Marvel Adventures Avengers: Thor and Captain America

By Paul Tobin, Scott Gray, Todd DeZago, Ronan Cliquet, Ron Lim, Lou Kang & various (Marvel)
ISBN: 978-0-7851-5584-3 (Digest PB)

In 2003 the House of Ideas instituted a Marvel Age line: an imprint updating classic original tales and characters for a newer, younger readership. The enterprise was modified in 2005, with core titles reduced to Marvel Adventures: Fantastic Four and Marvel Adventures: Spider-Man. The tone was very much that of the company’s burgeoning TV cartoon franchises, in delivery if not name.

Supplemental series including Super Heroes, The Avengers, Hulk and Iron Man chuntered along merrily until 2010 when they were cancelled. In their place came new volumes of Marvel Adventures: Super Heroes and Marvel Adventures: Spider-Man.

Most of the re-imagined tales were collected in gleefully inviting digest-sized compilations and digitised; this – except for a electric version – was the case with this engaging ensemble featuring fabulous  forays starring the God of Thunder or Sentinel of Liberty and their Avenging allies: a quartet of all-ages tales from the second volume of Marvel Adventures Super Heroes (#13-16, spanning June-September 2011).

The action opens with a mythological masterpiece by Paul Tobin, Ronan Cliquet & Amilton Santos wherein plucky novice hero Nova is invited by Avenging comrades Thor and Valkyrie to accompany them on an annual errand for All-Father Odin.

In the distant past when Asgardians warred with Trolls, godling messenger Glane failed in his mission and was banished to the ghastly Fields of the Fallen to pay penance by continually battling the Golden Realm’s vilest enemies. Periodically, Thor has been sent to add new tasks to the sinning failure’s heavy burden, and this year – as the Thunderer and Valkyrie ready themselves for the trip – they invite starstruck neophyte Nova along.

However, as the trio war their way through horrific monsters and overwhelming odds, Nova finds himself increasingly uncomfortable with the sentence meted out to Glane. He even begins doubting the motives of his immortal mentors. All that changes once he meets and battles beside the convicted penitent…

Originating in MASH #14, ‘Out of Time!’ is by Todd DeZago, Ron Lim & Scott Koblish (inspired by Gerry Conway & Ross Andru’s tale from the original Marvel Team-Up #7). Here, the Lord of Storm intercepts Spider-Man after the wallcrawler is blasted high into the sky whilst battling raving maniac the Looter.

That happy coincidence occurs just a bizarre force freezes time around them. When the heroes discover that only they have escaped a devastating weapon deployed by Trollish tyrant Kryllk the Conqueror to paralyze and overwhelm both Asgard and the mortal plane, they must divide their strength to simultaneously smash the conqueror in Manhattan and Asgard if they are to set time running free again…

Captain America takes the spotlight in #15 as ‘Back in Time’ (Tobin, Cliquet & Santos) finds him battling Neanderthals with ray-guns in a National Forest after tracking down rogue geneticists who have stolen a huge amount of plutonium.

A mere mile away, Peter Parker’s girlfriend Sophia Sanduval is getting back to nature and chilling with her furry, scaly and feathered friends. As Chat, the mutant teen’s power to communicate with animals makes her a crucial component of the mystery-solving Blonde Phantom Detective Agency, but even she has never seen anything like the wave of extinct creatures which appear after Cap begins battling the tooled-up cavemen.

Soon Chat has been briefed on the deadly experiments of rogue technologist Jerrick Brogg. The villain’s ambition is to build an army out of revived extinct creatures, but she and helps The Star-Spangled Avenger frustrate those save all the beasts he has re-created from short painful lives of terror and brutal exploitation, before putting the maniac away for good.

Wrapping up the action comes ‘Stars, Stripes and Spiders!’ by DeZago, Lou Kang & Pat Davidson (based on Len Wein & Gil Kane’s tale from Marvel Team-Up #13). When a certain wallcrawling high-school student/occasional masked hero stumbles into Captain America tackling an AIM cadre stealing super-soldier serum, the nervous lad learns a few things about the hero game from the legendary guy who wrote the book. Sadly, not making that lesson any easier is petrifying supervillain Grey Gargoyle, whose deadly touch almost ends Spidey’s homework worries – and continued existence – forever…

Fast, furious, funny and enthralling, these riotous mini-epics are extremely enjoyable yarns, although parents should note that some of the themes and certainly the level of violence might not be what everybody considers “All-Ages Super Hero Action”…
© 2011 Marvel Characters, Inc. All rights reserved.

The Spider’s Syndicate of Crime vs. the Crook From Space

By Jerry Siegel & Reg Bunn (Rebellion)
ISBN: 978-1-78618-971-4 (HB/Digital edition)

Part of Rebellion’s Treasury of British Comics strand, The Spider’s Syndicate of Crime vs the Crook From Space is another sublimely cool collection celebrating an all-but forgotten sub-strand of the 1960s comics experience.

Until the 1980s, UK comics operated on an anthological model, offering variety of genre, theme and character on a weekly – or sometimes fortnightly – basis. Humorous periodicals like DC Thomson’s The Beano were leavened by thrillers like Billy the Cat or General Jumbo, and adventure papers like Amalgamated Press/Fleetway’s Lion or Valiant always carried gag strips such as The Nutts, Grimly Feendish, Mowser and a wealth of similar quick laugh treats.

British comics also notoriously enjoyed a strange, extended love affair with what can only be described as “unconventional” (for which feel free to substitute “creepy”) heroes. So many of our stars and potential role models of serials and strips were just plain “off”: self-righteous, moody voyeurs-turned vigilantes like Jason Hyde, sinister masterminds like The Dwarf, deranged geniuses like Eric Dolmann, jingoistic (and racist) supermen like Captain Hurricane and a plethora of reformed criminals/menaces like Charlie Peace, The Steel Claw or this guy…

… And don’t get me started on our legion of lethally anarchic comedy icons or that our most successful comic symbol of justice is an Eagle-bedecked, jack-booted poster boy for a fascist state. Perhaps that explains why these days we can’t even imagine or envision what a proper leader looks like and keep on electing clowns, crooks and blinkered over-privileged clueless simpletons…

All joking aside, British comics are unlike any other kind and simply must be seen to be believed and enjoyed. One of the most revered stars of the medium is being progressively collected in archival editions, perfectly encapsulating our odd relationship with heroism, villainy and in particular that murky grey area bridging them…

Mystery criminal genius and eventual superhero The Spider debuted in peerless weekly anthology Lion (June 26th 1965 issue), reigning supreme until April 26th 1969. He has periodically returned in reprint form (Vulcan) and occasionally new stories ever since.

As first introduced by Ted Cowan (Ginger Nutt, Paddy Payne, Adam Eterno, Robot Archie) & Reg Bunn (Robin Hood, Buck Jones, Captain Kid, Clip McCord), the moody malcontent was an enigmatic super-scientist whose goal was to be acclaimed the greatest criminal of all time.

The flamboyantly wicked narcissist began his public career by recruiting crime specialists – safecracker Roy Ordini and genteelly evil genius inventor Professor Pelham – before attempting a massive gem-theft from America’s greatest city. He was foiled by cruel luck and resolute cops Gilmore and Trask: crack detectives cursed with the task of capturing the arachnid arch-villain.

Cowan scripted the first two serialised sagas before handing over to comics royalty: Jerry Siegel (Superman, Superboy, The Spectre, Doctor Occult, Slam Bradley, Funnyman, The Mighty Crusaders, Starling), who was forced to look elsewhere for work after an infamous dispute with DC Comics over the rights to the Man of Steel.

This eagerly anticipated collection covers the Lion’s share of arachnid amazement from 25th June 1966 to 28th January 1967: two extended and interlocking epics crafted as Britain and the entire, but less fab & groovy world succumbed to “Batmania”.

In case you’re not old, that term covers a period of global hysteria sparked by the 1966 Batman TV show, which launched in January in the USA, with the UK catching the madness from 21st May until September 11th 1966. A second season ran here from September 17th to April 2nd 1967. The planet went crazy for superheroes and an era dubbed “camp” saw humour, satire, and fantastic psychedelic whimsy infect all categories of entertainment. It was a time of peace, love, wild music and radical change, and I believe there were lots of drugs being experimented with at the time…

British comics were not immune, and a host of more conventional costumed crusaders sprang up in our traditionally unconventional pages. Scripted by the godfather of the genre – and an inveterate humourist – The Spider skilfully shifted gears without a squeak and the first epic ‘The Spider v. The Exterminator’ saw the uncrowned king of crime preying upon and at war with the gathered mob lords of America, who called themselves Crime Incorporated.

