bumble and smart-mouth their way across the universe until finally confronting The Awareness and despite – or rather because of – their uniquely skewed mentalities, triumph in the strangest way possible…

Rewarded with wishing rings by the exultant Contemplator, the Silly Squad stay in space where this initial compilation concludes with the bombastic ballad of ‘The Blue Buccaneer’ (illustrated by Marat Mychaels & Jaime Mendoza).

Trading on their intergalactic reputation as badasses-for-hire, the Deadpool Corps accept a commission to wipe out a pirate band wrecking interstellar commerce, necessitating Lady Deadpool going undercover in the most shocking – to her at least – of disguises, uncovering the most unexpected of old acquaintances leading the perilous privateers…

Surreal, wickedly irreverent and excessively violent in the grand Bugs Bunny/Road Runner tradition, Deadpool Corps is frat boy foolish and frequently laugh-out-loud spit-take funny: a wonderfully antidote to cosmic angst and emotional Sturm und Drang of most contemporary Fights ‘n’ Tights comics.

The saga continues in sequel volume You Say You Want a Revolution with Wade still working in unison with four Deadpools from very different parallel Earths. The bizarre concatenation of circumstances resulting in Deadpool & Co saving creation from the sentience-sucking Awareness led to them scoring a starship and set of one-use only wishing rings. Now they’re having so much fun and don’t want to go home, but as card-carrying mercenaries these unlikely champions realise you can never have enough spending money either…

Collecting Deadpool Corps #7-12 (December 2010-May 2011 by Gischler, pencillers Liefeld & Mychaels with inkers Adelso Corona & Cory Hamscher) the mayhem continues with a wickedly cruel and potently justified spoof of blockbuster movie Avatar. Framed through insanely clever fiddling with the narrative technique of flashbacks, the story sees the carnival of killer fools accepting a huge commission from the vast and unscrupulous Omega Confederation.

Paradise planet Kagan 7 is a beautiful wonderland of flora and fauna inhabited – or possibly safeguarded – by deeply spiritual, jungle-dwelling, blue-skinned warrior-race the Krook. Sadly, to cost-effectively access the planet’s mineral wealth, the Confederation had to enslave the Krook and make them miners. Now the ungrateful sods are rebelling and demanding their planet back so the Omega Board would like somebody to go and quietly remove all the ringleaders so the peons can get back to digging up all that lovely platinum…

Taking out an alien legion of mercs hired by the rebels is no problem, but the natives themselves – especially the extremely hot daughter of their bombastic king – proves too much for the Crazy Corps. Soon they are desperately bargaining for their own lives…

Said deal boils down to the Deadpools switching sides and running the revolution against the Confederation. The murderers from a multiplicity of Earths have no qualms about turning turncoat: the problems only occur after Wade starts boinking mercilessly manipulative Princess Teela, who also convinces her highly sceptical dad that to survive as an independent free world, their unspoiled Arcadian Eden needs to modernise and commercialise…

Wade’s thinking something reserved and classy, properly in tune with the environment: Hospitals, swish eateries, a complex of skyscraper hotels, spa resorts and golf courses: y’know, kind of like Las Vegas in space…

As Deadpool commences a crass telethon campaign to raise galactic awareness of the Krooks’ plight, from across the universe a tsunami of tree-huggers converge on the endangered paradise to support the latest cause celébre. Elsewhere, the Omega Confederation board decide something nasty needs to be done to the contractors who took their cash and failed to deliver. On Kagan 7, so many donations come in that the Imperial Senate recognises the new world: inducting it into the Galactic Economic Community. The first part of that procedure is to set up a Central Bank of Krook and advance several thousand tons of gold so the latest member of the club can suitably set up a proper trading profile…

Wade is so stunned with loot-shock he doesn’t even notice when Omega death-squads start shooting. Luckily, old girlfriend/legendary arms-smuggler The Broken Blade arrives to save they day whilst stocking the newborn world’s defences with her latest super-ordinance.

She’s a little less than ecstatic when she learns Wade’s been making time with a plush and primitive princess…

The social evolution of the Krook isn’t going smoothly either. Whilst Teela ruthlessly embraces everything flashy, sparkly, new and civilised, dear old dad just wants his world back the way it was before all the outworlders came. Soon father and daughter are spearheading two separate armies in a savage civil war – beamed live into quintillions of homes all over known space – and the Deadpool Corps have picked opposing sides to help keep the slaughter quotient high.

All poor Wade can think about, however, is several thousand tons of gold just waiting to be salvaged and taken back to Earth… And in the background the Omega Confederation are still looking at ways to take back their mining operation and kill everybody who defied them…

Displaying with extreme clarity how the cure can be worse than the disease, the last hurrah of the Deadpool Corps blends a minimum of plot with an overabundance of edgy gags, snappy one-liners, shtick, shlock and slapstick as the trans-dimensional terrorisers bumble, fumble stumble and smart-mouth their way across the galaxy and over a mountain of oddly-shaped corpses until finally they at last go their separate ways…

Surreal, wickedly irreverent and excessively is perfect counterattack to po-faced heroic tales and holds the secret of keeping you amused until the next movie milestone comes on line.
© 2010, 2011 Marvel Characters, Inc. All rights reserved.

Sidney Smith’s The Gumps

By Sidney Smith, edited and compiled by Herb Galewitz (Charles Scribner’s Sons)
ISBN: 978-0-68413-997-5 (HB)

This book includes Discriminatory Content produced during less enlightened times.

There are so many milestones of the art of comics that new or casual readers can’t enjoy these days. The literary pioneer celebrated in this book is probably the most important of all 20th century US cartoonists, but other than this rare-as-hen’s-teeth tome and a single Library of American Comics Essentials collection (The Saga of Mary Gold) there’s precious little to be seen of his greatest invention – in English at least. Chances are you’ve never heard of him, but Robert Sidney Smith (February 13th 1877 – October 20th 1935) is arguably the most influential creator in the history of popular entertainment. A pretty big claim, I admit, but true nonetheless.

