Predator vs Wolverine

By Benjamin Percy, Andrea Di Vito, Greg Land & Jay Leisten, Ken Lashley, Hayden Sherman, Kei Zama, Gavin Guidry, Frank D’Armata, Juan Fernandez, Alex Guimarães, Matthew Wilson & various  (20th Century Studios/MARVEL)
ISBN: 978-1-302955045 (TPB/Digital edition)

Win’s Christmas Gift Recommendation: Irresistibly Purely Primal Pandering Nonsense… 8/10

Although I’ve striven long and hard(ish) to validate and popularise comics as a true art form here and elsewhere, it’s quite hard to escape one’s roots, and every so often the urge to revel in well-made, all-out mindless violence and crass commercialism masquerading as what the reader wants just takes me over. If there’s a similar little kid inside you, this unchallenging, arty no-brainer team-up property might just clear the palate for the next worthy treat I’ll be boosting…

Predator was first seen in the eponymous 1987 movie and started appearing in comic book extensions and continuations published by Dark Horse with the 4-issue miniseries Predator: Concrete Jungle spanning June 1989 to March 1990. It was followed by 39 further self-contained outings and (by my count thus far) 14 crossover clashes ranging from Batman and Superman to Judge Dredd, Archie Andrews and Tarzan, keeping the franchise alive and kicking whilst movie iterations waxed and waned. Two of the most recent involve stalwart movie sensations the Black Panther and Wolverine.

That latter has been remarkable restrained in intercompany outreach projects thus far.

Wolverine is all things to most people and in his long life has worn many hats: Comrade, Ally, Avenger, Father Figure, Teacher, Protector, Punisher. He first saw print in a tantalising teaser-glimpse at the end of Incredible Hulk #180 (cover-dated October 1974 – So Happy 50th, Eyy?). That peek devolved into a full-on if inconclusive scrap with the Green Goliath and accursed cannibal critter Wendigo in the next issue. Canada’s super-agent was just one more throwaway foe for Marvel’s mightiest monster-star and subsequently vanished until All-New, All Different X-Men launched the following year.

The semi/occasionally feral mutant with fearsome claws and killer attitude rode – or perhaps fuelled – the meteoric rise of those rebooted outcast heroes. He inevitably won a miniseries try-out and his own series: two in fact, in fortnightly anthology Marvel Comics Presents and an eponymous monthly book (of which more later and elsewhere). In guest shots across the MU plus myriad cartoons (beginning with Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends in 1982) and movies (from X-Men in 2000) – he has carved out a unique slice of superstar status and never looked back.

Over those years many untold tales of the aged agent explored his erased exploits in ever-increasing intensity and detail. Gradually, many secret origins and revelatory disclosures regarding his extended, self-obscured life slowly seeped out. Afflicted with periodic bouts of amnesia, mind-wiped ad nauseum by sinister foes or well-meaning associates, the lethal lost boy clocked up a lot of adventurous living – but didn’t remember much of it. This permanently unploughed field conveniently resulted in a crop of dramatically mysterious, undisclosed back-histories. Over the course of his X-Men outings, many clues to his early years manifested, such as an inexplicable familiarity with Japanese culture and history, but these turned out to be only steps back, not the true story…

In this co-production those lost days neatly plug into a saga of vengeance and vendetta spanning more than a century, but which, I strongly suspect, will not play a large part in mainstream Marvel continuity for all the guest stars involved…

The teeth-tightly-clenched tale by Bejamin Percy sees the embattled mutant fleeing across contemporary frozen Canada pursued by an invisible killer with death rays and sharp projectiles and definitely on the losing end of this tussle. As he flees, lashes out and howls at bay his much-abused mind flicks back to previous encounters with this particular hunter, who has seemingly stalked its prey for over a century…

Brutal and uncompromising, the savage close calls are revisited in flashbacks by a tag team of artists – Ken Lashley handling the present day; Greg Land & Jay Leisten depicting young James Howlett circa 1900 in Alaska, and Andrea Di Vito limning a covert South American mission beside Sabretooth, Maverick, Jackson and Kruel when Codename Wolverine was a memory-edited spy with Team X. Every incident ended with an alien attack and the mutant barely escaping…

Other key moments are included, as when the relentless monster invaded the Weapon X facility in Alberta, just as the burned-out secret agent is being forcibly infused with Adamantium (illustrated by Hayden Sherman), Kei Zama’s lyrical rendition of Logan and swordsmaster Muramasa battling Hand ninjas and the remorseless invisible hunter, and Gavin Guidry depicting the early Westchester Mansion era where even a full X-Men team are helpless against the single-minded space invader. In case you were wondering, each section is collaboratively coloured by Juan Fernandez, Frank D’Armata, Alex Guimarães & Matthew Wilson and lettered by VC’s Cory Petit. Ultimately by returning to today the chase comes to a cataclysmic close…

Like the films, what’s on offer is a thinly disguised excuse for mindless, cathartic violence and rollercoaster thrills and chills, and it’s all accomplished with compelling style and dedication.

Wildly implausible, edgily daft and thoroughly entertaining, the original 2023 4-part miniseries came with a variety of cover choices. Capping the furious fun is an extended gallery included here courtesy of Peach Momoko, Mike McKone & Rachelle Rosenberg, Alex Maleev, Skottie Young, Inhyuk Lee, Stephen Segovia & Romulo Fajardo Jr., Steven McNiven & D’Amarta, Gary Frank & Brad Anderson, Javi Fernández & Wilson, Sam De La Rosa & Chris Sotomayor, Cory Smith & Federico Blee, Whilce Portacio & Alex Sinclair, Adam Kubert & Wilson, Dan Jurgen, Breet Breeding & Sinclair, Bill Sienkiewicz, and Joshua Cassara & Dean White.

Track this down for simple fun and pure escapist shocks and shudders.
© 20th Century Studios. Marvel, its characters and its logos are ™ Marvel Characters, Inc.

Iron Fist Epic Collection: The Fury of Iron Fist volume 1 1974-1977

By Roy Thomas, Len Wein, Doug Moench, Tony Isabella, Chris Claremont, Doug Moench, Tony Isabella, Gil Kane, Larry Hama, John Byrne, Arvell Jones, Keith Pollard, Pat Broderick, Dick Giordano, Dan Green, Vince Colletta, Aubrey Bradford, Bob McLeod, Al McWilliams, Frank Chiaramonte, Dan Adkins, Dave Hunt & various (MARVEL)
ISBN: 978-0-7851-9164-3 (TPB/Digital edition

Comic books have always operated within the larger bounds of popular trends and fashions – just look at what got published whenever westerns or science fiction dominated on TV – so when the ancient philosophy/health-&-fitness discipline of Kung Fu made its unstoppable mark on domestic entertainment in the West, it wasn’t long before the “Chop Sockey” kicks and punches found their way en masse onto the four-colour pages of America’s periodicals.

As part of the first Martial Arts bonanza, Marvel converted a forthcoming license to use venerable pulp fictional villain Fu Manchu into a series about his son. The series launched in Special Marvel Edition #15, December 1973 as The Hands of Shang Chi: Master of Kung Fu and by April 1974 (#17) it became his exclusively. A month later the House of Ideas launched a second orient-informed hero in Iron Fist; a character combining Eastern combat philosophy with high fantasy, magic powers and a proper superhero mask and costume. Happy 50th Anniversary!