The hooded leader – The Silhouette – had acted upon their behalf and hired a superpowered villain to destroy the wicked webspinner, but in numerous weekly clashes, only vividly spectacularly stalemates had been achieved. Eventually, after learning what the Silhouette really was, the foes became partners: resolved to impoverish and crush all other major criminals, and divide the planet between them. The crime lords struck back, leading to the return of old Spider enemies Dr. Mysterioso and The Android Emperor in extraordinary extended clashes until only two remained. Then abruptly, announcing there was more challenge and greater fun in fighting evil, The Spider declared himself a hero, ruthlessly betrayed the Exterminator and set out to be a world saver…

He got his chance the very next week whilst fighting devious and decrepit tech bandit The Infernal Gadgeteer, as their duels were interrupted by a marauding pillage from the stars.

‘The Spider versus the Crook From Outer Space’ played out for months, with manic combats and crazy inventions peppering a madcap competition that begins when the attention-seeking shapeshifter abducts the Gadgeteer so he/it can be centre of attention. Constantly attacking humanity in the guise of villains from history, the alien runs the Spider and his team ragged, upping the stakes with monsters and super-weapons whenever the make-believe hero frustrates him/it. The duel takes its emotional toll too, and when an alien invasion armada interrupts the games, the space crook petulantly but pitilessly destroys them for their temerity…

Despite breakneck pace, the story positively bulges with imaginative ingenuity, as when a hidden aquatic race from the oceans also foolishly disrupts the bout and pays the price, or when the sworn foes both change sides and trade moral perspectives…

As the end nears, Dr. Mysterioso returns leading a microscopic militia and sowing chaos but the coup de grace comes when the alien at last decides to battle his implacable antagonist as another, better Spider…

These retro/camp masterpieces of arcane dialogue, insane devices and rollercoaster antics are perhaps an acquired taste but no one with functioning eyes can fail to be astounded by the artwork of Reg “crosshatch king” Bunn which handles mood, spectacle, action and Siegel’s frankly unbelievable script demands with captivating aplomb.

This titanic tome reaffirms that the King is back at last and should find a home in every kid’s heart and mind, no matter how young they might be, or threaten to remain. Batty, baroque and often simply bonkers, The Spider proves that although crime does not pay, it always provides a huge amount of white-knuckle fun…
© 1996, 1967 & 2023 Rebellion Publishing IP Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Man I Hate Cursive – Cartoons for People and Advanced Bears

By Jim Benton (Andrews McMeel)
ISBN: 978-1-4494-7889-6 (PB) eISBN: 978-1-4494-8414-9

I love cartoons. Not animated films, but short, visual (although most often text-enhanced) stylised drawings which tell a story or potently and pithily express a mood or tone. In fact most people do. That’s why historians and sociologists use them as barometers of a defined time or era.

For nearly 200 years gag-panels and cartoon strips were the universal medium to disseminate wit, satire, mirth, criticism and cultural exchange. Sadly, after centuries of pre-eminence and ferocious power, these days the cartoon has been all but erased from printed newspapers – as indeed the physical publications themselves have dwindled in shops and on shelves.

However, thanks to the same internet which is killing print media, many graphic gagsters and drawing dramatists have enjoyed resurgence in an arena that doesn’t begrudge the space necessary to deliver a cartoon in all its fulsome glory…

Cartooning remains an unmissable daily joy to a vast global readership whose requirements are quite different from those of hard-core, dedicated comic fans, or even that ever-growing base of intrigued browsers just starting to dip their toes in the sequential narrative pool.

Even those stuck-up holdouts proudly boasting they have “never read a comic” certainly enjoy strips or panels: a golden bounty of ephemeral amusement demanding no commitment other than a moment’s close attention. Truth be told, it’s probably in our genes…

And because that’s the contrary nature of things, those gags now get collected in spiffy collections like this one, intended to be enjoyed over and over again like a beloved favourite song…

Jim Benton began his illustration work making up crazy characters in a T-Shirt shop and designing greetings cards. Born in 1960, he’d grown up in Birmingham, Michigan before studying Fine Arts at Western Michigan University.

Now tirelessly earning a living exercising his creativity, he started self-promoting those weird funny things he’d dreamed up and was soon raking in the dosh from properties such as Dear Dumb Diary, Dog of Glee, Franny K. Stein, Just Jimmy, Just Plain Mean, Sweetypuss, The Misters, Meany Doodles, Vampy Doodles, Kissy Doodles, jOkObo and It’s Happy Bunny in a variety of magazines and other venues. Latterly, he made a move into more conventional but no less entertaining delights. You should especially seek out Attack of the stuff and Fann Club: Batman Squad

His gags, jests and japes are delivered in a huge variety of styles and manners: each perfectly in accord with whatever sick, sweet, clever, sentimental, whimsical or just plain strange content each idea demands. This particular collection is from 2016 but is still fresh, strange and irreverent enough to have you clutching your sides in approved cartoon manner…

Here you will explore the innocently horrific inner world of children and monsters, learn to appreciate anew the contributions to society of teachers and experience Benton’s satirical side as bigots and racists are convicted out of their own mouths.

There are heaping helpings of animal antics – both wryly sardonic and barbarously slapstick – and wicked observations on the dating scene, plus true love pictured in all its infamy, how robots need a little tenderness too as well as the inside track on what it means to be Death…

You’ll see some of the strangest and most disquietingly surreal gags ever penned – such as the dysfunctional band made of animate body parts or the bizarrely extrovert characters comprising ‘The Sideshow’ – and even a truly unique take on historical personages and superheroes of the screen and comics pages…

As ever, there are trenchant swipes at the worlds of Art and Big Business as well as incisive explorations of the relationship between us and our pets, the perils of inventing stuff and a pants-wetting selection debating the downsides of air travel…

And best of all, the artist sets aside time and space to share with us God’s Plan and proves that the Almighty’s sense of humour is both wicked and petty…

You might discover Not-Facts that will change your life after gleaning Benton’s take on loneliness, fast food, binge eating, farting, periods, disabilities, growing up, Big Pharma, and the business of medicine in single page giggle-bombs ranging from strident solo panels to extended strips; silent shockers to poetically florid and verbose tracts.

There are also some jokes about bears…

Another uproarious compilation to make the sourest persimmon laugh as sweetly as pie (there are no joke about pies in this volume)…
© 2016 Jim Benton. All rights reserved.

Benny Breakiron volume 1: The Red Taxis

By Peyo, with backgrounds by Will: translated by Joe Johnson (Papercutz/NBM)
ISBN: 978-1-59707-409-4 (HB/Digital edition)

Pierre Culliford was born in Belgium in 1928 to a family of British origin living in the Schaerbeek district of Brussels. An admirer of the works of Hergé and American comics in Mickey, Robinson and Hurrah!, he developed his own artistic skills, but war and family bereavement forced him to forgo further education and find work.

After toiling as a cinema projectionist, in 1945 he joined C.B.A. animation studios, where he met André Franquin, Morris and Eddy Paape. When the studio closed, he briefly studied at the Brussels Academy of Fine Arts before moving full-time into graphic advertising. In his spare time he submitted comic strips to the burgeoning post-war comics publishers. The first sale was in April 1946: Pied-Tendre, a tale of American Indians which saw print in Riquet, the comics supplement to the daily L’Occident newspaper. Further sales to other venues followed and in 1952 his knight found a permanent spot in Le Journal de Spirou. Retitled Johan et Pirlouit, the strip prospered and in 1958 introduced a strange bunch of blue woodland gnomes called Les Schtroumpfs.

Culliford – now using the nom de plume Peyo – would gradually turn those adorable little mites (known to us and most of the world as the Smurfs) into an all-encompassing global empire, but before being sucked onto that relentless treadmill, he still found time to create a few other noteworthy strips such as the titanic tyke on view here today.

In 1960, Benoit Brisefer – AKA Benedict Ironbreaker (Steven Sterk in Dutch) – debuted in LJdS #1183 (December 1960). With some slyly added tips of the beret to Siegel & Shuster’s Superman (check out that cover, fanboys!), what gently unfolds are wry bucolic romps of an extraordinary little lad living a generally quiet life in an unassuming little French – or maybe Belgian? – town.

Quiet, well-mannered and a bit lonely, Benny is the mightiest boy on Earth: able to crush steel or stone in his tiny hands, leap huge distances and run faster than a racing car. He is also generally immune to all physical harm, but his only real weakness is that all his strength deserts him whenever he catches cold… which he does with frightening ease and great frequency…

Benny never tries concealing his powers but somehow the adults never catch on. They usually think he’s telling fibs or boasting, and whenever he tries to prove he can bend steel in his hands the unlucky lad gets another dose of the galloping sniffles!

Most kids avoid him. It’s hard to make friends or play games when a minor kick can pop a football like a soap bubble and a shrug can topple trees...

Well-past-it Brits of my age and vintage might remember the character from weekly comics in the 1960’s. As Tammy Tuff – The Strongest Boy on Earth – and later as both Benny Breakiron and Steven Strong – our beret-wearing wonder appeared in Giggle and other periodicals from 1967 onwards.