Smith was a pioneer of narrative continuity and the most successful early cartoonist to move the medium on from situational, gag-a-day variations on a character (a style dominant again today) to build with his avid audience an ongoing relationship based on character development and story progress. The Gumps grew from a notion expressed by influential comic strip Svengali Joseph Medill Patterson – Editor and Publisher of the Chicago Tribune – who shaped the development of such iconic institutions as Little Orphan Annie, Gasoline Alley, Dick Tracy, Terry and the Pirates and so many more. He handed his idea to Smith to make magic with…

The ongoing saga of a middle class American family began in 1917 and ran for 42 years, inviting readers to share the largely comedic tribulations of chinless wonder Andy Gump, his formidable wife Minerva, son Chester, cat Hope, dog Buck and fearsome Tilda, the family’s aging cook, housemaid, gadfly and critic

Andy was a regular guy: a blowhard with lots of schemes to make his fortune, Min was shrewish and nagging, the boys were troublesome and Tilda was a nosy tartar and the already infinite plot well of their domestic set-up sporadically drifted into thrilling adventure and flights of fancy whenever eccentric, two-fisted globetrotting millionaire Uncle Bim paid a visit…

It sounds hackneyed now, but that’s because The Gumps literally wrote the book on what daily story narratives should be: a lot of laughs, plenty of vicarious judgement, an occasional tragedy, oodles of long-drawn out tension and archetypal characters every reader recognised if not actually identified with…

Having enticed and beguiled a nation, The Gumps was one of the earliest strips to make the jump to celluloid. More than four dozen Universal Pictures 2-reel comedies were released between 1923 and 1928 starring Joe Murphy as the gormless patriarch. These followed 50 or more animated cartoons first seen between in 1920 and 1921, produced and directed by Wallace A. Carlson with scripts credited to Smith.

The Gumps was an early sensation of radio (1931-1937), paving the way for all later family soap operas which mimicked its irresistible format. Most importantly, as the strip progressed, its rocketing popularity became a key driver in the rise of comics syndication. Eventually Sidney Smith’s baby was seen across America and the world and he became one of the most highly-paid artists in the history of the medium. His salary was enormous and kept rising, as the grateful Patterson constantly rewarded him with some new extravagance to show his gratitude. The legend goes that racing-mad speed-freak Smith was driving his latest luxury Rolls Royce when he died in a smash-up in 1935…

After his shocking death, Patterson parachuted in sports cartoonist Gus Edson: a creditable replacement but ultimately unable to recapture the indefinable pizzazz of the originator. Whether it was something unique to Smith or simply that times and tastes were changing will never be known. Readership declined steadily but it took decades before the feature finally folded on October 17th 1959, by which time less than 20 papers carried it.

There will probably never be a comprehensive or complete Gumps archival collection. The spiky but compelling art is still manically wonderful and most of the gags remain well-conceived and effective, but the real problem is the pacing and verbosity of the text in the panels. Smith was writing and drawing a whole new way to tell stories and had to be sure the majority of his audience were with him. For most modern readers – blessed with a 100+ years of progress – much of the material might seem interminably slow. Not so back then: many of Smith’s boldest innovations caused uproar and shock on a periodic basis…

This sterling and scholarly monochrome landscape tome from 1974 still pops up now and again, offering the best of all possible worlds; extracting salient snippets, events and extracts from key storylines whilst providing fascinating commentary and context where necessary.

On Thursday February 8th 1917 Sidney Smith’s funny animal strip Old Doc Yak ended with the sagacious ruminant moving out of their house and wondering who the next tenants might be. The following Monday – February 12th – the doors opened on the Gump clan. The magic started strong and just kept on going…

Packed with photos and plenty of astonishing facts, Herb Galewitz’s ‘Introduction’ offers the run-down on the strip and its creator whilst also providing a glimpse at the star in the making through ‘Sidney Smith’s Sports Cartoons’. Also revealed are ‘The Last Old Doc Yak’ strip and a handy pictorial introduction to the incoming cast before ‘The Early Years: 1917-20’ sees the stories begin to unfold…

Scenes of wedded bliss and domestic contention abound as Andy & Min contend with household chores, wayward furnaces, gardening, child-rearing and each other. As ticked off as they ever got, the happy marrieds seldom let adversarial moments linger or fester…

‘Andy On Vacation – 1922’ shows our hero’s take on bucolic pastimes like fishing, hiking and cooking after he and Min take separate holidays. Andy finds himself at a lakeside cabin with the least welcoming couple in history. Mr. Gump doesn’t mind: it takes all sorts and he’s willing to be accommodating…

The satire cup overflows when the pontificating prawn then enters politics. ‘Andy Runs for Congress – 1922’ proffers plenty of scope for character assassination, skulduggery and corrupt shenanigans before all the votes are finally cast and counted…

The Gumps truly hit its peak after moving wholeheartedly into melodrama, as with ‘The Vindication of Tom Carr – 1929’, wherein romantic regular Mary Gold’s one true love was wrongfully convicted of robbery. Smith sagely portrayed the trial through daily bulletins which built tension and sympathy in equal amounts. When the travesty of justice saw the real culprit rapaciously move in on Mary, the aroused assembled readership was aghast and astoundingly vocal in their protests…

They went absolutely crazy when the vile predator’s machinations led shockingly to ‘The Death of Mary Gold – 1929’. The story even moved from the comics section to Front Page as readers registered their disapproval. Circulation of papers carrying The Gumps skyrocketed…

Uncle Bim was an exotic semi-regular whose appearances always caused sparks. His lonely years of prospecting and wealth-gathering looked likely to end when he met Millie De Stross but her social-climbing mother had other ideas. These brought her to near-ruin after the gullible old lady encountered unscrupulous embezzler/conman Townsend Zander who masqueraded as royalty in ‘The Count Bessford Affair – 1933’

With Mama firmly in the crook’s pocket, the scoundrel demanded marriage to Millie as part of his pay-off. When that went wrong he resorted to kidnap and blackmail. Audiences were breathless and terrified. Their favourite funny page feature had a track record of letting good guys suffer and killing off heroines…

When ‘The Disappearance of Uncle Bim – 1933’ was finally resolved, the distraught millionaire rushed his intended to the altar, but Zander had one last card to play, resulting in ‘A Foiled Wedding! – 1934’

The villain’s outrageous claim to have already wed Millie led to courtroom drama and ‘A Legal Hassle! – 1934’, allowing reprehensible, haughty Mama De Stross to sue Bim for his fortune, so Andy took the beleaguered suitor to his old holiday haunt for ‘An Interlude at Shady Rest – 1934’

Batteries fully recharged, the irrepressible Gumps returned to the fray to finally outwit Mrs. De Stross and defeat Zander, resulting in a long-delayed happy ending (of sorts) with ‘Bim and Millie, United at Last – 1934’. Of course that meant the newlyweds had to cope with ‘Mama De Stross, Mother In Law – 1934’