The character owed a hefty debt to Bill Everett’s pioneering golden Age super-hero Amazing Man who graced various Centaur Comics publications between 1939 and 1942. The tribute was paid by Roy Thomas & Gil Kane who adopted and translated the fictive John Aman’s Tibetan origins into something that gibed better with twin 1970’s zeitgeists of Supernatural Fantasy and Martial Arts Mayhem…

This collection gathers the far-ranging first years of publishing True Survivor and “Living Weapon”, as delivered in Marvel Premier #15-25, Iron Fist #1-15 and Marvel Team-Up #63-64 (spanning May 1974 to December 1977). These saw the high-kicking wonder uncover his past and rediscover his heritage and humanity before inevitably settling into an apparently inescapable role of costumed crusader as half of superhero and detective bromance Power Man and Iron Fist.

The saga began on a spectacular high in Marvel Premier #15 with The Fury of Iron Fist!’ by Thomas, Kane and inker Dick Giordano, as a teenaged masked warrior defeats the cream of a legendary combat elite in a fabled other-dimensional city before returning to Earth.

Ten years previously little Daniel Rand had watched his father and mother die at the hands of Harold Meachum whilst the party of millionaire adventurers risked Himalayan snows to find the legendary city of K’un Lun. Little Danny had travelled with his parents and business partner Meachum in search of the fabled city – which only appeared on Earth for one day every decade. Wendell Rand had some unsuspected connection to the fabled Shangri La but was killed before they found it, whilst Danny’s mother sacrificed herself to save the child from wolves and her murderous pursuer.

As he wandered alone in the wilderness, the city found Danny. The boy spent ten years training: mastering all forms of martial arts in a militaristic, oriental, feudal paradise while enduring countless arcane ordeals, living only for the day he would return to Earth and avenge his parents. After conquering all comers and rejecting immortality, the Iron Fist returned to Earth, a Living Weapon able to channel his force of will into a devastating super-punch…

From the outset the feature was plagued by its inability to sustain a stable creative team, although, to be fair, story quality never suffered, only plot and direction. Reaching New York City in #16, ‘Heart of the Dragon!’ (Len Wein, Larry Hama & Giordano) found Iron Fist reliving the years of toil which had culminated in a trial by combat with mystic dragon Shou-Lao the Undying, which won him the power to concentrate his fist “like unto a thing of Iron” as well as other unspecified abilities. The epic clash permanently branded his chest with the seared silhouette of the fearsome wyrm.

His recollections are shattered when martial arts bounty hunter Scythe attacks, revealing that prospering murderer Meachum knew the boy was back and had put a price on his head…

Danny had not only sacrificed immortality for vengeance but also prestige and privilege. As he left K’un Lun, supreme ruler of the city the August Personage in Jade Yu-Ti had revealed that murdered Wendell Rand was his brother…

Marvel Premier #17 saw Doug Moench take over scripting as Iron Fist stormed Meachum’s skyscraper headquarters – a ‘Citadel on the Edge of Vengeance’ converted into a colossal 30-storey death trap. The assault led to a duel with cybernetically-augmented giant Triple-Iron and a climactic confrontation with his parents’ killer in #18’s ‘Lair of Shattered Vengeance!’

The years had not been kind to Meachum. He’d lost his legs to frostbite returning from the high peaks, and, upon hearing from Sherpas that a boy had been taken into K’un Lun, had spent the intervening decade awaiting in dread his victims’ avenger…

Filled with loathing, frustration and pity, Iron Fist turns away from his intended retribution, but Meachum dies anyway, slain by a mysterious Ninja as the deranged multi-millionaire attempts to shoot Danny in the back…

In #19, Joy Meachum and her ruthless uncle Ward – convinced Iron Fist had killed the crippled Harold – step up the hunt for the returnee via legal and illegal means, whilst the shell-shocked Living Weapon aimlessly wanders the strange streets of Manhattan. Adopted by enigmatic Colleen Wing, Danny meets her father, an aging professor of Oriental Studies who has fallen foul of a Death Cult!’

In his travels the aged savant had acquired ancient text The Book of Many Things, which, amongst other items, held the secret of K’un Lun’s destruction. The deadly disciples of Kara-Kai are determined to possess it, and after thwarting their next murder attempt Danny tries to make peace with Joy, but instead walks into an ambush with the bloodthirsty Ninja again intervening and butchering the bushwhackers…

A period of often painful inconsistency began as Tony Isabella, Arvell Jones & Dan Green took over with #20. The Kara-Kai cultists renew their attacks on the Wings whilst Ward Meachum hires an army of killers to destroy the Living Weapon in Batroc and other Assassins’ – with the identity of the ninja apparently revealed here as the elderly scholar…

Marvel Premier #21 introduced the ‘Daughters of the Death Goddess’ (Vince Colletta inks) as the Wings are abducted by cultists and bionic ex-cop Misty Knight debuts, first as foe but soon as an ally. When Danny tracks down the cult he discovers some shocking truths – as does the Ninja, who had been imprisoned within the ancient book by the August Personage in Jade in ages past and recently possessed Professor Wing in search of escape and vengeance.

All was revealed and the hero exonerated in #22’s ‘Death is a Ninja’ (“A. Bradford” inks) with the Ninja disclosing how, as disciple to sublime wizard Master Khan, he had attempted to conquer K’un Lun and been imprisoned within the crumbling tome for his pains. Over years he had discovered a temporary escape and subsequently manipulated the Wings and Iron Fist to secure permanent release and the doom of his jailers. Now exposed, he faces the Living Weapon in a final cataclysmic clash…

A measure of stability began with #23 as Chris Claremont, Pat Broderick & Bob McLeod took the series in a new direction. With his life’s work over and nearly nine years until he could return “home”, Danny is now a man without purpose – until whilst strolling with Colleen he stumbles into a spree shooting in ‘The Name is… Warhawk!When the cyborg-assassin has a Vietnam flashback and begins heedlessly sniping in Central Park, the Pride of K’un Lun instantly responds to the threat – and thus begins his career as a superhero…

In ‘Summerkill’ (inked by Colletta), the itinerant exile battles alien robot the Monstroid and opens a long and complicated association with Princess Azir of Halwan, as the mysterious Master Khan resurfaces, apparently intent on killing her and seizing her country…

Marvel Premier #25 was the last of the run and start of the hero’s short but sweet Golden Age as John Byrne became regular penciller for ‘Morning of the Mindstorm!’ (inked by Al McWilliams). Whilst Colleen is driven to unconsciousness and abducted and her father pushed to the edge of insanity by mind-bending terrorist Angar the Screamer, Danny – made of far sterner stuff – overcomes the psychic assault and tracks the attackers to Stark Industries and into his own series…

Iron Fist #1 (November 1975) featured ‘A Duel of Iron!’ as he is manoeuvred into battling Iron Man, even as Colleen escapes and runs into Danny’s future nemesis Steel Serpent before being recaptured and renditioned to Halwan. Following a spectacular, inconclusive and ultimately pointless battle, Danny and Misty Knight also head for Halwan in ‘Valley of the Damned!’ (#2, inked by Frank Chiaramonte) with K’un Lun’s finest recalling a painful episode from his youth wherein best friends Conal and Miranda chose certain death beyond the walls of the regimented war-paradise rather than remain in the lost city where they could not love each other…

As Master Khan begins to break Colleen, Danny & Misty stopover in England where nuclear horror The Ravager slaughters innocents by blowing up London Airport and the Post Office Tower (we rebuilt it as the BT Tower, so don’t panic), compelling Iron Fist to punch way above his weight in ‘The City’s Not For Burning!’ Inevitably it ends in ‘Holocaust!’ as the unmasked Ravager is revealed to be old villain Radion the Atomic Man. He fatally irradiates Danny until the wounded warrior fortuitously discovers the cleansing, curative power of the Iron Fist before storming to his greatest triumph yet…

With Misty recuperating, Danny befriends guilt-ridden IRA bomber Alan Cavenaugh before tackling another of Khan’s assassins in ‘When Slays the Scimitar!’, after which Iron Fist & Misty finally infiltrate Halwan in #6, courtesy of crusading lawyer Jeryn Hogarth, who also promises to secure Danny’s inheritance and interests from the Rand-Meachum Corporation.