With Peyo’s little blue cash-cows taking up ever larger amounts of his concentration and time, other members of his studio assumed greater responsibilities for Benoit as years passed. Willy Maltaite (“Will”), Gos, Yvan Delporte, Françoise Walthéry and Albert Blesteau all pitched in, and Jean Roba created many eye-catching LJdS covers. However, by 1978 the demands of the Smurfs were all consuming and all the studio’s other strips were dropped.

You can’t keep a good super-junior down though and, after Peyo’s death in 1992, his son Thierry Culliford & cartoonist Pascal Garray revived the strip, adding six more volumes to the eight generated by Peyo and Co. between 1960 and 1978.

Thanks to US publisher Papercutz, some – but not yet all! – of the gloriously genteel, outrageously engaging power fantasies are available to English-language readers again, both as robust full-colour hardbacks and eBooks, and this initial exploit begins in sedate micro-metropolis Vivejoie-la-Grande, where the sweet kid goes about his solitary life, doing good deeds in secret and being as good a boy as he can.

However, his sense of fair play is outraged when aging taxi driver Monsieur Dussiflard becomes the target of a dirty tricks campaign by new company Red Taxis. When he and the incensed cabbie challenge the oily company CEO in his flashy high-rise office, Benny is shooed away and the elderly driver vanishes.

Suspicions aroused, Benny investigates and is attacked by thuggish Red Taxi employees. Only after thrashing and humiliating the goons does Benny realise that he still doesn’t know where Dussiflard is, so he retroactively throws the fight…

Just as he is imprisoned with his fellow abductee, the worst happens and the bombastic boy comes down with a stinker of a cold! Helpless as any other 8-year old, he’s stuffed in a crate with the codger cabbie and loaded onto a freighter headed to the Galapagos Islands…

With all opposition ended, the Boss and his Red Taxi stooges begin the final stage of a devilish plot, utterly oblivious to the dogged determination of Benny – who escapes the ship and an alluring tropical paradise, impatiently waits for his cold to clear up and none too soon sets off on a race against time, the elements and his own woefully-lacking knowledge of geography if he is to stop the ruthless criminals…

A superbly sweet and sassy spoof and fabulously winning fantasy of childhood validation and agency, The Red Taxis offers a distinctly Old World spin to the notion of superheroes and provides a wealth of action, thrills and chortles for lovers of astounding adventure and incredible comics excellence.
© Peyo, 2013 – licensed through Lafig Belgium. English translation © 2013 by Papercutz. All rights reserved.

Mega Robo Bros book 6: Carnival Crisis

By Neill Cameron, with Austin Baechle (David Fickling Books)
ISBN: 978-1-78845-298-4 (TPB)

Mighty in metal and potent in plastic, here’s the latest upgrade in a sterling, solid gold all-ages sci fi saga from Neill (Tamsin of the Deep, Pirates of Pangea, How to Make Awesome Comics, Freddy) Cameron. Perfect purpose-built paladins, the mecha-miraculous Mega Robo Bros find that even they can’t fight punch out intolerance or growing pains in these electronic exploits balancing frantic fun with portents of darker, far more violent days to come…

It’s still the Future!

In a London far cooler but just as embattled as ours, Alex and his younger brother Freddie Sharma are generally typical kids: boisterous, fractious, eternally argumentative yet devoted to each other, and not too bothered that they’re adopted. It’s really no big deal for them that they were meticulously and covertly constructed by the mysterious Dr. Roboticus – before he vanished – and are considered by those in the know as the most powerful – and only fully SENTIENT – robots on Earth.

Dad is just your average old guy who makes lunch and does a bit of writing (he’s actually an award-winning journalist), but when not being a housewife, Mum is pretty extraordinary herself. As surprisingly famous and renowned robotics boffin Dr. Nita Sharma she harbours some shocking secrets of her own…

Life in the Sharma household tries to be normal. Freddie is insufferably exuberant and over-confident, whilst Alex is at the age when self-doubt and anxiety hit hard. Moreover, the household’s other robot rescues can also be problematic…

Programmed as a dog, baby triceratops Trikey is ok, but eccentric French-speaking ape Monsieur Gorilla can be tres confusing, and gloomily annoying, existentialist aquatic waterfowl Stupid Philosophy Penguin hangs around ambushing everyone with quotes from dead philosophers…

The boys have part-time but increasing difficult jobs as super-secret agents, although because they weren’t very good at the clandestine part, almost the entire world now knows of them. Generally, however, it’s enough for the digital duo that their parents love them, even though they are a bit more of a handful than most kids. They all live as normal a life as possible: going to human school, playing with human friends and hating homework. It’s all part of their “Mega Robo Routine”, combining dull human activities, actual but rare fun, games-playing, watching TV and constant training in the combat caverns under R.A.I.D. HQ.

Usually, when a situation demands, the boys carry out missions for bossy Baroness Farooq: head of government agency Robotics Analysis Intelligence and Defence. They still believe it’s because they are infinitely smarter and more powerful than the Destroyer Mechs and other man-made minions she usually utilises.

Originally published in UK weekly comic The Phoenix, this revised, retooled and remastered saga opens with the lads feted as global heroes.

After defeating dangerous villains like Robot 23 and thwarting a robot rebellion sparked by artificial life activist The Caretaker, the Bros battled monstrous, deadly damaged droid Wolfram in the arctic and learned that he might be their older brother. Even so, they had to destroy him and now Alex is increasingly traumatised by the act…

Over the course of that case they learned that fifteen years previously Mum was a brilliant young roboticist working under incomparable (but weird) pioneering genius Dr. Leon Robertus. His astounding discoveries had earned him the unwelcome nickname Dr. Roboticus and perhaps that’s what started pushing him away from humanity…

Robertus had allowed Nita to repurpose his individually superpowered prototypes into a rapid-response team for global emergencies. Mum used to be a superhero, leading manmade Rapid Response team The Super Robo Six!

While saving lives with them she first met crusading journalist/future husband Michael Mokeme who proudly took her name when they eventually wed…

Robertus was utterly devoid of human empathy but – intrigued by the team’s acclaim and global acceptance – created a new kind of autonomous robot. Wolfram was more powerful than any other construct, and equipped with foundational directives allowing him to make choices and develop his own systems. He could think, just like Alex and Freddy can. Only, as it transpired, not quite…

When Robertus demoted Nita and made Wolfram leader of a new Super Robo Seven, the result was an even more effective unit, until the day Wolfram’s Three Directives clashed during a time-critical mission. Millions of humans paid the price for his confusion and hesitation…

In the aftermath, R.A.I.D. was formed. They tried to shut down Robertus and decommission Wolfram, but the superbot rejected their judgement, leading to a brutal battle, the robot’s apparent destruction and Roboticus vanishing…

As the boys absorbed their “Secret Origins” Wolfram returned, attacking polar restoration project Jötunn Base. It covered many miles and was carefully rebalancing the world’s climate, when Wolfram took it over: reversing the chilling process to burn the Earth and drown humanity…

Ordered by Baroness Farooq to stay put and not help, Alex and Freddy rebelled, but by the time the Bros reached Jötunn, Wolfram had crushed a R.A.I.D. force led by their friend Agent Susie Nichols. After also failing to stop the attacker, kind contemplative Alex found a way to defeat – and perhaps, destroy – his wayward older brother and save humanity…

Their exploit made the Bros global superstars and whilst immature Freddy revels in all the attention Alex is having trouble adjusting: not just to the notoriety and acclaim, but also the horrifying new power levels he achieved to succeed and also the apparent onset of robot puberty. It’s afflicted him with PTSD…

A collection of shorter, ominous interlinked exploits, Carnival Crisis opens with a potential disaster in the city as human negligence drives a giant building-bot into overload and a destructive but oddly beautiful rampage. The Bros are quickly on the scene but wild Freddy can’t understand why Alex won’t let him blast the rogue to scrap with his new augmented power-set, and instead rambles on about a peaceful solution. Happily, newlywed R.A.I.D. operatives Susie and Zahra Abdikarim are more amenable to suggestion…

The world gets suddenly more dangerous when a fishing boat and its robot-bashing skipper goes missing in the North Sea. The Bros meanwhile are having extremely different reactions to a TV documentary about them and their defeat of Wolfram.

Freddy’s sheer smug glee can’t be contained, but Alex discovers that not all humans – his classmates included – are robot tolerant or friendly. Many of them already constantly ask if Alex is a boy or a girl and some don’t even consider Alex human at all …

However, as the school prepares for the upcoming London Carnival and unattainable Jamila starts being friendly, his anxiety over being “normal” start to fade… but only until Susie seconds the Bros for an emergency mission to the North Sea.