These too-brief tastes of Smith’s amazing graphic narrative achievements are supplemented by a selection of shorter vignettes such as a glimpse at the unique service of housemaid ‘Tilda’ and the wiles of child prodigy ‘Chester Gump’ as well as a peek at the efforts of his successor in Gus Edson’s The Gumps. Also included is an appreciation of Smith’s gag-panel, uncomfortably displaying the “oriental wisdom” of ‘Ching Chow’. Although disquieting to modern eyes, this philosophy-spouting comedy “Chinaman” first appeared on January 27th 1927 and also carried on after Smith’s death, initially rendered by Stanley Link. Regarded as an irreplaceable cartoon “fortune cookie” by countless editors, the panel was crafted by a succession of creators and ran until June 4th 1990 (!!), outliving The Gumps by almost 40 years…

The examples seen here are counterbalanced by a ‘Comparison of Chester Gump and Stanley Link’s Tiny Tim and followed by a photo-feature ‘Miscellany’ displaying a wide range of Gumps books and merchandise to end this cartoon celebration…

Studious and genuinely enticing for students of comics and anybody interested in the evolution of soap operas and sitcoms, this book provides insight and a fascinating visual tour of a phenomenon and world we’ve mostly outgrown, but one still worth celebrating and commemorating.
© 1974 The Chicago Tribune/N.Y. News Syndicate Inc. All rights reserved.

TinTin’s Moon Adventure/Tintin on the Moon/Adventures of Tintin: Destination Moon & Explorers on the Moon

By Hergé, Bob De Moors and others, translated by Leslie Lonsdale-Cooper & Michael Turner (Egmont UK/Farshore)
ISBN: 978-1-40520-815-4 (HB Destination) 978-1-40520-627-3 (TPB Destination)
ISBN: 978-1-40520-816-1 (HB Explorers) 978-1-40520-628-0 (TPB Explorers) Tintin’s Moon Adventure (Magnet/Methuen) ISBN: 978-0-41696-710-4 (TPB)
Tintin on the Moon (Egmont) ISBN: 978-1405295901 (HB)

This book includes Discriminatory Content produced during less enlightened times.

Georges Prosper Remi, known all over the world as Hergé, created a true masterpiece of graphic literature with his tales of a plucky boy reporter and entourage of iconic associates. Initially singly and later with stellar assistants including Edgar P. Jacobs, Bob de Moor and the Hergé Studio, Remi completed 23 splendid volumes (originally produced as episodic instalments for numerous periodicals) which have grown beyond their popular culture roots and attained the status of High Art.

Like Dickens with The Mystery of Edwin Drood, Hergé died working, so final outing Tintin and Alph-Art remains a tale without an official conclusion, but is still a fascinating examination and a pictorial memorial of how the artist worked. It’s only fair though, to ascribe a substantial proportion of credit to the many translators whose diligent contributions have enabled the series to be understood and beloved in more than 70 languages. The subtle, canny, witty and slyly funny English versions are the work of Leslie Lonsdale-Cooper & Michael Turner.

On leaving school in 1925, Remi worked for Catholic newspaper Le XXe Siècle where he apparently fell under the influence of its Svengali-like editor Abbot Norbert Wallez. The following year, the young artist (himself a dedicated boy scout) produced his first strip series – The Adventures of Totor – for monthly Boy Scouts of Belgium magazine. By 1928, he was in charge of producing the contents of Le XXe Siècle’s children’s weekly supplement Le Petit Vingtiéme. Remi was unhappily illustrating The Adventures of Flup, Nènesse and Poussette and Cochonette (written by a staff sports reporter) when Wallez urged the auteur to create an entirely new adventure series. Perhaps a young reporter who would travel the world, doing good whilst displaying solid Catholic values and virtues? Perhaps he might also highlight and expose some of the Faith’s greatest enemies and threats?

Having recently discovered word balloons in imported newspaper strips, Remi opted to incorporate this simple yet effective innovation into his own work, and produced a strip that was both modern and action-packed. Beginning on January 10th 1929, Tintin au pays des Soviets AKA Tintin in the Land of the Soviets changed the comics world. Happy 95th Anniversary, Young Man!

The strip appeared in weekly instalments in Le Petit Vingtiéme, running until May 8th 1930: meaning Tintin remains one of the very first globally successful strip characters, barely preceded by Tarzan and Buck Rogers (both January 7th 1929) and pipping Popeye who only shambled into view on January 17th of that year…

The boy-hero – a combination of Ideal Good Scout and Remi’s own brother Paul (a soldier in the Belgian Army) – would be accompanied by his dog Milou (Snowy to us English speakers) and report back all the inequities from the “Godless Russias”. The strip’s prime conceit was that Tintin was an actual foreign correspondent for Le Petit Vingtiéme and opens with the pair arriving in Russia. The dog and his boy were constantly subject to attacks and tricks by “the Soviets” to prevent the truth of their failed economic progress, specious popular support and wicked global aspirations being revealed to the Free World.

Some of the history beyond that first epic trek is quite dark: During the Nazi Occupation of Belgium, Le Vingtiéme Siècle was closed down and Hergé was compelled to transfer the strip to daily newspaper Le Soir (Brussels’ most prominent French-language periodical, and thus appropriated and controlled by the Nazis). Remi diligently toiled on for the duration, but following Belgium’s liberation was accused of collaboration and being a Nazi sympathiser.

It took the intervention of Belgian Resistance war-hero Raymond Leblanc to dispel the cloud over Hergé, which he did by resolutely vouching for the cartoonist and providing cash to create a new magazine – Le Journal de Tintin – which Leblanc published and managed.

The anthology swiftly achieved a weekly circulation in the hundreds of thousands and enabled the artist and his team to remaster past tales: excising material dictated by and added to ideologically shade war time adventures, as well as generally improving and updating great tales that were about to become a global phenomenon. With WWII over and his reputation restored, Hergé entered the most successful period of his career. He had mastered his storytelling craft, commanded a dedicated audience eager for his every effort and was finally able to say exactly what he wanted in his work, free from fear or censure.

In 1949 he returned to unfinished yarn Tintin au pays de l’or noir – abandoned when the Nazis invaded Belgium. The story had been commissioned by Le Vingtiéme Siècle, running from 28th September 1939 until 8th May 1940 when the paper was shut down. Set on the eve of a European war, the plot revolved around Tintin hunting seditionists and saboteurs tampering with Middle East oil supplies. Before being convinced to update and complete the tale as Land of Black Gold, Hergé briefly toyed with taking his cast into space…

Collected albums Objectif Lune and On a marché sur la Lune were colossal hits after initial serialisation in LJdT  from 30th March 1950 – 7th September 1950  and – after what must have been an intolerable wait for readers – from 29th October 1952 – 29th December 1953.