The Pride of K’un Lun doesn’t much care, since brainwashed Colleen has been unleashed by Khan, determined to kill her rescuers in ‘Death Match!’

None of the earthly participants are aware that, from a hidden dimension, Yu-Ti is observing the proceedings with cold calculation…

Using his Iron Fist to psychically link with Colleen, Danny breaks Khan’s conditioning and at last the malignant mage personally enters the fray in #7’s ‘Iron Fist Must Die!’: a blistering battle which breaches dimensions and exposes the August Personage in Jade’s involvement in Wendell Rand’s death. Given the choice between abandoning his friends on Earth or returning to K’un Lun for answers and justice, the Living Weapon makes a true hero’s choice…

With Iron Fist #8 Danny returns to New York and attempts to pick up the pieces of a life interrupted by more than a decade of pointless obsession. Unaware that Steel Serpent now works for Joy Meachum, Danny joins the company until merciless mob boss Chaka and his Chinatown gangs attack the business ‘Like Tigers in the Night!’ (inked by Dan Adkins). In resisting the invasion Iron Fist is fatally poisoned.

Sportingly offered an antidote if he survives a gauntlet of Chaka’s warriors, Danny triumphs in his own manner before ‘The Dragon Dies at Dawn!’ (Chiaramonte inks) but when a hidden killer bludgeons Chaka, Danny is again a fugitive from the cops and dubbed the Kung Fu Killer!’ (Adkins) until he, Colleen and Misty expose the entire plot as a fabrication of the gangster.

IF #11’s ‘A Fine Day’s Dawn!’ sees the Living Weapon square off against Asgardian-empowered thugs the Wrecking Crew and, with Misty a hostage, compelled to fight Captain America in #12’s ‘Assault on Avengers’ Mansion!’ – until the Pride of K’un Lun and the Sentinel of Liberty unite to turn the tables on the grotesque god-powered gangsters…

In the intervening time Cavenaugh arrives in New York, but cannot escape the reach of his former Irish Republican comrades. They hire hitman Boomerang to kill the defector and ‘Target: Iron Fist!’ with little success, whereas the villain introduced in issue #14 comes a lot closer: even eventually eclipsing Iron Fist in popularity…

‘Snowfire’ – inked by Dan Green – finds Danny and Colleen running for their lives in arctic conditions when a retreat at Hogarth’s palatial Canadian Rockies estate is invaded by deadly mercenary Sabre-tooth. It just wasn’t their week as, only days before, a mystery assailant had ambushed Iron Fist and somehow drained off a significant portion of his Shou-Lao-fuelled life-force. Despite being rendered temporarily blind, the K’un Lun Kid ultimately defeats Sabre-tooth, but the fiercely feral mutant would return again and again…

With Claremont & Byrne increasingly absorbed by their stellar collaboration on revived and resurgent mutant horde The X-Men, something had to go and Iron Fist#15 (September 1977) was their last Martial Arts mash-up for a while. The series ended in spectacular fashion as – through a comedy of errors – Danny stumbles into battling Wolverine, Storm, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Banshee and Phoenix in ‘Enter, the X-Men!.

The cancellation was unplanned, as two major subplots remained unresolved: Misty had disappeared on undercover assignment investigating European gang boss John Bushmaster whilst Danny again had his chi siphoned off by Steel Serpent. Fans didn’t have to wait long: Claremont & Byrne had already begun a stint on Marvel Team-Up and turned the Spider-Man vehicle into their own personal clearing house for unresolved plot-lines. MTU #63-64 (November & December 1977 and inked by Dave Hunt) revealed the secret of K’un Lun exile Davos in ‘Night of the Dragon’, with Steel Serpent sucking the power of the Iron Fist from Danny, leaving him near death. Risking all she had gained, Misty broke cover and rushed to his aid…

With the wallcrawler and Colleen (the girls using team codename Daughters of the Dragon) to bolster him, Iron Fist defeats Davos to reclaims his birthright in ‘If Death Be My Destiny… before shuffling off into a quiet retirement and anonymity.

… But not for long…

Although suffering a few grim patches, the greater bulk of the Iron Fist saga ranks amongst the most exciting and enjoyable Costumed Dramas of Marvel’s second generation. If you want a good, clean fight comic this is probably one of your better bets, especially if you’re a fan of original artwork as this titanic tome closes with a house ad and fabulous selection, shot from Byrne’s inked pages and original pencil character sketches…

Now a screen star and solid stanchion of Marvel’s massive continuity, Iron Fist easily outgrew his opportunistic, faddy roots and is waiting to shake hand with you. Are you going to keep the birthday boy waiting any longer?
© 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 2015 Marvel Characters, Inc. All rights reserved.

Astonishing X-Men volume 1: Gifted

By Joss Whedon, John Cassaday & various (MARVEL)
ISBN: 978-0785146957 (HB/Digital Edition)

The loss of John Cassaday is sudden and shocking but at least we have his wonderful work to console ourselves with. Here’s one of his best, that you should see or revisit…

Joss Whedon turned his inimitable skills with choreographing ensemble casts to the ultimate team-book when he started writing the high-profile Astonishing X-Men (the first six issues of which are collected in this volume). With the supremely talented John Cassaday (Hellboy, Just Imagine, Lone Ranger, Flash) as artist the comic was always going to look great and sell well, but the ease with which Whedon slips into the characters and lifts them out of the mire of decades of convoluted clichés and continuity was a joy to behold.

You’re either aware or not of mutant continuity, so I’ll forego the usual précis and simply state that new readers can jump on with the minimum of confusion, and – aided by a skilful use of banter – be brought up to speed as the team of Cyclops, EmmaWhite QueenFrost, Wolverine, Kitty Pryde and The Beast re-unite as proactive mutant do-gooders, but with a new and rather subversive mission statement.

In a world that hates and fears mutants, these heroes have traditionally fought secretive, furtive battles to save the day, with humanity despising them all the while. Their new agenda is simple: do the battling and saving, but in a public-relations savvy society, do it in such a way that the entire world knows who to thank. They will become public heroes and saviours, changing public opinion by doing good publicly.