Unexplained electromagnetic phenomena and missing vessels lead to a scanning dead-zone which is ultimately revealed as a vast sea platform. A hostile encounter with warbots exposes a cloaked robot utopia and sanctuary of liberated mechanoids that has declared independence from humanity. The ambassador communicating with them calls it “Steelhaven”…

With the intruding humans in protective custody, Alex and Freddy meet the inspirational liberator: a completely rational and rebuilt Wolfram. The metal messiah has developed astounding new powers based on the Kerchatov reactors they all share and offers to teach them. All they have to is leave their old home and acknowledge humanity as the eternal enemy of robots…

When the enforced détente between Steelhaven’s peacekeepers and R.A.I.D. commandos breaks down, it’s all Alex can do to broker a ceasefire and get the humans away, but the confrontation has deeply disturbed him…

Even more upset is Baroness Farooq and her bosses, who all know an existential threat to civilisation when they see one. As the Bros debriefing continues, Alex realises how tenuous his own status is as the politicos interrogate him and make plans against “his kind”. When they get home, he also realises just how much he and Freddy are fighting these days and that he’s had a headache for so long it feels normal now.

During a Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace, Alex struck up an unlikely friendship with equally publicity-shy Crown Prince Eustace, and when his interfering sibling spies on their eChats, the clash that results shatters the house – more than once…

Even when some rapid remodelling gives each Bro a room of their own, more discord follows when they fractiously divide the toys, comics and friends…

Left to his own devices Alex starts practising and soon he’s able to do some of the things the reborn Wolfram can. Tensions peak and events come to head on the day of Carnival. Dad and Grandma are running a refreshment stall – but not keen on using mum’s new cyber-creations Tea-bot and Mr. Donut – when an eerie electronic signal cause all the mechanical and artificial attendees to go berserk. Although immune to the mass-malfunction burst, Alex and Freddy are in agony and can barely protect the terrified humans. Thankfully, tech-savvy classmate Mira tracks the signal to long-gone menace Robot 23 before hacking it, but that only makes the chaos worse and promises imminent and impending “robot revolution”…

R.A.I.D.’s heavy handed response is a blamestorming investigation that further alienates Alex. He’s also found sites of a group called “Humanity First” who advocate quite horrific things to be done to robots. They are growing in popularity so fast…

When mean kid Jamal tauntingly mimics those acts at school, he’s supported by a teacher and Alex storms off in disgust, heading to R.A.I.D. HQ and the hologram Playroom to safely and cathartically express his frustrations. Typically, Freddy is already there and this time the ensuing fight has collateral casualties, damaging the programming of Stupid Philosophy Penguin and provoking the equivalent of a seizure in Alex…

After a week of tests, mum has some answers, but they’re truly scary.

The siblings were designed to grow, adapt and change and now Alex has reached the stage that will determine the final configuration. However – and totally amplifying the feelings of alienation, isolation and abnormality – the elder Robo Bro is confronted with infinite choice including shape, orientation, configuration and especially gender, just when he/she/they/it have never been less certain of who Alex Sharma is or wants to be…

The literally explosive reaction is barely containable, and only foreshadows more strife to come…

Crafted by Cameron and colouring assistant Austin Baechle, this rip-roaring riot isn’t quite over yet. Adding informational illumination are a dossier of R.A.I.D. data files on Alex, Freddy, Susie, Zahra, Mr. Donut, Tea-Bot and Wolfram, plus activity pages on ‘How To Draw Monsieur Gorilla!’ and ‘How To Draw Mr. Donut’, and Bonus Comic! vignettes ‘Trikey the Robot Triceratops! in Trikey Tries to Fit In’ and Alex & Freddy enduring a ‘Mega Robo Blackout’ before helpfully making the drama into a crisis…

Bravely and exceedingly effectively interweaving real world concerns by addressing issues of gender and identity with great subtlety and in a way kids can readily grasp, this collection also and primarily blends action and humour with superb effect. Excitement and hearty hilarity is balanced here with poignant moments of insecurity and introspection, affording thrills, chills, warmth, wit and incredible verve. Alex and Freddy are utterly authentic kids, irrespective of their origins, and their antics strike exactly the right balance of future shock, family fun and superhero action to capture readers’ hearts and minds. What movies these tales would make!
Text and illustrations © Neill Cameron 2023. All rights reserved.

Mega Robo Bros Carnival Crisis will be released on August 3rd 2023 and is available for pre-order now.

Angel Catbird volumes 1

By Margaret Atwood, Johnnie Christmas & various (Dark Horse Books)
ISBN: 978-1-50670-063-2 (HB/Digital)

Margaret Atwood is a multi-award-winning novelist with a string of laudable, famous books (The Handmaid’s Tale, The Blind Assassin) to her name and a couple of dark secrets. As disclosed in her Introduction to this fun-packed fantasy romp, she loves cats and comics and has done so all her life. Thus Angel Catbird: a trilogy of original, digest-sized, full-colour hardbacks relating the outrageous and fantastical adventures of races of wondrous creatures who have lived unknown amongst us from time immemorial… and how an accidental crossbreed newcomer shakes up all their worlds…

Scripted and co-designed by Atwood, the lively saga is illustrated by Johnnie Christmas (Swim Team, Tartarus, Crema), with colours from Tamra Bonvillain (Wayward, Rat Queens) and lettered by Nate Piekos of Blambot® and begins as genetic engineer and neophyte private sector worker Strig Feleedus rushes to finish a crucial “super-splicer” formula for his creepy boss.

Muroid Inc.’s owner Dr. Muroid has a thing for rats and is extremely eager for Strig to complete his assignment. His perpetual harassment even extends to covert surveillance through mechanically augmented rat spies…

Upon learning Feleedus has made a midnight hour breakthrough, the deranged doctor pesters the exhausted wage-slave into bringing the results straight in, provoking a horrible accident involving Strig, pet cat Ding, a passing owl, a speeding automobile and the spilled gene-splicing agent prototype…

When Strig comes to, he has been transformed into a bizarre human/cat/bird hybrid who can fly and voraciously gobble down rats, but that’s only the beginning…

Despite eventually regaining his original form, Strig is suddenly made aware of a whole new world he never imagined possible. His senses – especially smell – have become greatly heightened. Co-worker Cate Leone, for example, becomes far more interesting when his nose comes into play. Most intriguing is the fact that somehow Feleedus can understand what birds and alley-cats are saying…

Before long, Strig is submerged in an astonishing new existence: one where animals live exotic alternative lives as half-humans and one to which he has been admitted only through the auspices of his accidental exposure to the super-splicer compound.

Tragically, when he discovers just why Muroid wanted the serum in the first place, it sparks a deadly and explosive interspecies war with the “Angel Catbird” and his shapeshifting animal allies on one side and mad Muroid’s mutant rat hordes on the other.

To Be Continued…

This turbulent tome is high on catnip-coated comedic action-adventure and includes a wealth of attention-grabbing extras such as a large art gallery by illustrative stars David Mack, Fábio Moon, Tyler Crook, Matt Kindt, Jen Bartel, Troy Nixey, David Ruben and Charlie Pachter; a fascinating and extensive annotated Sketchbook section from both Christmas and Atwood, plus a detailed and informative rundown on how Bonvillain turns line-art into extraordinarily complex colour pages.

This book has an ulterior motive and secret life too. Pages are copiously footnoted with facts and advice on how to protect felines and avians from harm: originating from the charity, and the tale you enjoy is designed to promote their message of simultaneously keeping cats safe and saving bird lives. Why not look them up and make a donation?

Playful and sly with slickly hidden, razor-sharp edges, this a fable of frolicsome fantasy all mixed up with Fights ‘n’ Tights fun that will delight animal lovers and old-fashioned superhero fans.
Angel Catbird ™ & © 2016 Margaret Atwood. All rights reserved.

Captain Midnight Archive volume 1: Captain Midnight Battles the Nazis

By Dave Gormley, Leonard Frank, Carl Pfeufer, Dan Barry & anonymous & various (Dark Horse Comics)
ISBN: 78-1-61655-242-8 (HB) eISBN: 978-1-62115-884-4

Captain Midnight began his bombastic life as a radio serial star in the days when two-fisted, troubleshooting aviators were the acme of adventure genre heroes. Created by broadcast writers Wilfred G. Moore and Robert M. Burtt, the show was conceived by Chicago ad-men to promote Skelly Oil in the American Midwest.

The Captain Midnight Program soldiered on from 1938 to 1940 until the Wander Company acquired the sponsorship rights to promote their top product: Ovaltine. From there on, not even the sky was the limit: national radio syndication led to a newspaper comic strip (by Erwin L. Hess, running from June 29th 1942 until the end of the decade); a movie serial (1942) and – later – two TV serials (1953 and 1954-1956 – but syndicated as “Jet Jackson, Flying Commando” well into the 1960s). There was also a mountain of merchandise such as the legendary Captain Midnight Secret Decoder Ring

There was also a comic book franchise or more accurately two…

The core premise was that after World War One ended, pilot/aviation inventor Captain Jim Albright  returned home having earned the sobriquet “Captain Midnight” after a particularly harrowing mission that concluded successfully at the witching hour. Founding a paramilitary “Secret Squadron” of like-minded pilots, he did good deeds – often at the covert behest of the President – employing guts and gadgets to foil spies, catch crooks and defend the nation.