The tale was produced after discussions between Hergé and his friends Bernard Heuvelmans (scientist, author and father of pseudo-science Cryptozoology) and Jacques Van Melkebeke (AKA George Jacquet: strip scripter, painter, journalist and frequent if unacknowledged contributor to Tintin’s canon). The sci fi epic which became a 2-volume masterpiece first made the leap to English in 1959.

On a personal note: I first read Destination Moon in 1964, in a huge hardcover album edition (as they all were in the 1960s) and was blown completely away. I’m happy to say that except for the smaller pages – and there’s never a substitute for “pictorial Big-ness” – this taut thriller and its magnificent, mind-boggling sequel are still in a class of their own in the annals of science fiction comic strips. During the 1980s the entire tale was (repeatedly) released in a combined tome as Tintin’s Moon Adventure: an utterly inescapable piece of publishing common sense. It’s just a shame that it – and all the other the Tintin books – are still not available in digital editions…

Our tale opens with the indomitable boy reporter and Captain Haddock returning to ancestral pile Marlinspike Hall only to discover brilliant but “difficult” savant Professor Cuthbert Calculus has disappeared. When an enigmatic telegram arrives, the puzzled pair are off once again to Syldavia (as seen in King Ottokar’s Sceptre) and a rendezvous with the missing boffin…

Although suspicious, Tintin soon finds the secrecy is for sound reasons. In Syldavia, Calculus and an international team of researchers, engineers and technologists are completing a grand project to put a man on the Moon! In a turbulent race against time and amidst a huge and all-encompassing security clampdown, the scheme nears completion, but Tintin and Haddock’s arrival coincides with a worrying increase in espionage activity.

Some enemy nation or agency is determined to steal the secrets of Calculus’s groundbreaking atomic motor at any cost, and it takes all Tintin’s ingenuity to keep ahead of the villains. The arrival of detectives Thompson and Thomson adds nothing to the aura of anxiety but their bumbling investigations and Calculus’ brief bout of concussion-induced amnesia provide some of the funniest moments in comics history…

As devious incidents and occurrences of sabotage increase in intensity and frequency it becomes clear that there is a traitor inside the project, but at last the moment arrives and Tintin, Haddock, Calculus, technologist Dr. Frank Wolff (and Snowy) blast off for space!

Cold, clinical and superbly underplayed, Destination Moon is completely unlike the flash-and-dazzle razzamatazz of British or American tales from that period – or since. It is as if the burgeoning Cold War mentality of the era infected even Tintin’s bright clean world. Moreover, as before, pressure of work and Hergé’s troubled private life resulted in a breakdown and forced hiatus in the serial, but this time some of that darkness transferred to the material – although it only seems to have added to the overall effect of claustrophobia and paranoia. Even comedy set-pieces are more manic and explosive: despite its fantastic premise, in many ways this is the most mature of all Tintin’s exploits…

Presumably to offset the pressures, the master founded Studio Hergé, beginning on 6th April 1950: a public company to produce The Adventures of Tintin as well other features, with Bob De Moor enthroned as chief apprentice. He became a vital component of Tintin’s gradual domination of the book market: frequently despatched on visual fact-finding missions. De Moor revised the backgrounds of The Black Island for a British edition, repeating the task for a definitive 1971 release of Land of Black Gold. An invaluable and permanent addition to the production team, De Moor supervised and administrated while filling in backgrounds and, most notably, rendering those unforgettably eerie, magnificent Lunar landscapes of the sequel volume.

If the first book is an exercise in tension and suspense, Explorers on the Moon is sheer bravura spectacle. En route to Luna the explorers discover the idiot detectives have stowed away by accident. In conjunction with Captain Haddock’s illicit whisky imbibing and the effects of freefall, Thompson & Thomson provide brilliant comedy routines to balance the pervasive isolation and dramatic dangers of the journey.

Against all odds the lunanauts land safely and make astounding scientific discoveries. We Boomers knew decades ago that there was water on the moon because Tintin and Snowy went skating there! However, the explorations are cut short due to the imminent threat of suffocation after the discovery of another extra passengers on the rocket. Moreover, lurking in the shadows is the very real threat of a murderous traitor to be dealt with…

This so-modern yarn is a high point in the entire Tintin canon, blending heroism and drama with genuine moments of irresistible emotion… and side-splitting comedy. The absolute best of the bunch in my humble opinion, and still one of the most realistic and accurately depicted space comics ever produced. If you only ever read one Hergé saga it simply must be the translunar Adventure of Tintin.
Destination Moon: artwork © 1953, 1959, 1981 Editions Casterman, Paris & Tournai. Text © 1959 Egmont UK Limited. All Rights Reserved. Explorers on the Moon: artwork © 1954, 1959, 1982 Editions Casterman, Paris & Tournai. Text © 1959 Egmont UK Limited. All Rights Reserved.

Lucky Luke volume 23 – A Cure For The Daltons

By Morris & Goscinny (Cinebook)
ISBN: 978-1-84918-034-4 (Album PB/Digital edition)

This book includes Discriminatory Content produced during less enlightened times.

Doughty, dashing and dependable cowboy “good guy” Lucky Luke is a rangy, implacably even-tempered do-gooder able to “draw faster than his own shadow”. He amiably ambles around the mythic Old West, having light-hearted adventures on his petulant and rather sarcastic wonder-horse Jolly Jumper. For nearly 80 years, his exploits have made him one of the top-ranking comic characters in the world, generating upwards of 85 individual albums and spin-off series like Kid Lucky and Ran-Tan-Plan, with sales thus far totalling upwards of 300 million in 30 languages. That renown has translated into a mountain of merchandise, toys, games, animated cartoons, TV shows and live-action movies and even commemorative exhibitions. No theme park yet, but you never know…

Brainchild of Belgian animator, illustrator and cartoonist Maurice de Bévère (AKA “Morris”) and officially first seen in Le Journal de Spirous seasonal Annual L’Almanach Spirou 1947, Luke actually sprang to (un-titled) laconic life in mid-1946 in the popular periodical before ambling into his first weekly adventure ‘Arizona 1880’ on December 7th of that year.

Morris was one of “la Bande des quatre”– The Gang of Four – also comprising Jijé, Will and Franquin: leading proponents of a fresh, loosely free-wheeling artistic style known as the “Marcinelle School”. The compelling cartoon vision came to dominate Le Journal de Spirou in aesthetic contention with the “Ligne Claire” style favoured by Hergé, E.P. Jacobs and other artists in rival publication Le Journal de Tintin. In 1948 said Gang (all but Will) visited America, meeting US creators and sightseeing. Morris stayed for six years, befriended René Goscinny, scored some work at newly-formed EC sensation Mad and constantly, copiously noted and sketched a swiftly disappearing Old West.