The plan to alter those perceptions begins by ending a hostage situation where anti-mutant terrorists led by an alien named Ord of the Breakworld crash a swanky High Society function. Even as hungry paparazzi are mobbing the victorious heroes, however, word comes that the media blitz may be unnecessary. An announcement has been made that science has found a cure for the mutant gene…

That news divides not just the mutant community, but even the team itself. Is “mutant-ness” even a disease? Is it better to conform or be unique? Where did the cure come from and who actually benefits? What role does Ord play in these earth-shattering events and is he working alone? None of these deep issues get in the way of a rollercoaster-ride of action and genuine suspense that’s been missing since the earliest days of these characters.

Combining breathtaking illustration and stunning action with superb characterisation in a mystery/conspiracy tale is a Whedon trademark. Adding alienation metaphors that have been such a strong part of the X-Men mystique and fan psychology made this a powerful yet entertaining read that appealed to almost everybody. Having it rendered shockingly realistic and authentic-seeming by a modern comics master made it unmissable.
© 2004 Marvel Characters, Inc. All rights reserved.

Ghost Rider: Danny Ketch Epic Collection volume 1 – Vengeance Reborn (1990-1991)

By Howard Mackie, Roy Thomas & Dann Thomas, Javier Saltares, Mark Texeira. Mark Bagley, Larry Stroman, Chris Marrinan, Jimmy Palmiotti, Harry Candelario, Tom Palmer, Mark McKenna & various (MARVEL)
ISBN: 978-1-3029-5405-5 (TPB/Digital edition)

This book includes Discriminatory Content produced during less enlightened times.

In the early 1970’s, following a downturn in superhero comics sales Marvel shifted focus from traditional clean-cut costumed crusaders to supernatural and horror characters. One of the most enduring was a flaming-skulled vigilante dubbed The Ghost Rider.

Carnival stunt-cyclist Johnny Blaze had sold his soul to the devil in an attempt to save his foster-father from cancer. As is always the way of such things Satan (or arch-liar Mephisto as he actually was) followed the letter, but not spirit, of the contract and Crash Simpson died anyway.

When the Demon Lord came for Blaze only the love of an innocent saved the bad-boy biker from eternal pain and damnation. Temporarily thwarted, Johnny was punished: afflicted with a body that burned with all the fires of Hell every time the sun went down. He became the unwilling host for outcast and exiled demon Zarathos – the Spirit of Vengeance. After years of travail and turmoil Blaze was liberated from the demon’s curse and seemingly retired from the hero’s life. The origin has been tweaked constantly since then, but for this time and tome, this is what the reboot stemmed from…

As Blaze briefly escaped a preordained doom, a tragic boy named Danny Ketch assumed the role of Zarathos’ host and prison by a route most circuitous and tragic…

From that dubious period of fashionably “Grim ‘n’ Gritty” superheroics in the early 1990s comes an engagingly fast-paced and action-oriented horror-hero re-imagining, courtesy of writer Howard Mackie and artists Javier Saltares & Mark Texeira, which rapidly secured the newest Ghost Rider status as one of the hottest hits of the period.

This premiere Ghost Rider: Danny Ketch Epic Collection volume gathers #1-12 of the revitalised series plus crossover incidents from Marc Spector: Moon Knight #25, Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #28 and material from Marvel Comics Presents #64-71: cumulatively covering cover-dates May 1990 to April 1991, and opens sans introduction with Howard Mackie, Javier Saltares & Mark Texiera’s bonanza-sized introductory tale ‘Life’s Blood’

Here teenager Danny and his photographer sister Barbara are looking for Houdini’s tomb in Brooklyn’s vast Cypress Hills Cemetery on the eve of Halloween. Tragically, they stumble into a bloody criminal confrontation over a mysterious briefcase with ninjas and gangsters lashing out indiscriminately. Discovered, the siblings flee but Barb is hit by an arrow, with the case itself snatched by a juvenile gang who haunt the wooded necropolis. One of them makes tracks with the prize as the ninjas and macabre leader Deathwatch finish the firefight that follows. Now they are hunting for their hard-won prize… and the witnesses…

In an adjacent junkyard Danny is helplessly watching Barb bleed out when his attention is caught by a glowing pair of eyes. Closer inspection reveals them to be an arcane design on the gas-cap of an abandoned motorbike. The ninjas, having caught the girl who stole the briefcase, are closing in on the Ketch kids when Danny, hands soaked in his sister’s blood, touches the glowing bike symbol and is inexplicably transformed into a spectral horror, burning with fury and indignation. He has become a Spirit of Vengeance hungry to assuage the pain of innocent blood spilled, brimming with inhuman vitality, toting an infinitely adaptable bike chain and employing a mystic “Penance Stare” which subjects the guilty to unimaginable psychic pain and guilt…

The Blazing Biker makes short work of the ninjas, but when the police arrive and find him standing over dying Barbara, they naturally jump to the wrong conclusion…

Ghost Rider flees on a bike with wheels of fire, causing spectacular amounts of collateral carnage, as Barb is rushed to hospital, where a re-transfigured, bruised, bleeding and totally confused Danny finds her next morning…

In the richest part of Manhattan, Wall Street shark/psionic monster Deathwatch makes a ghastly example of the man who lost his briefcase – twice! – even as his competitor for it, criminal overlord Wilson Fisk, similarly chastises his own minions for failure. The contents of the case are not only hotly disputed, but utterly lethal and both factions will tear Brooklyn apart to get them. Meanwhile the teen thieves known as the Cyprus Pool Jokers find three canisters in the purloined case and hide them all over the vast cemetery, unaware that both Deathwatch’s ninjas and the Kingpin’s hoods are hunting for them.

At Barbara’s bedside Danny is wracked with guilt and plagued by anger. Unable to help his comatose sister, he decides to investigate what happened to him. When he regained consciousness, the blazing bike had returned to a normal configuration which Danny climbs aboard to heads back to Cyprus Hills and seek answers… just as competing packs of killers are turning the streets into a free-fire zone.

Riding right into the bloodbath, Danny sees his bike gas-cap glowing again and, almost against his will, slams his palm onto it to unleash his skeletal passenger once again…

Devastating assembled mobsters and murderers, the Ghost Rider takes wounded Cyprus Pool Jokers Ralphie and Paulie to hospital and another pointless confrontation with the authorities…

Second issue ‘Do Be Afraid of the Dark!’ depicts open war between Deathwatch and Kingpin’s forces for canisters neither side possesses, with Ghost Rider roaming the night tackling increasingly savage hunters on both sides. Paulie admits she has no idea where two of the containers might be, since the Jokers split up to hide them and she’s now the last of them…

The urban horror escalates when Deathwatch’s metahuman enforcer Blackout joins the hunt: a sadistic manmade vampire with the ability to manipulate fields of complete darkness. This psychotic mass-murderer targets entire families and starts his search by “questioning” the cops who attended the initial battle in the graveyard…

Danny is on the verge of a breakdown, snapping viciously at his mother and girlfriend Stacy: utterly unable to share the horror his life has become. Between days at Barb’s bedside and nights enslaved to a primal force obsessed with blood and punishment, Ketch is drowning…

When Blackout tracks down recuperating Ralphie, Ghost Rider is too late to save the young felon’s parents and barely manages to drive the vampire away before the boy also succumbs, leading to the inevitable final clash in ‘Deathwatch’ as the Wall Street dilettante’s forces find the canisters before being overwhelmed by the Kingpin. Painfully pragmatic, the ninja-master simply surrenders, but wildly unpredictable Blackout refuses to submit, slipping into a deadly berserker rage before escaping with the containers and terrified hostage Paulie.