Captain Midnight really hit his stride after the attack at Pearl Harbor, becoming an early Home Front media sensation. However, his already fluid backstory and appearance underwent a radical makeover when he switched comic book horses in mid-stream.

This stunningly engaging full-colour collection gathers tantalising snippets from the vast comicbook canon of the “Sovereign of the Skies”, rather arbitrarily collected from Dell Comics anthologies The Funnies #59 (September 1941) and Popular Comics 76 & 78 (June and August 1942) as well as Fawcett Comics’ Captain Midnight #4-6, 9, 12, 31, 44, 47, 58 and 61, released between January 1943 and March 1948. The solo title was initially released fortnightly with #1 bearing a September 30th 1942 cover-date.

Much of this material is unattributed but amongst the regular writers were Joseph J. “Joe” Millard, Wilford Hamilton Fawcett, Bill Woolfolk and Otto Binder whilst artists included Jack Binder and his art stable, as well as the engagingly workmanlike Leonard Frank, Carl Pfeufer, Ken Bald, Jack Keller, Sheldon Moldoff and – latterly – young but constantly improving legends-to-be Leonard Starr and Dan Barry.

Following a fond appreciation and passionate reminiscences from David Scroggy in his effusive Introduction, the cartoon classics begin with an action-packed but confusing chapter from The Funnies #59. Here Dave Gormley depicts the Captain – still clad in regulation leather jacket, aviator flight cap and goggles – and his Secret Squadron in pursuit of nefarious archenemy Ivan Shark before Popular Comics #76 finds them battling to prevent the insidious Ivan’s airborne conquest of America.

Popular Comics #78 (with art by Bob Jenney) renews and continues that titanic struggle as Shark’s henchman Gardo rushes to his master with information that could destroy democracy forever…

When Fawcett took over the comic book license in 1942, they gave Albright a stripped-down operation, flashier gimmicks and a rather striking superhero costume. They also abandoned continued serials in favour of short complete adventures as the Sky Sovereign added Nazi and Japanese villains to his macabre rogue’s gallery.

The initial Fawcett offering comes from Captain Midnight #4 (January 8th 1943) as the sabotaging ‘Gremlins of Graham Field’– possibly illustrated by Frank? – are exposed as malevolent Nazi dwarves whilst #5 sees Albright and his ward Chuck Ramsay overseas in Alexandria proving that ‘The Beasts That Flew Like Birds’ (Pfeufer) were not ancient vampires but far more insidious and dangerous modern monsters…

Plucky mechanic and comedy stooge Icky was one of three regular holdovers from the radio roster of the Secret Squadron and eventually won his own back-up strip and codename: Sergeant Twilight.

A brace of tales from #6 begins with ‘Presenting Ichabod Mudd, Cowboy!’ wherein the homely oaf accidentally exposes Nazis masquerading as cattle rustlers in Nevada, and intent on preventing the government feeding its troops, after which ‘Broadcast of Death’ sees other Nazis jamming shortwave radio communications and morale-lifting programs… until the Captain and his crew step in.

Three tales from Captain Midnight #9 (June 1943) opens with ‘Silent Wings of Destruction’ as the Monarch of the Skies tracks down undetectable planes bombing US war production plants and discovers an astounding Nazi aviation advancement. In ‘Black Tornadoes’ a German inventor unleashes all the fury of nature against the Midwest until the Captain tracks him down, and Albright’s robotic ‘Samson the Mechanical Man’ proves a major asset after uncovering enemy agents in the lab…

Three more classics come from #12 (September 1943). ‘The Puzzle of the Flying Houses’ spots spies using cloud-cover and dwelling-shaped zeppelins to photograph military secrets whilst ‘Buy War Bonds!’ offers a breathtaking ad of the period before ‘The Sinister Angels’ suborning South American peasants and fomenting rebellion are ultimately exposed by our heroes as craftily disguised foreign agents.

A big jump to Captain Midnight #31 (April 1945) opens post-war proceedings with ‘Sgt. Twilight’s Flying School’ as lovably bumbling goof Icky is gulled into teaching a gang of wily thugs how to commit seemingly impossible crimes with aircraft… before finally wising up and lowering the boom…

Issue #44 (September 1946) heralds the resurrection of a deadly foe as ‘Return of the Shark’ sees the villain copying Albright’s latest invention to facilitate robbing planes in mid-air before a literally mad scientist forces Captain Midnight to participate in a deadly ‘Invention Duel to the Death’

December 1946’s CM #47 tangentially addresses growing public interest in horror stories as ‘Fangs of the Werewolf’ (Frank art) sees Midnight hunt an amnesiac GI in the US Sector of newly-partitioned Germany. Here he meets maniacal Nazi holdout Storm von Cloud planning a wave of terror with his sinister Werewolf Corps commandos.

As the 1940s drew to a close technological advancement, science fiction and crime became the most popular topics for action tales, and from #58 (December 1947) ‘Test Tunnel’ uses all those elements to great effect as Shark discovers Midnight’s true identity and lays a lethal trap in Albright’s latest plane-proving system…

Wrapping up this glorious grab-bag of Golden Age goodies is a tale of dogged endurance as ‘Captain Midnight Masters Glacier Peak’ (#61, March 1948; credited to Leonard Starr, but it looks like Dan Barry to me) sees Albright embroiled in a brutal struggle between rival Arctic expeditions to claim acclaim and vast riches at the top of the world…

With an eye-popping gallery of covers by Gormley, Binder, Mac Raboy and Frank, plus mesmerising period ads and mini-features such as ‘Captain Marvel Secret Messages’, ‘Captain Midnight’s Air Quiz’, ‘Captain Midnight’s Air Insignia’ and ‘Fawcett Comix Cards’ this is a superbly engaging feast of comics history and timeless thrills.
Captain Midnight Archives volume 1: Captain Midnight Battles the Nazis ® and © Dark Horse Comics 2013. All rights reserved.

Mega Robo Bros: Next Level

By Neill Cameron, with Abby Bulmer (David Fickling Books)
ISBN: 978-1-78845-294-6 (TPB)

Mighty in metal and potent in plastic, here’s another solid gold all-ages outing from Neill (Tamsin of the Deep, Pirates of Pangea, How to Make Awesome Comics, Freddy) Cameron’s marvellous purpose-built paladins. However, the rambunctious Mega Robo Bros find that even they can’t fight progress adventures and growing pains – in more adventures balancing frantic fun with portents of darker, far more violent days to come…

It’s still the Future!

In a London far cooler than ours, Alex and his younger brother Freddie Sharma are generally typical kids: boisterous, fractious, eternally argumentative yet devoted to each other, and not too bothered that they’re adopted. It’s really no big deal for them that they were meticulously and covertly constructed by the mysterious Dr. Roboticus – before he vanished – and are considered by those in the know as the most powerful – and only fully SENTIENT – robots on Earth.

Dad is just your average old guy who makes lunch and does a bit of writing, but when not being a housewife, Mum is a bit extraordinary, herself – surprisingly famous and renowned robotics boffin Dr. Nita Sharma harbours some shocking secrets of her own…

Life in the Sharma household tries to be pretty normal. Freddie is insufferably exuberant and over-confident, whilst Alex is at the age when self-doubt and anxiety hit hard. Moreover, the household’s other robot rescues can also be problematic…

Programmed as a dog, baby triceratops Trikey is ok, but French-speaking deranged ape Monsieur Gorilla can be mighty confusing, whilst gloomily annoying, existentialist aquatic fowl Stupid Philosophy Penguin hangs around ambushing everyone with quotes from dead philosophers…

The boys have part-time but increasing insistent jobs as super-secret agents, although because they weren’t very good at the clandestine part, almost the entire world knows of them. Generally, however, it’s enough for the digital duo that their parents love them, even though they are a bit more of a handful than most kids. They all live as normal a life as possible: going to human school, playing with human friends and hating homework. It’s all part of their “Mega Robo Routine”, combining dull human activities, actual but rare fun, games-playing, watching TV and constant training in the combat caverns under R.A.I.D. HQ.

Usually, when a situation demands, the boys carry out missions for bossy Baroness Farooq: head of government agency Robotics Analysis Intelligence and Defence. They still believe it’s because they are infinitely smarter and more powerful than the Destroyer Mechs and other man-made minions she usually utilises.

Originally published in UK weekly comic The Phoenix, this revised, retooled and remastered saga opens with the lads feted as global heroes.

After defeating a reject robot rebellion sparked by artificial life activist The Caretaker, the Bros battled monstrous, deadly damaged droid Wolfram and learned that he might be their older brother…

Over the course of that case they learned that fifteen years previously Mum was a young, pretty and brilliant roboticist working under incomparable (but weird) pioneering genius Dr. Leon Robertus. whose astounding advances had earned him the unwelcome nickname Dr. Roboticus. Maybe that was what started pushing him away from humanity…

After months, Robertus to let her repurpose his individually superpowered prototypes into a rapid-response team for global emergencies. Mum used to be a superhero, leading manmade Rapid Response team The Super Robo Six!

