AKA Goldfish

AKA Goldfish

By Brian Michael Bendis (Caliber)
ISBN: 0-941613-85-2

Brian Michael Bendis created a powerful and very dark crime noir story in this tale of small-time con artist David Gold, the eponymous lead character. ‘Goldfish’, comes home after ten years away, but nothing is the same. His old point man Izzy is a cop now, and ex-girlfriend Lauren Bacall is the most powerful and ruthless criminal in the city, which she rules from her nightclub ‘Cinderella’. Around her floats an ugly coterie of gangsters and power-hungry city officials like a big black cloud, all jostling for position and advantage.

As the players advance their own agendas, each exploiting friend and foe alike, it is impossible to predict who, if any, will survive the inexorable, inevitable final confrontation.

Originally a five-issue mini-series published by Caliber Press in 1995-6, this is one of those independent stories from comics’ outer edges that led to the reinvention of the Crime genre in the industry mainstream. It’s a dark, ruthless tale without heroes, and Bendis manages to blend staccato action with moments of slow, choking tension.

This is excellent stuff, highly recommendable to any non-comics fan and yet, inexplicably, seems to be out of print.

© 2000 Brian Michael Bendis.