The albino maniac knows his prize is a toxin able to eradicate New York’s population and harbours an plan to use it to kick-start an atomic war. The subsequent nuclear winter would ensure an Earth he would inevitably rule. However, his delusional dreams are ended when the Ghost Rider appears and engages the vampire in blistering battle.

Incensed beyond endurance, Blackout savagely bites the blazing biker, but instead of blood sucks down raw, coruscating hellfire that leaves his face a melted, agonising ruin whilst burning the canisters to harmless slag…

GR #4 finds Danny – unable to resist the constant call to become the Flaming Apparition – locking the cursed motorcycle beyond the reach of temptation in distant Manhattan. Sadly, it has other ideas when a clash between bikers and an old Thor villain trap Ketch and a car full innocent bystanders in a subterranean parking garage. ‘You Can Run, but You Can’t Hyde!’ teaches the troubled young man that the Rider is a cruel necessity in a bad world: an argument confirmed by the beginning of an extended subplot wherein children start vanishing from Brooklyn’s streets.

The very epitome of Grim ‘n’ Gritty stops by for a two issue guest-shot in #5-6 as ‘Getting Paid!’ and Do or Die!’ reveal a mysterious figure distributing free guns to children, drawing the attention of not just the night-stalking Spirit of Vengeance but also merciless, militaristic vigilante Frank Castle, known to criminals and cops alike as The Punisher.

The weapons are turning the city into a slaughterhouse, but cops and unscrupulous TV reporter Linda Wei seem more concerned with stopping Ghost Rider’s campaign against the youthful killers than ending the bloodshed. Danny investigates in mortal form and quickly finds himself in over his head, but for some reason the magic medallion won’t transform him. He is completely unaware how close he is to becoming the Punisher’s latest statistic…

The situation changes that night and the flame-skulled zealot initially clashes with Castle before they unite to tackle the true mastermind: rabid anti-nationalist, anti-capitalist terrorist Flag-Smasher. With the insane demagogue determined to unleash a blizzard of death on Wall Street, the driven antiheroes briefly unite to end the scheme and save the “bad” kids and the system that created them…

Illustrated solely by Texeira, ‘Obsession in #7 sees the return of contortionist/animal trainer The Scarecrow – who barely troubled Iron Man, The X-Men or Captain America in his early days – reinventing himself after slipping into morbid thanophilia. Now a remorseless, death-preoccupied deviant, he presents a truly different threat to the mystic agent of retribution…

A far greater menace is seen – or rather, not seen – as Blackout resurfaces: silently stalking Ketch and savagely slaughtering everybody who knows him. Not even the police guards at Barbara’s hospital bedside can stop the fiend with half-a-face…

Through dreams Danny debates his cursed existence with the Spirit of Vengeance in Mackie, Saltares & Texeira’s ‘Living Nightmare’ with Danny bemoaning his fate but seemingly unable to affect the implacable, terrifying being he can’t stop becoming. Adding to his fevered nights are visions of Deathwatch, Barbara and vile psycho-killer Blackout…

As the vampire continues killing anybody coming into contact with Danny – who seems paralysed by his dilemma – Stacy completes her training to be a cop, whilst her dad increases patrols to catch the blazing Biker. Impatient and scared, the Cypress Hills Community Action Group takes controversial steps to safeguard their streets: hiring maverick private security company H.E.A.R.T. (Humans Engaging All Racial Terrorism – truly one of the naffest and most inappropriate acronyms in comics history) who promptly assess Ghost Rider as the cause of all the chaos and go after him with high-tech military hardware including a helicopter gunship…

The Spirit of Vengeance is already occupied, having found Blackout attacking another girl, but their showdown is interrupted when the fiery skeleton is attacked by a colossal Morlock (feral mutants who live in tunnels beneath New York) mistaking saviour for assailant…

GR #9 guest-stars X-Factor (a reconstituted X-Men team comprising Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Iceman and The Beast) who solve the mystery of the missing children in ‘Pursuit’ (with additional inks by Jimmy Palmiotti) after following Ghost Rider and Morlocks under the city.

Tragically, Blackout too is on the Blazing Biker’s trail and finds in the concrete depths even more victims to torture Danny Ketch’s breaking heart and blistered soul before their climactic last clash…

Here we pause for social networking 90s style as a serial in fortnightly anthology showcase Marvel Comics Presents (issues #64-710) sees the spectral biker participate in ‘Acts of Vengeance.’ Concocted by Mackie, Texiera & Harry Candelario the 8-part serial finds the Rider, Wolverine and debutante hero Brass battle Deathwatch, ninjas, Triads and host of other then-ubiquitous oriental-themed foes in a rushed, non-stop excuse for a fight detailed in ‘Ghosts of the Past!’, ‘Claw & Chain’, ‘Dancing in the Dark’, ‘Uneasy Alliance’, ‘Mutants, Nijas & Demons’, ‘Brass Tactics’, ‘Confession is Good for the Soulless’ and ‘The End’, prior to the Rider roaring into double-length and out-of-chronology Marc Spector: Moon Knight #25 April 1991).

Here Mackie, Mark Bagley & Tom Palmer detail how the Fist of Khonshu fights fanatical and fatalistic religious zealots The Knights of the Moon before grudgingly accepting vengeful spiritual support to prevent a wave of New York bombings… and worse…

Returning to Ghost Rider #10 (February 1991 by Mackie, Saltares & Texiera) ‘Stars of Blood’ sees Danny reconciled to his burden and beginning a new phase of life. When a series of horrific murders are attributed to a publicity-seeking serial killer named Zodiak, Ketch investigates the deaths and discovers the haunted gas-cap is again inactive, although it does transform him later when he stumbles over a couple of kids fighting. Arcanely active again, Ghost Rider follows a convenient tip to the astrological assassin and discovers a far more prosaic reason for the string of slayings before an inclusive and unsatisfying battle with the insufferable, elusive Zodiak.

Meanwhile elsewhere, the humiliated H.E.A.R.T. honchos accept Deathwatch’s commission to destroy the Spirit of Vengeance, whilst in the western USA a previous victim of the curse of Zarathos is riding his motorcycle hard, determined to get to New York and destroy the new Ghost Rider as soon as possible…

Pencilled by Larry Stroman, ‘Through a Nightmare Revealed…’ finds Danny repeatedly targeted by the dream demon who once controlled Zarathos – and who is determined to do so again. In the physical world Zodiak, returns with anew scheme and the previous Biker from Hell closes in on Danny, all before Earth’s Sorcerer Supreme pops in moments too late to prevent Ketch and the Spirit of Vengeance taking their relationship to the next level…

This volume ends on a thematic cliffhanger with GR #12 (April 1991 by Mackie, Saltares & Texiera) sharing some Stephen ‘Strange Tales’ as Earth’s magical monitor and aides Topaz and Rintrah arrive at a wrong conclusion about the new Ghost Rider and take unnecessarily hostile action.