Working solo until 1955 (with early script assistance from his brother Louis De Bevere), Morris crafted nine albums – of which today’s was #7 – of affectionate sagebrush spoofery before teaming with old pal and fellow transatlantic émigré Goscinny. With him as regular wordsmith, Luke attained dizzying, legendary heights starting with Des rails sur la Prairie (Rails on the Prairie) which began serialisation on August 25th 1955.

In 1967, the six-gun straight-shooter switched sides, joining Goscinny’s own magazine Pilote in La Diligence (The Stagecoach). Goscinny co-created 45 albums with Morris before his untimely death, whereupon Morris soldiered on both singly and with other collaborators. He went to the Last Roundup in 2001, having drawn fully 70 adventures, plus numerous sidebar sagebrush sagas crafted with Achdé & Laurent Gerra, Benacquista & Pennac, Xavier Fauche, Jean Léturgie, Jacques Pessis and more, all taking their own shot at the venerable vigilante.

Lucky Luke has a long history in Britain, first pseudonymously amusing and enthralling young readers in the late 1950s, syndicated to weekly anthology Film Fun. He rode back into comics-town in 1967 for comedy paper Giggle, using nom de plume Buck Bingo. And that’s not counting the numerous attempts to establish him as a book star, beginning in 1972 with Brockhampton Press and continuing via Knight Books, Hodder Dargaud UK, Ravette Books and Glo’Worm, until Cinebook finally found the right path in 2006.

As so often seen the taciturn trailblazer regularly interacts with historical and legendary figures as well as even odder fictional folk in tales drawn from key themes of classic cowboy films – as well as some uniquely European notions, and interpretations. That principle is smartly utilised to sublime effect in A Cure For The Daltons with the motivating spark of foreign “alienist” being based on controversial actor Emil Jannings (Theodor Friedrich Emil Janenz) who won the very first Best Actor Oscar before returning to Germany to become the official state-sanctioned face of Nazi cinema and drama…

Cinebook’s 23rd Lucky Luke album has a pretty contorted not to say convoluted history. Officially the 69th individual exploit of the frontier phenomenon, it originally ran from June 23rd to August 4th 1975 in general interest magazine Le Nouvel Observateur (#554-560) and re-serialised that same year in #1-13 of Nouveau Tintin (September 16th – December 9th) before being rushed out au continent before year’s end as 44th collected album Lucky Luke: la guérison des Dalton. In 2010 in was first published in English as A Cure For the Daltons.

The plot and premise are familiar ones as snobbish, argumentative American East Coast intellectuals – this time the New York Institute of Science – invite a distinguished European authority to try their civilised tricks and tactics on the rough-&-tumble barbarians of their own untamed western frontiers. This seductively voluble wise man is Doctor Otto Von Bratwurst, a pioneer of the cerebral therapy later proponents will call psychoanalysis and he claims all criminals suffer from an illness caused by past childhood trauma: one he can remedy by talking to them…

The claim causes uproar and the loudest dissenting voice is Professor Beauregard Applejack who thinks it’s all humbug and the cure for crime comes out of a gun. As tempers flare, Bratwurst gets his way and is sent west to test his notions on truly bad men…

Weeks later in Nothing Gulch, Texas, Lucky meets a train full of cheering passengers who have all enjoyed an emotional breakthrough. As the doctor casually – almost obsessively – cures drunks and bums of their painful pasts with little chats, the cowboy escorts the savant to a certain penitentiary where the worst of the worst western malefactors are contained…

This penitentiary’s clientele include Slaughterhouse Sam, Killer Katowski and Bloody Butch, but Von Bratwurst needs to prove himself against the most intractable specimens of humanity. Happily for him, the institution is second home to the appalling Dalton Brothers. Averell, Jack, William and especially devious, slyly psychotic, dominant diminutive brother Joe are the most vicious and feared outlaws in numerous states and territories and regularly escape to make trouble.

Of course the prison is primarily staffed by shiftless idiots – and guard dog Rin Tin Can: a pathetic pooch with delusions of grandeur and a mutt vain, lazy, overly-friendly, exceedingly dim and utterly loyal to absolutely everybody. The one thing he ain’t is good at his job. As Rantanplan – “dumbest dog in the West” and a wicked parody of pioneering cinema canine Rin-Tin-Tin – the pestilential pooch became an irregular co-star before eventually landing his own spin-off series…

Here, Luke’s arrival triggers a terrifying outburst in Joe and piques the head shrinker’s interest. He sees a challenge and huge potential regards and acclaim, whilst Joe sees a chance to get free, get rich and get Lucky Luke…

As talking therapy commences, Herr Doktor can’t help but spread dissent and destabilise everyone he speaks with – including Lucky – but his apparent success goes a step too far after convincing the warden to release the Daltons into his custody. Taking them out of the pen, Von Bratwurst’s treatment and testing of his subjects intensifies on an isolated farm, with our hero increasingly suspicious and agonising over what might happen. One unanticipated surprise is how eavesdropping affects pathetic pooch Rin Tin Can and helps sort his own daddy issues…

Even he isn’t prepared for the turnabout and transformation inspired by the candid confessions of the dastardly Daltons as a sudden epidemic of lawlessness explodes from Nothing Gulch to Patos Puddle, with Luke caught off guard and desperately seeking to sort out an unprecedented crisis. Thankfully he has a true wonder dog at his side…

Wry, savvy and cruelly sardonic, this potent poke at pop psychology and cod life-coaching blends straightforward slapstick with smart satire in another wildly entertaining all-ages confection by unparalleled comics masters. A Cure For The Daltons offers another enticing glimpse into a unique genre for readers who might have missed the romantic allure of the pervasive Wild West that never was…
© Dargaud Editeur Paris 1975 by Goscinny & Morris. © Lucky Comics. English translation © 2010 Cinebook Ltd.

Infinite Wheatpaste volume 1: Catalytic Conversions

By L. Pidge with Chase Hutchison (Avery Hill Publishing)
ISBN: 978-1-910395-78-3 (TPB/Digital edition)

There’s a tantalising, wide-eyed freshness and gleeful zest to experiment re-entering comics publishing at the moment: a forward motion which will hopefully filter up to the mainstream market in the fullness of time. Until then, though, if you’re seeking a different spin, it’s best advice to look as always to the margins, as with this compilation of heartfelt dizzyingly drawn deliberations from US self-publishing phenomenon Pidge.

