By Chuck Dixon, Ryan Benjamin & Salem Crawford (Wildstorm/DC Comics)
ISBN13: 978-1-84576-729-7
No-nonsense, high speed fun and thrills is what this uncomplicated, beautifully illustrated grim ‘n’ gritty heroes versus monsters yarn offers, and if that’s your preference then you won’t be disappointed.
Grifter is a gun-toting special operative with psionic powers he considers a curse. Midnighter is an augmented human street-fighter with the iconoclastic super-team The Authority, where, despite his reputation as the deadliest man alive, he feels himself to be the weakest link. When the team has to rescue him from an alien abduction, he isolates himself to sulk, only to become embroiled in an extraterrestrial plot to destroy the Earth. Moreover he has to team up with old rival Grifter, with whom he has long shared a hate/hate relationship.
Lots of guns, lots of fights, a naked alien chick, world-eating monsters and non-stop buddy-movie testosterone-fuelled badinage keep this high-velocity eye-candy popping and sparking. If that’s your addiction, or if you simply want a change of pace from worthier, weightier material this could be the book for you.
© 2007, 2008 WildStorm Productions, an imprint of DC Comics. All rights reserved.