Incapable of relinquishing his mission to save the innocent, the Rider hits back and heads off, leading the mistaken heroes to the real monsters and the true victims in time for a shocking demon-infested conclusion in Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #28’s ‘Strange Tales, Part II’ (Roy Thomas & Dann Thomas, Chris Marrinan & Mark McKenna) with infernal old foes and new threats all failing to flay humanity…

To Be Continued…

This expanded re-issue of 1991’s Ghost Rider Resurrected trade paperback also includes the Texiera cover and articles by John A. Wilcox from Marvel Age #87 (April 1990) as well as Marvel Trivia Quiz, Fred Hembeck’s Li’l Blazer cartoon spoof and a text piece and spoof ads from Marvel 1990 – The Year in Review.

Also on show are Texiera’s cover and Mackie’s introduction from that 1991 collection and the Ghost Rider/Wolverine: Acts of Vengeance TPB; Ghost Rider: Danny Ketch – Marvel Tales by Logan Lubera & Chris Sotomayor; Ghost Rider: Danny Ketch Classic by Saltares & John Kalisz and Marvel Comics Presents Wolverine volume 4 by Rob Liefeld & Tom Chu, plus pin-ups from Texiera, Palmiotti & Saltares. There’s a full cover gallery and variants by Saltares, Texiera, Jim Lee, Bagley, Stroman, Mike Thomas & Klaus Janson, David Ross, Jim Valentino & Joe Rosas, Paul Gulacy, Sandy Plunkett & Alan Weiss, Liefeld, John Byrne and Mike Golden, and also original art by Lee.

Despite being markedly short on plot and utterly devoid of humour, this reboot delivered the maximum amount of uncomplicated thrills, spills and chills for action-starved fight fans – and still does. If you occasionally feel subtlety isn’t everything and yearn for a vicarious dose of plain-&-simple wickedness-whomping, this might well be the book you’re looking for.
© 2023 MARVEL.

Deadpool Epic Collection volume 2: Mission Improbable (1994-1997)

By Joe Kelly, Ed McGuiness, Larry Hama, Christopher Golden, Jeph Loeb, Adam Pollina, Aaron Lopresti, Bernard Chang, Ben Herrera, Adam Kubert, Fabio Laguna, Kevin Lau, Pete Woods, Shannon Denton & John Fang & various (MARVEL)
ISBN: 978-1-84653-427-0 (TPB/Digital edition)

With a long, LONG awaited cinematic combo clash finally headed our way this summer and in the year a certain Canadian Canucklehead’s turns 50, expect a few cashing-in style commendations and reviews. Here’s a handy starter package to set the ball rolling…

Bloodthirsty and stylish killers and mercenaries have long made for popular protagonists: so much so they even have their own movie subgenre. Deadpool is Wade Wilson (a barely disguised knockoff of Slade Wilson/Deathstroke the Terminator: get over it – DC did): a hired killer and survivor of genetics experiments that has left him a scarred, grotesque bundle of scabs and physical unpleasantries but practically invulnerable and capable of regenerating from any wound.

The wisecracking high-tech “merc with a mouth” was created by Rob Liefeld & Fabian Nicieza, debuting in New Mutants #97, and apparently another product of the US/Canadian Weapon X project that had created Wolverine and so many other mutant and/or cyborg super-doers. He got his first shot at solo stardom with a couple of miniseries in 1993 (see previous volume) but it wasn’t until 1997 that he finally won his own title.

This collection spans cover-dates December 1994 – October 1997, compiling the increasingly funny, furiously fight-filled Deadpool #1-9 (plus issue minus 1) as well as Wolverine #88, X-Force #47 & 56 and combination release Daredevil & Deadpool Annual 1997, with excerpted material from Wolverine Annual ‘95: all-in-all a frenetic blend of light-hearted, surreal, frays, frolics and incisive, poignant relationship drama that is absolutely compulsive reading for dyed-in-the-wool superhero fans who might be feeling just a little jaded with four-colour overload. For the sake of completeness, also included are pertinent snippets from X-Force #46, 71, 73 & 76…

Preceded by an Introduction from Joe Kelly, the cartoon violence kicks off with the First Official MU Meeting of its most stabby stalwarts. ‘It’s D-D-Deadpool, Folks!’ (by Larry Hama, Adam Kubert, Fabio Laguna & Mark Farmer) was December 1994’s Wolverine #88 wherein Wade is hunting his former girlfriend Vanessa AKA Copycat. Sadly, he’s looking in the same apartment severely-wounded X-Man Logan is searching for traces of equally missing cyborg (and Alpha Flight ally) Garrison Kane who was at that time calling himself “Weapon X”. In minted Marvel Manner, the misunderstanding leads to major violence and mass healing factor deployment…

The fractious relationship was renewed in a short from Wolverine Annual ’95 wherein Chris Golden, Ben Herrera &Vince Russell reveal ‘What the Cat Dragged In’ when Wolverine -seeking a cure for dying comrade Maverick (infected with the Legacy Virus) – accidentally liberates Wilson from a bio-lab where evil Dr. Westergaard and Slayback hold him captive. The villains wants to duplicate healing factors and soon pay heavily for their lack of ethics…

A slice of X-Force #46 and full load from #47#s ‘Breakout’ (September & October 1995 by Jeph Loeb, Adam Pollina & Mark Pennington) focuses on Deadpool’s ill-advised relationship with X-teen Siryn (Theresa Maeve Rourke Cassidy) who against her better judgement calls on the smitten merc to free her from an extremely unsafe asylum: The Weissman Institute. That bloody rescue only confirms that it’s not only the lunatics in charge of this nuthatch and in the melee mutant forces clash and Wade takes up involuntary residence…

He’s stuck there for a very long time and only let loose in ‘Crazy for You’ (X-Force #56, July 1996, by Loeb, Pollina, Bud LaRosa & Mark Morales) when mind-wiped Theresa regains lost memories and goes back to get him with teammate Shatterstar in tow. Once the true mastermind is exposed everyone makes for the exits in advance of the next big change…

Preceded by a mini-gallery of Ed McGuinness covers, at last, inevitably Deadpool claimed his own title. A new era began with extra-sized spectacular ‘Hey, It’s Deadpool!’ as Joe Kelly, McGuiness, Nathan Massengill & Norman Lee re-introduced the mouthy maniac, his “office” and “co-workers” at the Hellhouse where he picked up his contracts and also afforded us a glimpse at his private life in San Francisco. Here he has a house and keeps an old, blind lady a permanent hostage. This was never going to be your average superhero title but the creators fully leaned into the outrageous…

The insane action part of the tale comes from the South Pole where the Canadian government has a super-secret gamma weapon project going: guarded by Alpha Flight strongman Sasquatch. Now somebody is paying good money to have it destroyed, but nothing goes quite to plan…

In #2 ‘Operation: Rescue Weasel or That Wacky Doctor’s Game!’ finds the slightly gamma-irradiated hitman still mooning over lost love Siryn (I cannot emphasise this enough: the barely legal mutant hottie from X-Force) when his only friend/tech support guy Weasel goes missing, snatched by ninjas working for super-villain Taskmaster – and just when Deadpool’s healing ability is on the fritz. Deadpool #3’s ‘Stumped! Or This Little Piggie Went… Hey! Where’s the Piggy?!’ ramps up the screwball comedy quotient as Siryn convinces the merciless merc to turn his life around, which he’ll try just as soon as he tortures and slowly kills the doctor who first experimented on him all those years ago…

The turnabout storyline continues in ‘Why Is It, to Save Me, I Must Kill You?’ featuring a hysterically harrowing segment where Wilson must get a blood sample from The Incredible Hulk, before concluding in #5’s ‘The Doctor is Skinned!’ …or The End of Our First Story Arc’, wherein T-Ray – his biggest rival at Hellhouse – moves to become the company “top gun”…

Another extended story arc opens with Deadpool #6 and ‘Man, Check Out the Head on that Chick!’ as the gun (sword, grenade, knife, garrotte, spoon…) for hire accepts a contract to spring a woman from a mental asylum. Of course it’s never cut-and-dried in Wade’s World, and said patient is guarded by distressingly peculiar villainess The Vamp (who old-timers will recall changes into a giant, hairy naked telepathic cave-MAN when provoked …cue poor taste jokes by the dozen…).