While saving lives with them she first met crusading journalist/future husband Michael Mokeme who proudly took her name when they eventually wed…

Robertus was utterly devoid of human empathy but – intrigued by the team’s acclaim and global acceptance – created a new kind of autonomous robot. Wolfram was more powerful than any other construct, and was equipped with certain foundational directives allowing him to make choices and develop his own systems. He could think, just like Alex and Freddy can! Only, as it transpired, not quite…

When Robertus demoted Nita and made Wolfram leader of a new Super Robo Seven, the result was an even more effective unit, until the day Wolfram’s Three Directives clashed during a time-critical mission. Millions of humans paid the price for his confusion and hesitation…

In the aftermath, R.A.I.D. was formed. They tried to shut down Robertus and decommission Wolfram, but the superbot rejected their judgement, leading to a brutal battle, the robot’s apparent destruction and Roboticus escaping…

As the boys absorbed their “Secret Origins”, Wolfram returned attacking polar restoration project Jötunn Base. It covered many miles and was carefully rebalancing the world’s climate, when Wolfram took it over: reversing the chilling process to burn the Earth and drown humanity…

Alex and Freddy were ordered to stay put and not help by Baroness Farooq, but rebelled. By the time the Bros reached Jötunn Base, Wolfram has already ruthlessly crushed a RAID force led by their friend Agent Susie Nichols. After also failing to stop their determined and utterly unreasonable brother, thoughtful, kind contemplative Alex found a way to defeat – and perhaps, destroy – his wayward older brother and save the world…

Here, the boys are seen adapting to a new normal. Their exploit has made them global superstars and whilst immature Freddy is revelling in all the attention Alex is having trouble adjusting: not just to the notoriety and acclaim, but also the horrifying new power levels he achieved to succeed and also the apparent onset of robot puberty…

A collection of shorter, interlinked exploits, Next Level opens with the turbocharged lads attending another Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace. Mum has cleverly dodged the affair, leaving Dad and Grandma policing Stupid Philosophy Penguin and Freddy’s increasingly outrageous behaviour in front of the Queen. Anxious and upset, Alex hides in a spectacularly-appointed toilet and finds the Crown Prince doing likewise. Before long, he’s comparing notes on duty and expectation: sharing his feelings of guilt and grief to perhaps the only other kid on Earth who could be expected to comprehend…

Chapter 2 finds the Bros back at R.A.I.D. HQ, breezing through the usual training programs. To stop Wolfram, the boys had to be upgraded with safety protocols rescinded and they are now almost too powerful. That’s proved the moment they let go against the latest droid weapon and reduce it to more budget-busting spare parts in seconds. That’s when Dr. Sharma’s assistant Zahra Abdikarim has a rather brilliant idea, involving force fields and holograms…

Freddy’s dangerous boredom levels are soon decreased via a training regime that resembles a giant video game…

Another day and another first as Freddy foils an actual bank robbery by an actual exo-suited supervillain and stumbles into an even more insidious crime scheme: copyright infringement!

Whilst grandstanding for the crowds after the bust, the little lout sees a street seller hawking extremely sophisticated robot toy knock-offs of him and his brother. Suspicious and worried, Alex and still-recuperating Agent Susie (working from her hospital bed by telemetric tech) trace the toys to Toymakr Industries and clash with a ruthless narcissistic entrepreneur with no respect for law and life. Not only has he stolen their images and reputations, but also weaponised the little dolls and constructed “upgraded” doppelgangers of the real deal…

Cue huge robot-on-robot carnage…

Chapter 4 takes a more introspective tone as Alex’s PTSD trauma manifests as horrific bad dreams and his parents look into therapy and quickly hit a huge biological snag. Although the boys have literally grown from babies and physically change like humans, they are still mechanical not organic and most counselling strategies just won’t work on them. Thankfully Mum is a genius and finds another way to get Alex the help he so badly needs…

Introspection turns to action when the Bros are called in by the Metropolitan Police to help solve a string of impossible robotics/computer company robberies. With Susie in a tricked-out wheelchair, the boys rapidly uncover a cunning, ludicrous yet deadly scheme by an old foe…

A different kind of crisis manifests next as the Mega Robo Bros experience the dubious joys of camping, on and organised kids-only Outbound Adventure trip. It’s the first time away from home – other than for Earth-saving – for both boys and neither is keen to spend time in a strange camp with boys they don’t know. It’s a life-changing experience for all concerned…

After many close calls, Chapter 7 finally hosts the wedding of Susie Nichols and Zahra Abdikarim, but of course the brides’ big day acts as a magnet for chaos and one particular old enemy. Happily, Baroness Farooq is astoundingly adept at anticipating any possible contingency and the Bros are delighted to hand out a hearty hammering to the party crasher in the bombastic feelgood final chapter…

Crafted by Cameron and colouring assistant Abby Bulmer, this rip-roaring riot isn’t quite over yet: offering charming activity pages on ‘How To Draw Cuddle-Bots!’ and ‘How To Panda’ (both Cute and Angry!), as well as delivering a whacky brace of Bonus Comic! capers with ‘Monsieur Gorilla in Les Vacances de M. Gorilla’ before Alex & Freddy play ‘Legend of Heroes’ with catastrophic results…

Exceedingly engaging excitement and hearty hilarity is balanced here with poignant moments of insecurity and introspection, affording g thrills, chills, warmth, wit and incredible verve. Alex and Freddy are utterly authentic kids, irrespective of their origins, and their antics strike exactly the right balance of future shock, family fun and superhero action to capture readers’ hearts and minds. What movies these tales would make!

Text and illustrations © Neill Cameron 2023. All rights reserved.
Mega Robo Bros Next Level will be released on May 4th 2023 and is available for pre-order now.

Doc Savage® Archives volume One: The Curtis Magazine Era

By Doug Moench, John Warner, John Whitmore, illustrated by John Buscema, Tony DeZuñiga, John Romita, Rico Rival, Marie Severin, Neal Adams, Marshall Rogers, Val Mayerik, Rich Buckler, Klaus Janson, Ed Davis, Tom Sutton, Ernie Chan, Bob Layton, Dick Giordano & various (Dynamite Entertainment)
ISBN: 978-1-60690-514-2 (HB/Digital edition)

Before comic books, thrill-starved readers endured the travails of the Great Depression by regular doses of extraordinary excitement derived from cheaply produced periodical novels dubbed – due to the low-grade paper they were printed on – “pulps”. There were hundreds published every month, ranging from the truly excellent to the pitifully dire: seemingly catering to every conceivable style, taste and genre.

The process spawned a new type of star and kind of story: damaged modern knights who were mysterious, implacable and extraordinary to the point of superhumanity, confronting uncanny overwhelming evil. In this fresh adventure medium, two-star characters outshone all others. The first was The Shadow – a true trendsetter who pioneered and beta-tested most of the methodology and mystique later mastered by Batman and most superheroes. Soon after him came the Superman of his day: Doc Savage, the Man of Bronze

In the early 1930s, The Shadow was a dark, relentless, unstoppable and much-imitated creature of the night preying on the wicked and dispensing his own terrifying justice (and for more about him check out the Dark Avenger review). A true game changer tailor-made by a committee of wise heads and a superb scripter, Street & Smith Publications’ The Shadow set the world on fire, and those savvy savants sensibly sought to repeat the miracle. The result was a modern Hercules, Plato, Hippocrates, King Arthur, Sherlock Holmes and Einstein rolled into one gleaming, oversized paragon of physical perfection.

The big man and his team of globe-trotting war-buddy science specialists had been cobbled together by publisher Henry W. Ralston, editor John L. Naonvic and writer Lester Dent, using the same gameplan that had materialised The Shadow. Editorial notions and sale points of the bosses were fleshed out, filled in and made to work by Dent, who – under house pen-name Kenneth Robeson – wrote 159 of the 181 original novels released between March 1933 (Happy Birthday Doc!) and Fall 1949. The other exploits were handled in whole or in part by ghost writers and assistants Harold A. Davis, Ryerson Johnson, Laurence Donavan, Martin E. Baker, William G. Bogart and Alan Hathway.

The core premise is delicious and instantly engaging. Clark Savage Jr. had been trained from infancy in all arts and sciences, even as he underwent a carefully-devised program and regimen of physical training and sensory stimulation to make him impossibly fast, strong, hardy, acute, astute and – to be honest – pretty smug.

The perfect “Competent Man” was forever solving manic mysteries and protecting the helpless – when not quietly puttering away improving the lot of humanity with his inventions and pioneering medical procedures. However, this self-appointed hero and champion was what we’d probably now call an overachieving abuse survivor. For example, his unique viewpoint deemed it sound and reasonable to cure “evil tendencies” with brain surgery…

Despite such caveats (different times, right?) “Doc” Savage and his militarily-distinguished apex troubleshooters, Renny, Johnny, Long Tom, Ham and Monk were hugely popular in prose, print, radio and comics: a fascinating prototype example of a superhero team.