Based in the Colorado Rockies and working with life/work partner and colourist Chase Hutchison, they have also generated reading matter of substance in Fast Times and Heavy Rotation and contributed/edited numerous micropress anthologies. Pidge spends her off times teaching middle schoolers or drawing… and maybe both at the same time. …

There’s also life stuff, snowboarding and lots of knitting going on too…

Their multigenerational, pan-dimensional, picaresque cosmic roads epic serial Infinite Wheatpaste has been nominated for Ignatz and other awards, making many keen fans as it unfolds a wild ride of inner exploration and external personal advancement and communal adventure.

A captivating cartooned Foreword introduces the creators, their worlds and the author’s driving motivation – a deep-seated, unshakeable love of comics – for the tome under review today, all supplemented by a handy roster of truly eccentric ‘Dramatis Personae’ involved and interlinking in exploits all over the worlds. There’s timing-&-schedule challenged college student Soe who’s addicted to knitting and fashionably-stewed libations. She’s a true pal to all, but remains troubled by being an elemental goddess. Gene-mash-up and itinerant wanderer Casimir is in need of big changes to his life, and recently-bereaved widower/aging automaton Otis (0T-15) is just trying to stay stable and get by. There’s thoroughly decent happy-go-lucky guy Groob, failing-his-rehab Jeff (AKA fiery god Supernova). There’s also best friend Addy and her partner (seer/sorceress/shamus) Lilah to be going on with, but they’re just the tip of an ever-expanding astral iceberg…

An endless progression of buddies, beverages and buses, caffeine, ciggies and cats (-ish), Issue one ‘En Camino’ sees Jeff again regretting too many drugs and returning to a remedial program. Concerned, Addy insists he shouldn’t fly under his own power and takes the bus with him just in case. It’s a doomed and dangerous act, and when he explosively detonates en route, Soe is set upon a wildly meandering and overlapping, backslipping pan-reality path that will change the nature of existence…

The second compiled issue – designated ‘Brew’ – shows Soe’s new place (since she’s had to move domiciles yet again) where cool new roomy Jon introduces laid-back pal Groob. Soe’s tea ritual is sadly screwed up whenever mysterious watery appendages assault her, but generally it’s just another case of adapting to altered settings. The winter sparks growing friendships and leads to thoughts of Secret Santas and game of lizard tag. At least by the end, Soe has reliable witnesses to her ongoing fluid furores…

In deep midwinter, ‘Hand’ in #3 has her repeatedly and publicly accosted by sentient water, but comforted by Jon’s amazing comic boxes as walls of reality rupture and precious time is lost. Groob then bolts for outer space, discovering forces of trauma and loss thanks to ‘Two Life Forms’. Whilst working his passage and making more unique friends – and better, like sexy Seda/Abe – on a starliner, he stays the main focus of a bold odyssey in Track #5, where space opera action antics dominate in ‘Intergalactic Thin Mints’. These revels introduce bold pirate/stowaway/devoted family man Casimir, seeking a place to call his own…

‘Shiftless on 66’ pops us back to Earth where an Arizona road trip leads Delilah to a rash of monster sightings and missing trailer kids. The wandering witchcraft PI is soon deep under, battling froggish cave-kobolds from the back of beyond, but is she being hard-boiled or hard baked?

‘Facsimile’ brings us face-to-faceplate with bereaved custodian and janitorial robot Otis. OT-15 misses his husband and seeks solace by neglecting his own crucial maintenance whilst studying Buddhism. Apparently, all it takes to set the droid on the right path is his “cat” Grande and an angry teen losing her own settings and moorings…

Recapitulated as a road trip, Issue #8’s ‘Unincorporated’ observes Addy working for the Coyote Bay Times, badly interviewing youthful skateboarders just as scattered fiery divinity Jeff reassembles and returns. Her ladylove Delilah is unconvinced, but life of all sorts goes on, leading to a final case of ‘Leftover’, beginning in the Outer Rim of the Perseus Arm where Casimir is making more enemies than friends and needs an urgent chance of scenery for him and his kid. Thankfully, there’s someone/thing that might have a way back home…

To Be Continued…

Although the main event is paused, there are still bunches of Bonus stuff to enjoy, beginning with ‘Knitting Patterns’ including dauntingly detailed plans for constructing such soft machines as ‘Soe’s Dipped Mittens’, ‘Casimir’s Balaclava’, and ‘Hulder Mitts’, backed up by a cartoon ‘Afterword’ appreciating the efforts and existence of Professor Chase Hutchison.

Exuberant, graphic, joyous creativity, tinged with trippy counterculture tribute act energy, this initial serving of Infinite Wheatpaste pattern matches Road Warriors with life coaching and coffee with the outer cosmos in the way Red Dwarf might meet Kafka in San Francisco during the (Indian) Summer of Love. Of course they’d all go for tea and biscuits… and so could you whilst unleashing your inner comics muse.
© Pidge, 2016, 2024. All rights reserved.

Tiny Titans volume 2: Adventures in Awesomeness

By Art Baltazar & Franco & various (DC Comics)
ISBN: 978-1-4012-2328-1 (TPB/digital edition)

Links between animated features and comic books are long established and, for younger consumers, indistinguishable. Honestly, it’s all just entertainment in the end…

For quite some time at the beginning of this century, DC’s Cartoon Network imprint was arguably the last bastion of children’s comics in America and worked to consolidate that link between television and printed fun and thrills with stunning interpretations of such small screen landmarks as Ben 10, Scooby Doo, Powerpuff Girls, Dexter’s Laboratory and many more screen gems.

The kids’ comics line also generated truly exceptional material based on TV iterations of the publisher’s proprietary characters – such as Legion of Super Heroes, Batman: Brave and the Bold and Krypto the Super Dog as well as material like Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam! which was merely similar in tone and content. For many (mostly adults) the line’s finest release was a series ostensibly aimed at early-readers but which quickly became a firm favourite of older fans and a multi-award winner too.

Superbly mirroring the magical wonderland inside a child’s head where everything is joyfully all smooshed up together, Tiny Titans became a sublime antidote to continuity cops and slavish fan-boy quibbling (all together now: “… erm, uh… I think you’ll find that in…”) by reducing the vast cast of the Teen Titans Go! animated series, the far greater boutique supplied by mainstream comics – and eventually the entire DC Universe continuity – to little kids and their parents/guardians in a wholesome kindergarten environment.