The saga is briefly paused for a looming publishing event. Flashback was a company-wide publishing event wherein Marvel Stars shared an untold tale from their past, with each issue that month being numbered # -1. Deadpool’s contribution was a darker than usual tale from Kelly, Aaron Lopresti & Rachel Dodson, focusing on para-dimensional expediter Zoe Culloden. She’s a behind the scenes manipulator who has been tweaking Wilson’s life for years. ‘Paradigm Lost’ looks at formative moments from the hitman’s history and possibly reveals the moment when – if ever – the manic murderer started to become a better man…

Back at the plot (and with extra inking support from Chris Lichtner), it just gets worse in ‘Typhoid… It Ain’t Just Fer Cattle Any More or Head Trips’ as that captive chick turns out to be murderous multiple personality psycho-killer Typhoid Mary. Her seductive mind-tricks ensnare Deadpool, dragging him into conflict against the Man Without Fear in a closing episode mad-housed in Daredevil & Deadpool Annual 1997’s ‘Whomsoever Fights Monsters…’

Sadly, Typhoid isn’t easy to get rid of and Deadpool #8 (Kelly, Pete Woods, McGuiness, Shannon Denton, John Fang, Massengill & Lee) sees her still making things difficult for Wade in ‘We Don’t Need another Hero…’ with the merc forced to confront true madness… or is that True Evil?

It’s a return to lighter, but certainly no less traumatic, fare for final complete entry ‘Ssshhhhhhhhhh! or Heroes Reburned’ (with ancillary pencils by Denton) as Deadpool reclaims his pre-eminent position at Hellhouse just in time to be suckered into a psychological ambush by utterly koo-koo villain Deathtrap – clearly another huge fan of Tex Avery and Chuck Jones’ greatest hits…

Wrapping up the storytelling portion are pertinent moments from X-Force #71, 73 & 76, as crafted by John Francis Moore, Pollina, Andy Smith, Mike S. Miller, Morales, Mark Prudeaux, Rich Perrota, Walden Wong, Scott Hanna & Sean Parsons. Here dangling plot threads are addressed as Wade makes his peace with Siryn (or thinks he does) and fellow merc Domino hires out to insane assassin Arcade… with big trouble brewing for a later date…

Slowing the pace and closing this particular red ledger is a flurry of bonus features beginning with ‘Deadpool Behind the Scenes’ by Matt Idelson & Chris Carroll: outlining the creative process via ‘The Story’, ‘The Cover’, ‘If at First You Don’t Succeed…’

Next are ‘Character Design’, excerpted letters pages ‘Deadlines’; ‘Behind the Scenes: Daredevil/Deadpool ‘97’ and Behind the Scenes: Deadpool #6, 7 & 9’ from concept to finished art, and closing with articles and poster art from promo magazine Marvel Visions #12, plus house ads, trading card art (18 images by 21 different artists), even more posters and covers to earlier collected graphic novels.

Although staying close to the X-franchise that spawned him, Deadpool was always a welcome counterpoint to the constant sturm und drang of his Marvel contemporaries: weird, wise-cracking, and profoundly absurd on a satisfyingly satirical level. Now he’s bigger than God – Graeco-Roman ones at least – this titanic tome could serve as a great reintroduction to comics for fans who thought they had outgrown the fights ‘n’ tights crowd and a must have bible for film fans looking to get their funnybook freak on.
© 2022 MARVEL.

Wolverine: Origin – The Complete Collection

By Bill Jemas, Joe Quesada, Paul Jenkins, Andy Kubert, Richard Isanove, Kieron Gillen, Adam Kubert, Frank Martin, Rain Beredo & various (MARVEL)
ISBN: 978-0-88899-753-1 (B/Digital edition)

Wolverine is all things to most people and in his long life has worn many hats: Comrade, Ally, Avenger, Father Figure, Teacher, Protector, Punisher. He first saw print in a tantalising teaser-glimpse at the end of Incredible Hulk #180 (cover-dated October 1974 – So Happy 50th, Eyy?). That peek devolved into a full-on if inconclusive scrap with the Green Goliath and accursed cannibal critter Wendigo in the next issue. Canada’s super-agent was just one more throwaway foe for Marvel’s mightiest monster-star and subsequently vanished until All-New, All Different X-Men launched.

The semi-feral mutant with fearsome claws and killer attitude rode – or perhaps fuelled – the meteoric rise of those rebooted outcast heroes. He inevitably won a miniseries try-out and his own series: two in fact, in fortnightly anthology Marvel Comics Presents and an eponymous monthly book (of which more later and elsewhere). In guest shots across the MU – plus myriad cartoons and movies – he has carved out a unique slice of superstar status and never looked back. Over those years many untold tales of the aged agent explored his erased exploits in ever-increasing intensity and detail. Gradually, many secret origins and revelatory disclosures regarding his extended, self-obscured life slowly seeped out. Afflicted with periodic bouts of amnesia, mind-wiped ad nauseum by sinister foes or well-meaning associates, the lethal lost boy clocked up a lot of adventurous living – but didn’t remember much of it. This permanently unploughed field conveniently resulted in a crop of dramatically mysterious, undisclosed back-histories. Over the course of his X-Men outings, many clues to his early years manifested such as an inexplicable familiarity with Japanese culture and history but these turned out to be only steps back not the true story…

Although long touted as a story that couldn’t be told, the history of such a popular character was never, ever going to remain a mystery. Wolverine captivated comic book audiences and did it all over again on the small screen and in movies. Thus, in a climate of declining print sales, finally giving him an origin was truly inevitable. Sadly, just as certain was fan conviction that the event couldn’t help but be something of a disappointment.

Since I loathe story spoilers above almost all things, I’m going to be as vague as I can, just in case you’re the one who hasn’t seen this story yet. Released in a stylish six chapter prestige limited series spanning November 2001 to July 2002. ‘The Hill’, ‘Inner Child’, ‘The Beast Within’, ‘Heaven and Hell’, ‘Revelation’ and ‘Dust to Dust’, touch upon torment, tragedy and triumph to build the hero’s backstory, so suffice us to say that at the turn of the 19th century in Canada, 12-year old Rose is hired by wealthy landowner John Howlett II as companion to sickly heir James.

Left among taciturn servants on the palatial estate, Rose also befriends all-but-feral child “Dog” Logan, a much-abused son of the groundskeeper/general handyman. As she rapidly settles into the daily routine she also learns the estate is not a tranquil or safe place…

Horror strikes one fateful night as a murder-suicide shatters forever the tense stability of the gothic domain, with Rose and Wolverine-to-be forced to flee for their lives. On the run for years, they found stability, settling in a quarrying camp where harsh conditions and physical toil rapidly mature our mutant hero. Work was hard and as James grew he increasingly found peace, companionship and idyllic joy in the wild woods amongst a pack of timber wolves. Even here repercussions of the Howlett Estate tragedy impacted them, leading to a final, appalling confrontation, a desperate life-shattering clash, trauma beyond endurance and a retreat from the world… and reality.

