New Avengers: The Collective


New Avengers: The Collective

By Brian Michael Bendis & various (Panini Publishing UK)
ISBN13: 978-1-905239-68-9

Although wearing the trappings of the new, darker, more in-your-face Marvel Universe, this tale is at heart an old fashioned “Who Can Save the World?” tale featuring the latest – possibly most sales-savvy – team of superheroes to carry the fabled Avengers ID card.

Reprinted from Giant-Size Spider-Woman #1 and issues #14-20 of the monthly New Avengers comic book, illustrated by Frank Cho, Steve McNiven, Mike Deodato Jr., Rick Mays, Jason Martin, Dexter Vines and Joe Pimentel this story by Brian Michael Bendis clarifies – or perhaps further muddies the true allegiances of double-agent Jessica Drew who, as the Avenger Spider-Woman is also an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the terrorist organisation Hydra.

As if that’s not grief enough Captain America and Iron Man go public with possibly the least popular roster in history comprising the mutant Wolverine, Spider-Man, Luke Cage and the mysterious all-powerful basket-case known as the Sentry. At least Carol Danvers (Ms. Marvel, Binary, Warbird and probably a bunch more code-names by the time you read this) is on hand to pitch in when necessary…

Couple all that with a positively hostile US Government and a new S.H.I.E.L.D. boss who’s ruthless when defied, then the unstoppable threat from space that is cutting a swath of death and destruction across the planet seems almost the least of the team’s worries.

Sharp, entertaining, competent if a little complex for the newcomer or returning fan, this disaster-movie style follow-up to the House of M crossover event is an unassuming and amiable read for fans of the “fights ‘n’ tights” scene.

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