They regularly aided the oppressed and exploited: battling mad geniuses, would-be world conquerors, scary monsters, weird forces, dictators and uncommon criminals, before fading from view as the 1940s closed. They stormed back into popular culture during the 1960s, revived as part of global fantasy boom which also resurrected The Shadow, Conan, the C’thulu mythos and so many other pulp stars and craftsmen. Doc was particularly memorable thanks to such magazine exploits being reprinted in iconic Bantam Books paperbacks sporting stunning covers by James Bama…

Savage and his “fabulous five” had been funnybook stars since 1940: firstly in Street & Smith’s own The Shadow #1-3, and then in their own Doc Savage Comics (1940-1943). He thereafter appeared intermittently in The Shadow and Supersnipe Comics until 1948.

In November 1966, an abortive movie of The Thousand-Headed Man came to nothing, but did result in a one-shot tie-in from Gold Key Comics by Leo Dorfman & Jack Sparling. It also sported a lovely cover by Bama…

During an era of nostalgia, Marvel secured rights to publish Doc Savage comics: adapting the novels Man of Bronze, Brand of the Werewolf, Death in Silver and The Monsters over 8 regular issues between October 1972 and January 1974. There was also a giant-sized special and Doc entered Marvel continuity by teaming with Spider-Man and The Thing.

George Pal’s movie Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze was released in June 1975. Heavily hyped but an eventual flop, it nevertheless prompted Marvel to revive their license: creating a monochrome magazine version combining interviews and articles with darker, more mature comics adventures. The movie was fun but misunderstood and underappreciated, but it allowed true fans to see how their hero should always have been handled…

This hefty compilation re-presents all the material originally included in Doc Savage Magazine #1-8, spanning cover-dates August 1975 to Spring 1977. It is called the “Curtis Magazine Era” because that’s the name of the affiliated distribution company Marvel were part of at the time, and indicated a separate imprint producing comics outside the remit of the restrictive Comics Code Authority rules.

Thus, following Roger Kastel’s stunning full-colour painted cover (based on a movie poster) and a publicity photo frontispiece of actor Ron Ely beside an iconic Bama cover painting, Doc Savage #1 opens with Marv Wolfman’s ‘An Editorial in Bronze’ and John Romita (Sr.) & Tony DeZuñiga’s potent ‘Pin-up art’. This is mere prelude to an extra-long, peril-packed period drama by writer Doug Moench and illustrators John Buscema, Romita & DeZuñiga whose cunning comics chills commence with ‘The Doom on Thunder Isle!’.

When a Manhattan skyscraper is razed to rubble by lightning, Doc and his team are drawn into a missing persons case involving socialite Angelica Tremaine, her architect brother Winston and fiancé Thomas J. Bolt

A complex plot rapidly unfolds, involving her, them and a suicidally fanatical kidnap gang seemingly based in the clouds, before Doc deduces the actual tropical island location of the foe. Deploying his many signature war-machines and leading his team in a brief but brutal clash against mutant beasts, super-science weapons and ancient madness, Doc learns even he cannot foil or fix all the cruel experiments of the insane Silver Ziggurat

Following a contemporary body building ad (!), Jim Harmon & Chris Claremont interview director/producer ‘George Pal… The Man Who Made Doc Savage’ to end the first foray…

Scots artist Ken Barr painted the other covers, the first of which precedes Marv Wolfman’s editorial in #2 asking ‘Why Couldn’t Ron Ely Be Short and Ugly?’ (augmented by Marie Severin cartoons) before dark doom and destruction arrives in another extravagant mystery in Moench & DeZuñiga’s ‘Hell-Reapers at the Heart of Paradise’

Here a property tycoon’s abduction by an apparently crazed and definitely radioactive Viking pitches Savage and Co. into a lethal and terrifying treasure hunt for a galleon lost since 1504. The search expands to include a flotilla of missing ships vanished over centuries in the Arctic, and concludes spectacularly with civil war in a lost paradise packed with monsters…

More hilariously outdated macho ads bracket a ‘Ron Ely: the Man of Bronze!’ interview conducted by John Warner with photos by Michelle Wolfman…

Doc Savage Magazine #3 sees another Barr cover, frontispiece ‘Pin-up art’ by Rich Buckler & Klaus Janson and letters page ‘Mail of Bronze’ preface Moench, Buscema & DeZuñiga’s  titanic 45-page tale ‘The Inferno Scheme!’ When robot beasts plunder gems all across New York City, enigmatic, enticing Contessa De Chabrol points the finger at her brother, hoping Savage and his “brothers in arms” can keep the police out of the affair and save her deranged sibling from himself. With utterly smitten engineer Renny suitably distracted, they head upstate to Chabrol’s fortress to find the villain has mastered the science of lasers as well as robotics…

Well, almost. He still needs Renny to fine-tune his death ray cannon, but even as the captive’s comrades render a rescue mission, one last tragic betrayal awaits them…

Ape-shaped chemist/comedic relief Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Blodgett Mayfair then stars in a solo tale when Monk! experiences ‘A Most Singular Writ of Habeas Corpus’ by Moench & Rico Rival. When his eternal rivalry with lawyer Ham (Brigadier General Theodore Marly Brooks) leads to the legal fashion plate losing his latest suit to the Monk’s pet pig, it results in everyone being abducted by a ruthless racketeer seeking to ace out the competition through clever chemistry…

More classic ads neatly segue into a stripped-down DSM #4 wherein Moench, Marie Severin & DeZuñiga detail how ‘Ghost-Pirates from the Beyond!’ imperil the world. It begins in February 1936 as assassins kill high-ranking police officers in Casablanca before targeting Clark Savage Jr.’s friend Charles Villiers in the Big Apple. Seemingly murdered by a ghostly sheik, the criminologist’s demise is forensically deconstructed by Doc, who brings his team to Morocco and scotches a scheme to garner millions in lost treasure and foment rebellion in the fractious French Protectorate…

Another ‘Mail of Bronze’ section and more ads (where did I put those X-ray Spex?) takes us #5 where ‘The Doc Savage Oath’ is illustrated by Neal Adams and more ‘Mail of Bronze’ sets up a colossal comics clash with ‘The Earth Wreckers!’. Here Moench & DeZuñiga see our planet in peril in summer 1933, as Doc Savage traverses the globe, raiding lairs on six continents to ruthlessly secure the components for a device intended to end humanity. This tale introduces Doc’s formidable cousin Pat Savage who is dragged into the impending calamity by shy, retiring whistle-blower Hiram Meeker. As usual, there’s more going on than first appears and the climactic battle against maniac super-extortionist Iron Mask beneath Loch Ness affords many shocks before order is finally restored…

Pin-up art’ of Doc and the gang by Marshall Rodgers bisects Bob Sampson’s comprehensive feature on ‘The Pulp Doc Savage!’ and David Anthony Kraft’s photo-feature ‘An Interview with: Mrs. Lester Dent’ before more daft ads herald Doc Savage Magazine #6.

Another Barr classic cover, supported by anonymous ‘Pin-up art’ (that looks like early Mike Zeck to me) and editorial ‘Onward, the Man of Bronze’ written by John Warner & limned by Keith Pollard springs directly into wild action into Moench & DeZuñiga’s main feature ‘The Sky-Stealers!’ as supposed Egyptian gods employ astounding super science to wipe out the mining town of Plainville, Utah. When Doc investigates, he leans that not only was the bank looted, but all the freshly-procured uranium is also gone…

As neighbouring town Union is also eradicated, lawyer Ham and archaeologist Johnny strike gold: uncovering maverick savant Professor Johnathan Wilde whose theories on “pyramid power” led to his ostracization and eventual disappearance. The hunt inexorably leads the squad to the New York Museum of Natural History, the pyramid of Cheops in Giza and repeated clashes with beast-headed supermen before deranged mastermind Horus and his armies finally fall to Doc’s strategies and sheer determination to punish the unjust…

Bob Sampson’s prose biography of ‘Renny’ is supported by illustrations from art prodigies Frank Cirocco & Brent Anderson, ‘Mail of Bronze’ and ‘Pin-up art’ by Ron Wilson (?).

Penultimate issue DSM #7 offers ‘Pin-up art’ by Ed Davis, before storming straight into a monster-mash masterpiece with Moench, Val Mayerik & DeZuñiga detailing how ‘The Mayan Mutations!’ unleash giant terrors in Peru. It’s June 1941 and America is still officially neutral whilst most of the world is at war, but when missionary Vesper Hope seeks the team’s aid on behalf of her native companion Myrrana, the quest takes them back to south America’s rain forests where white men have enslaved the indigenous people and created devils to destroy everything.

