CSI: Demon House

CSI: Demon House 

By Max Allan Collins, Gabriel Rodriguez & Ashley Wood

ISBN: 1-84023-936-0

The third compilation from Collins, Rodriguez and Wood featuring that infallible band of criminalists takes them to the peculiarly American venue of a spooky “Inspirational” theme park run by a Fundamentalist, Conservative/Family Values group attempting to scare misspending youths back onto the straight and narrow.

When a robbery and suspicious gun death impinge on each other on the park grounds, the team is faced with a unique challenge. And how does an ongoing convenience-store robbery spree connect to these crimes at the eponymous ‘Demon House’?

This is a compelling and entertaining thriller that is worthy of the attention of any crime fan as well as fans of the TV show it’s derived from.

© 2004 CBS Broadcasting Inc. and Alliance Atlantis Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.