It’s a scenario spring-loaded with multilayered in-jokes, sight-gags and the beloved yet gently mocked trappings and paraphernalia generations of strip readers and screen-watchers can never forget… and all located in the utopian Sidekick City Elementary School. Art Baltazar and co-creator Franco (Aureliani) mastered a witty, bemusingly gentle manner of storytelling that just happily rolls along, with assorted (sort-of familiar) characters getting by, trying to make sense of the great big world. The method generally involves stringing together smaller incidents and moments into an overall themed portmanteau tale and it works astoundingly well.

After handy and as-standard identifying roll-call pages ‘Meet the… Tiny Titans’ and a poster page cover of ‘Titans in Space’, the pint-sized tomfoolery opens with ‘Ya Think?’ as transparent-headed Psimon deliberates over his checkers game with similarly glass-fronted The Brain… until Kid Flash and Wonder Girl start heckling…

Meanwhile, at school, Starfire gets a text from her dad telling her to come home. Of course, she invites all her friends and two-and-a-half days later the entire class is wandering around alien planet Tameran…

Once they get back Robin convenes a meeting of his new avian themed ‘Bird Scouts’, only to find his alternate identities causing a little contention and confusion…

The issue ends with a Franco Tiny Titans pinup preceded by a return confrontation between Psimon and his hecklers in ‘To Get to the Other Side’. Sadly, once again his tormentors get the last word…

‘Report Card Pickup!’ finds adult Justice Leaguers confronting Principal Slade (AKA Deathstroke) and substitute teacher Mr. Trigon over the grades of the little folk whilst introducing a new intake from Sidekick City Preschool – ominously dubbed the Tiny Terror Titans

Starfire gives Blue Beetle an unwanted makeover in ‘Happy Feeling Blue’ whilst Robin, Batgirl and Ace the Bat-hound get invitations to BB’s birthday party in ‘Joke’s on You’.

Elsewhere, the other Wonder Girl (the series played extremely fast-&-loose with continuity so suck it up if you’re expecting serious logic, ok?) and tiny winged Bumblebee indulge their ‘Book Smarts’ until Beast Boy shows up. Meanwhile under the sea, Aqualad chairs a meeting of ‘Pet Club, Atlantis’ until Raven and The Ant spoil things by breaking the first rule…

Concluding with a Puzzler page and a bonus pinup, #8 gives way to a 9th issue and inescapable predicament as the kids go ape because of ‘Monkey Magic’

When Beppo the Super-Chimp gets hold of a magic wand at Robin’s Comic Book Party, the attendees are soon reduced to hirsute ancestral forms. Thankfully Batgirl & Bumblebee are meeting with the size-shifting Atom family (The Atom, Mrs. Atom, Crumb, Dot, baby Smidgen and little dog Spot) and initially missing the ensuing chaos.

Bad boys of the Brotherhood of Evil aren’t so lucky when Beppo flies over and suddenly Brain and Psimon are as simian and banana-dependent as their talking-gorilla comrade M’sieu Mallah and before long Starfire and Batgirl also get monkey-zapped…

Resolute, bureaucratic Robin then institutes the first meeting of ‘The Titan Apes’ but that only provokes the pesky Super-Chimp to really see what his wand can do and even after Raven’s magic sorts everything out, Beppo rises to the challenge…

Closing with another Tiny Titans Puzzler Page and pinup of the diminutive ‘Atom’s Family’ the animal antics carry over into the next month as ‘World’s Funnest!’ sees Supergirl entertaining Batgirl at ‘Tea Time’. Tragically, the Girl of Steel has forgotten to feed pet cat Streaky and her guest has been equally derelict in her duties to Ace, forcing the power pets to seek redress as the little ladies set out on a global jaunt, meeting annoying monsters Kroc and Bizarro

A Tiny Titans Word Link Puzzler and Bonus Pinup of the eventually-reconciled stars wraps up the issue before the penultimate outing reveals romantically declined Beast Boy in the throes of ‘Terra Trouble’. The green Romeo’s intended inamorata is a feisty lass with refined tastes and in ‘Counting on Love Rocks!’ she shows him the depth and density of her disaffection, after which Robin greets visiting Russian student Starfire and gets wrapped up in a tempestuous ‘Name Exchange’ dilemma.

Terra meanwhile is not fooled by a viridian ‘Rock Dog’ and Beast Boy ends up with more bruises. Wiser, younger heads (mask, helmets, etc) just go to a carnival and leave them to it, with the lovesick loser escalating his campaign with a little ‘Rock Show’ whereas Aqualad and scary blob Plasmus attend a monster movie ‘Double Feature’

Agonisingly undaunted, Beast Boy decides on a costume makeover and new origin. Dressed like Superman he builds a ‘Rocket Box’ but yet again fails to kindle a spark…

Silent mirth then illuminates ‘Tiny Titans Presents… The Kroc Files: Changing a Lightbulb’ before another TT Puzzler and ‘Super Bonus Pin-Up! of Alfred and the Penguins’ escort us smartly to the final outing in this smart and sassy tome.

‘Faces of Mischief’ focuses on the school staff as ‘Morning with the Trigons’ finds the substitute teacher and demonic overlord called in on short notice. It’s ‘Monday Morning’ and as the Principal and Trigon goof off to a baseball game, Slade leaves cafeteria server Darkseid in charge. This is the chance the Apokolyptian Lord of Destruction has been waiting for…

With the adult slackers listening to ‘Take Me Out to the Ballgame’, the kids are forced to endure exams and their ‘Finals Crisis’ seems eternal. After apparent ages, Robin needs a ‘Hall Pass’ but is soon accosted by not just the official Monitor but also the diabolical Anti-Monitor (trust me, if you’re wedded to DC Lore, this is comedy gold: for the rest of you, it’s still hilariously drawn…)

Finally, the dread day ends for the kids, but as Raven heads home with Slade’s kids Rose and Jericho, she hears something that could ruin her life and takes drastic steps to ensure ‘Our Little Secret’ just as their dads concoct a sinister do-over for the following week…

Bringing the graphic glee to a halt is a silent ‘Kroc Files: Sending an E-Mail’, a TT Baseball Unscramble Puzzler and a pin-up of the entire nefarious ‘Sidekick City Elementary Faculty’.

Despite being aimed at super-juniors and TV kids, these wonderful, wacky yarns – which marvellously marry the heart and spirit of such classic strips as Peanuts and The Perishers with something uniquely mired and marinated in unadulterated nerdish comic bookery – are unforgettable gags and japes no self-respecting fun-fan should miss: accessible, entertaining, and wickedly intoxicating to readers of any age and temperament. What more do you need to know?
© 2008, 2009 DC Comics. All Rights Reserved.