The champions don’t even leave New York before the terrors target them, too…

Ultimately, our heroes clean up the green hell and uncover the shocking truth of the monsters, but this time not all the damage can be fixed…

More ‘Pin-up art’ by Ed Davis leads to Sampson’s article on ‘Johnny’ before the historical heroic hijinks halt with issue #8. Tom Sutton’s ‘Pin-up art’ frontispiece precedes Warner’s farewell in ‘Editorializing on the Bronze Side in Two Parts’ before he, John Whitmore, Moench & Ernie Chan unleash ‘The Crimson Plague’.

When Doc leads the team to Acapulco in search of an old medical colleague, they uncover an uncanny monster leaving brain-addled victims and corpses. The octopoid horror follows them back north and haunts Brooklyn before Savage uncovers human agency behind the scarlet death “disappearing” scientists and threatening the world’s greatest cities. The imminent crisis demands the Fabulous Five split up, but when that ploy fails it falls to Doc to save the day and destroy the ghastly culprit behind the plot…

Wrapping up the issues – and this epic collection – is one last ‘Mail of Bronze’ feature, and more ‘Pin-up art’: Long Tom and friends’ courtesy of Davis and Savage by Bob Layton & Dick Giordano, all tantalising bolstered by a tantalising promo for a new collected serial (stay tuned for that later in this Savage anniversary year!)…

Bold, bombastic and truly beloved, these yarns have been published by Marvel, DC and Dynamite: truly timeless tales of the perfect and prototypical man of wonders. These are stories no action-loving, monster-hunting, crime-busting armchair hero can be without.

So, is that you?
® and © 2014 Conde Nast. Used under license.

The Best of Cat Girl

By Giorgio Giorgetti, Ramzee, Elkys Nova, anonymous & various (Rebellion Studios)
ISBN: 978-1-78618-585-3 (TPB/Digital edition)

Here’s another superb lost treasure of British comics finally getting some of the attention its always deserved. Of course, that statement only applies if you are male and old. Just like every place on Earth that puttered along obliviously until a white guy stuck a flag in it, I’d imagine the girls who bought Sally back then had no problem appreciating the thrilling travails of young Cathy Carter who donned a literal catsuit to prowl our nation’s smoky rooftops in search of villainy to crush and people to help.

In terms of variety, emotional quality and respect for the readership’s intelligence, experience and development, British girls’ periodicals were always far more in tune with the target audience, and I wish now that I’d been more open-minded and paid more attention back then…

It’s certainly an attitude modern editors have embraced. Since 2016, Rebellion Studios has been commemorating the best of a very large bunch in assorted curated reprint archives – and even some new material – as part of its Best of… and Treasury of British Comics strands, as well as ongoing Judge Dredd/2000 AD publications.

Sally was a colourful, adventure-themed Girls weekly from London-based IPC (formerly Fleetway): running 94 anthological issues from June 14th 1969, before merging with juvenile juggernaut Tammy in 1971. The Sally brand of strange tales survived until 1976 through Christmas Annuals (6 of them). The title relied heavily on mystery and action strips such as Schoolgirl Princess, Justine, the Winged Messenger of Justice, Maisie’s Magic Eye and today’s star turn, The Cat Girl

Another unmissable gem from days gone by, and re-presenting serialised thrills spanning June 1969 to mid-1970, this collection features yet another kitty-clad costumed crusader to augment Billy the Cat and Katie (The Beano), The Cat (June), The Cat (Bunty), Peter the Cat (Score & Roar), The Leopard from Lime Street (Buster) and others. Of course, this lass is exceptionally well-produced and memorable…

Whereas the writer is sadly unknown to us, these detective delights were sublimely illustrated by Italian émigré/UK comics stalwart Giorgio Giorgetti (Rat-Trap, House of Dolmann, Mam’selle X, Jump, Jump, Julia, and many others). He was swift and prolific, tackling newspaper strips, book illustration and seen almost constantly in titles including Mirabelle, Girl’s Crystal, Tammy, Jinty, Sally, Katy, June and School Friend as well as for general interest comics like Shiver & Shake and Look and Learn. He died far too early, in 1982.

I mentioned that these recovered memories have inspired new stories, and this enticing, mostly monochrome tome opens with a modern, full-colour revival of the feline fury, courtesy of writer Ramzee (FAB, LDN), artist Elkys Nova (Roy of the Rovers), colourist Pippa Bowland & letterer Simon Bowland.

Taken from 2020’s Tammy & Jinty Special and set in the present, ‘Cat Girl Returns’ sees single parent police inspector Cathy Cooper trailing murderous kidnappers/diamond thieves, covertly assisted by her daughter Claire.

The precocious kid has found an old cat “onesie” in mum’s closet that comes with a mask and imparts actual feline superpowers upon her…

Karl Stock’s full and comprehensive illustrated fact-feature on ‘Giorgio Giorgetti – The Cat Girl Artist – also from the T & J Special – closes this collection as part of a bonus section of creator biographies, but between those poles lurk a quintet of quirky, “kitchen-sink” superhero sagas utterly unlike anything the Americans were attempting at the time…

Girls’ comics always had a history of addressing modern social ills and issues but this “Girls Juvenile Periodical” viewed events and characters through a lens of soap opera criminality and casual mysticism. It was also one of the best-drawn comics ever seen…

Heading back to a time before mobile phones and social media, a widower tries to combine solo parenting with keeping his business afloat. Mr. Carter is a private detective slowly going under because he’s obsessed with a mysterious gangland mastermind.

Typically – in a classic early example of what we now know as Mental and Emotional Loads for women – young Cathy pretty much runs the home and keeps him going, whilst fretting over ways to help him more. She gets her chance after cleaning the attic and stumbling over a strange garment sent from Africa by a grateful and satisfied client. It was hidden inside a puzzle box Dad couldn’t get open…

Helpless to resist its weird appeal, Cathy dons the gear and realises it’s instantly made her stronger, faster, more agile, supernaturally sensitive and alert. It’s even given her claws and the ability to communicate with cats – and when she does it, they listen…

Soon ‘The Cat Girl’ (14th June – 2nd August 1969) is secretly supervising Carter’s cases, watching his back and fighting crime to help get ahead of the mounting bills. The first exploit sees him crack a massive insurance scam engineered by the hidden mastermind, who then targets his true nemesis prior to a major raid on a stately home…

Cat Girl constantly outwits sinister foe ‘The Eagle’, who returns for more in a second adventure (running from 9th August – 13th September) that sees her put all the clues together to scupper a huge mail train robbery.

Sadly, in the process the scurvy schemer deduces her secret. Abducting the kid, Eagle tests her almost to destruction whilst seeking to steal her powers. He does succeed in mesmerising her into becoming a tool in his wicked arsenal, but is still outwitted at the end…

The Cooper’s third performance here spans 24th January and 21st March 1970. Their star had risen, and Dad’s far more prosperous and prestigious agency is engaged to locate stolen gems lost during a major robbery. Meanwhile, Cathy quietly toils to clear the name of a performer seemingly possessing all the skills of the svelte vigilante…

Acrobatic Betty Breton claims she has been framed for stealing her theatre show’s takings, but there’s a far more complicated game in play, one requiring Cathy going undercover as a ‘Theatre Cat’ When her super-suit is swiped, both Cooper cases converge and a grim grand scheme is exposed…

In the aftermath of public acclaim, ace criminologist Cooper and his kid are invited to South America by flashy, wealthy CEO Mr. Barton. He wants them to capture infamous bandit El Sorro, whose extortion racket is cutting into Monza Oil’s vast profits, but Cathy learns a slightly different story when lodging with the Carlos family and befriending their daughter Mario.

Running 28th March to 30th May, this exotic extravaganza sees our schoolgirl hero infiltrating the bandit gang as ‘El Catto’, only to inadvertently expose and compromise her dad’s investigations whilst rapidly rising in the rogues ranks.

Only after a succession of astounding feats and incredible ventures does the masked “boy” (because no girl could fight like El Catto does) bring down the gang, save Dad and earn the eternal gratitude of Monza Oil and the common folk…

One final foray comes in a self-contained extended tale from Sally Annual 1971 (released in Autumn 1970), with Cathy countermanding Dad’s wishes and joining a travelling carnival. Her stint as acrobatic aerialist ‘Circus Cat’ is to help trapeze artist Kay Katoni, who can’t keep narrowly escaping a series of bizarre and potentially fatal “accidents” forever. It doesn’t take long for the feline flyer to divine who’s got it in for Kay and why…

This engaging and tremendously compelling tome is another glorious celebration of a uniquely compelling phenomenon of British comics and one that has stood the test of time and still adhered to the prime directive of UK costumed champions: “all British superheroes must be weird and off-kilter”.

Don’t miss this chance to get in on something truly special and sublimely entertaining…
© 1969, 1970, 2020 & 2022 Rebellion Publishing IP Ltd. All Rights Reserved. The Cat Girl and all related characters, distinctive likenesses and relevant elements featured in this publication are trademarks of Rebellion Publishing IP Ltd.