By Kris Oprisko, Gabriel Rodriguez & Steven Perkins (Titan Books)
ISBN: 1-84576-056-5
The fourth adventure of the crack forensic team takes them on a whirlwind of slaughter as the survivor of a mob hit goes on a rampage of vengeance that leaves a stack of corpses littering the glitzy, tawdry environs of Las Vegas.
The previous volumes, written by novelist and crime comics heavyweight Max Allan Collins seem to have proven a hard act to follow, as scripter Kris Oprisko delivers a competent yet lacklustre story devoid of twists or surprises and which often descends into actual predictability.
However, the dual illustration approach of Gabriel Rodriguez and Steven Perkins adds a much needed frisson of tension to the proceedings.
All things considered, this series still provides solid entertainment value for comics fans with a soft spot for hard men and big scores.
© 2000-2005 CBS Broadcasting Inc. and Alliance Atlantis Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.