Battle of Britain War Picture Library

By Ian Kennedy & various (Rebellion/Treasury of British Comics)
ISBN: 978-1-78108-779-4 (HB/Digital edition)

This book contains Discriminatory Material produced during less enlightened times.

By official reckoning – the UK’s at least – The Battle of Britain (10th July – 31st October 1940), began 83 years ago today. German historians consider it to have kicked off in July 1940: one part of a long, continuous campaign that proceeded from until 11th May 1941 when the Wehrmacht changed their failed tactics.

Whatever your opinion, the aerial operation has become a major touchstone for UK culture – like Boudicca or Abolition of the Monasteries – constantly cited, used and abused by dog whistle demagogues, political hacks, chancers and charlatans, all seeking a rabid reactionary unthinking response or quick debating point scored, pissing on the truth value. It was a time of unified dogged, true heroism under pressure on the entire nation’s part.

It has also become a keystone and foundation of our entertainment fiction: the bedrock and basis of every type of tale from gratifying adventure and shocking fantasy to inspirational romance and cathartic comedy. The Battle of Britain has naturally also been made a crucial core component of British comics. Just like the artist celebrated here…

Born in 1932, Ian Kennedy went to Clepington Primary School and attended Dundee’s Morgan Academy before landing his first job at the town’s major employer – just pipping the city’s Marmalade makers. If you look that up you’ll find I’ve just been absolutely hilarious…

Taken on in 1949 as a trainee illustrator for the art department of DC Thomson & Co, Kennedy always claimed his first work was filling in black squares on crossword puzzles for the publisher’s paper The Sunday Post (home of The Broons and Oor Wullie and many other singular classics). He soon graduated to drawing strips – mostly war and especially air combat stories – and by 1953 was also freelancing for the Scottish company’s major English competitor Amalgamated Press (latterly Odhams/Fleetway/IPC). Kennedy could be seen on serials in weeklies Knockout, Hotspur, Wizard, Buster and others, as well as illustrating longer standalone sagas for both publishers’ digest lines in titles such as Thriller Picture Library and Air Ace Picture Library.

Throughout the 1960s and 1970s he diversified, favouring fantasy themes and generating many classic science fiction sagas for DCT’s new digest Starblazer, all whilst continuing his historical flights of fancy in Commando (War Stories in Pictures), Fleetway Picture Library, War Picture Library et al. Kennedy also exploited his aviation expertise outside comics from the 1980s, in magazines, books and by producing spectacular covers for RAF Leuchars Air Show programmes, even whilst winning his greatest fame with high profile strips and licensed adaptations in Eagle, Battle Picture Weekly, Wildcat, Star Lord, 2000 A.D. and more. The work included Tiger Taggart, Typhoon Tennyson, Blake’s 7, Dan Dare, Judge Dredd, Time Quake, M.A.S.K., M.A.C.H. 1, Invasion, Ro-Busters and countless others.

Generally uncredited throughout his career in the pages of weeklies like Victor, Buddy and the rest, he was most recognisable for his covers – which graced 2000 A.D., Eagle, Star Lord, Tornado Starblazer and especially Commando (for which he painted over 1600 – many after his official retirement in 1997). Ian Kennedy finally laid down his brushes in February 2022…

Two of his very best tales are on view here, but I sadly can’t be as forthcoming on their writers. Even the editors have no credible data on those anonymous stalwarts instead with the biographies at the back namechecking potential candidates/regular contributors Tom Tully, E.W. Evans, Douglas Leach, Gordon W. Brunt, Edward G. Cowan, V. Stokes, R.P. Clegg, James Hart Higgins, Syd J. Bounds, R. Wilding and A. Carney Allan as potential contributors.

Reprinted here are the contents of Air Ace Picture Library #65 & #182 with Kennedy detailing a brace of ripping yarns set in the skies above Blighty in their finest, most fiery hours.

At the end of the mission are the original covers in a full colour painted ‘Gallery’ with #65’s (August 1961) ‘Steel Bats’ followed by its reprint in AAPL #428 (as ‘Cat’s Eyes’), bolstered by the one-&-only AAPL #182’s original cover sortie from February 1964. Resolved not to spoil the fun I’m finally being brief and saying only that opener ‘Steel Bats’ (Air Ace Picture Library #65, August 1961) follows the trials and travails of pitiful novice fighter pilot Flight-Lieutenant Bill Mitchell from hopeless screwup in ‘Chapter1: The Rebel’ through an ignominious, unwanted ‘Transfer Granted’ to night fighter training school. When personal tragedy forces Mitchell to capitalise on an unsuspected natural advantage, Bill and new pal Gunner Wilton become ‘Two Up!’ and darlings of the Brass, but they also inspire ire in night fighter Squadron Leader Esmond Furness… until ‘Mitch’s Private War’ boils over into the bigger conflict and confirms his value, valour and ultimate victory over the real enemy… the bombers blasting London…

‘“Never Say Die” Wapiti’ is another – and rather more mischievous – fish out of water yarn, first seen in February 1964’s Air Ace Picture Library #182. Here, the poor discipline of young pilots is exemplified by Pilot-Officer Stan Perkins whose excessive eagerness and impatience flying Spitfires during the Battle of Britain results in near-catastrophe and his becoming a ‘Sacked Pilot!’

Summarily banished from operations and speedily transferred to “X planes station”, the despondent flier finds it a veritable aircraft graveyard dubbed “Misery Farm” by the other dangerous failures who explain he’s on a dummy field packed with obsolete kit designed to make “Jerries” waste fuel and ordnance. Stan is even more galled to learn he’s the new Commanding Officer…

Resolved to rejoin the Real War, Perkins and like-minded new friend/accomplice Flynn and hapless scavenging engineer Flight Sergeant Foley convert a discarded but serviceable Great War biplane, rendering it airworthy again. Sadly they only end up ‘Chased by a Bomb!’ on the maiden voyage! ‘Under Arrest!’, Stan believes himself doomed to spend his war on the ground and behind bars, but uncanny circumstances conspire to keep the mavericks flying: absconding with the biplane to perpetrate an ‘Unofficial Air Raid’ over France… just as the most important commando mission of the war is going wrong.

Sparking another apparent disaster, shot down by their own side and having to fight their way back to England beside the French Resistance all appear pointless exercises in the aftermath, but on arrival Perkins and Flynn learn ‘The Escape’ has all been worth the effort…

Clever and captivating, smart and spectacular, these war stories are utterly engaging and perfectly spotlight the astounding gifts of one our art form’s most skilled exponents. Come see for yourself…
© 1961, 1964, 2020 Rebellion Publishing IP Ltd.