In many ways the book could never really have lived up to expectations It was never going match let alone surpass 30 years of anticipation, and the creators should be applauded for ignoring convoluted X-Men mythology to concentrate on a purely primal tale in the fashion of Jack London or Joseph Conrad.

Sadly, there’s a distinct lack of tension and no sense of revelation at all. Most characters are barely one-dimensional: provided for a single purpose and predictably dealt with when their job is done. From the first page we know how it’s going to end and none of the characters has enough spark for a reader to emote with.

Understandably, such a “big story” needed a lot of creator fingers in the pie, so credits are a bit convoluted. Bill Jemas, Joe Quesada & Paul Jenkins came up with the plot, which Jenkins scripted. Artwork was drawn by Andy Kubert, and shot from his pencils but any grit or edginess that extremely talented gentleman built was regrettably lost by cloyingly heavy digital painting (by Richard Isanove whose very pretty colours seemingly candy-coat the shocking life-story of this most savage of heroes). All of which is largely irrelevant as the story sold bucketloads and has remained canonical ever since.

Origin II
Six years after, the company did it all over again for a much larger and less invested audience via his movie incarnation, but when it came, the story did not please or even satisfy everyone. Perhaps in response, writer Kieron Gillen, artist Adam Kubert and colourist Frank Martin filled in the next comics chapter. Cover-dated February to July 2014, follow-up 5-part miniseries Origin II made an far more effective and extremely appetising – if arguably just as controversial – titbit to add to the canonical menu…

If you recall, young Rose was hired to help sickly James Howlett. Among the lower order like herself she also befriended savage child Dog Logan. Blamed for the deaths of James parents, he and Rose fled for their lives, growing up on the run, and eventually settling in a quarrying camp. However even here the reach and repercussions of the Howletts found them, leading to a deadly battle in which a hasty unsheathing of bone claws cost Rose everything…

A few years later: It’s 1907 in the icy wilds of Canada. A man more beast than human runs with wolves, accepted by the pack as one of them. That harsh yet happy life is destroyed when a colossal white bear invades the territory. The creature doesn’t know how to eat like other bears and tracks the pack to its den before destroying the cubs.

The Wolfish Man’s peace of mind is broken forever but after almost dying killing the invasive beast even greater horror unfolds. The loss of his family has forced the not-wolf to start thinking again…

The polar bear was no unhappy wanderer, but actually introduced by men into the unfamiliar wilderness. Now showman Hugo Haversham, trapper Creed and his disfigured woman Clara are scouring the frozen wilds for other potentially profitable attractions. Creed & Clara share some strange secret and react badly when their erstwhile employer – creepy English scientist Dr. Nathaniel Essex – turns up in the frozen frontier town. He clearly knows something of her amazing affinity with animals and Creed’s uncanny healing abilities and is quite angry that a mere entrepreneur has appropriated the butchered bear carcass for his circus show…

Haversham knows a dangerous rival when he sees one, and takes the first opportunity to leave when Creed announces they are heading out. Essex continues his own endeavours, using his paramilitary “Marauders” to disseminate poison gas of his own devising in the deep woods, intent on finding what killed his white bear…

The tactic proves disastrous as the fumes drive a bizarre clawed aborigine to butcher the gas-masked Marauders. Moreover, the attacker seems utterly immune to the deadly vapours…

Essex’s remaining men pursue, driving the enraged wild man straight into Creed’s traps. Although the snares don’t stand up to his claws, the human beast is helpless against Clara’s uncanny influence. To Creed’s mounting fury, the connection seems to be mutual…

Soon, suitably caged, the Clawed Man of the Woods is the star attraction of Hugo the Great’s Travelling Circus. Regularly tortured, baited by Creed and fawned upon by Clara, the no-longer-mute beastman has only one thought in his head: the sight of another beloved blond girl dying on his claws…

Essex is still in the picture too: following the show and trying to buy the feral exhibit for his ongoing experiments. When his frustrated patience finally expires so does Hugo – thanks to Essex’s gas – leaving the rapid-healing Clawed Man to undying agonies on the sinister scientist’s vivisection table…

When all hope seems lost, Clara (having convinced Creed to help) breaks her new pet out. The trio flee into the night and – thanks to the torture or perhaps Clara’s devotion – the poor, benighted creature has begun to speak again. He now calls himself Logan

A month later the fugitives are starving in New York City and Creed has had enough. He is not there when Essex’s men attempt to capture Clara’s wild lover and does not see history tragically, bloodily repeat itself. He does however join heartbroken, traumatised Logan in going after Essex, whilst happily concealing the true nature and extent of Clara’s powers…

The man who will be Mr. Sinister is unrepentant and working on his next project: an cruelly tempting solution that will lobotomise the imbiber and eradicate all painful memories. It all ends in more horrific score-settling before Logan escapes into the night and into history, but this tales still has a couple of shocking twists to reveal…

Brutal, visceral and compulsive; cleverly laying as much intriguing groundwork for future stories as answering long-asked questions, Origin II is a far more rewarding and superior yarn to delight aficionados of the complex Canadian crusader.

This engaging Complete Collection includes a wealth of bonus features and especially a raft of articles on how the project came about. Once the stories are told, Introduction ‘What do you think of the idea of a Limited Series telling Wolverine’s origin?’ by X-Men: The Movie Producer/co-writer Tom DeSanto leads to a response in ‘The Beginning’ by Bill Jemas, backed up by the latter’s full ‘Origin Treatment’, and co-plotter Joe Quesada’s ‘Confessions of an EIC’ (that’s Editor in Chief) before scripter Paul Jenkins adds ‘A Few Words’

Quesada’s ‘Climbing the Hill’ shares story notes on the process to tell the untellable tale, bolstered by thoughts from the admin team in ‘The Editors Speak by Mike Marts & Mike Raicht’.

That’s supported by ‘The E-mail Chain’ that set things rolling and some much-needed visual secrets in ‘Character Designs’ by Andy Kubert, Richard Isanove’s ‘The Painted Process’ and cover pencils for Origin #1-6 as well as a selection of  pages of pencils (62) from throughout the tale.

Isanove’s painting ‘The Feast’ precedes cover pencils for Origin II and variant covers by Salvador Larroca & David Ocampo, Skottie Young, Steve Lieber (Deadpool variant) and  Salva Espin & Peter Pantazis (a Deadpool ditto), before sharing ‘The Origins of Origin II’.

For all its faults, Origin: the True Story of Wolverine immediately succeeded in its primary purpose of galvanising the public and making the wild wonder unmissable again. Publishing is a business, and the market always dictates what and where the stories are. Still, it is only a comic in a multi-media universe, so when someone decides to reveal the Real, True, True Real story of… we’ll all get another go at learning his secrets. Or not.

Over to you, film fans…
© 2019 MARVEL.

Wolverine by Claremont & Miller Deluxe Edition & Wolverine by Claremont & Miller

By Chris Claremont & Frank Miller, with Joe Rubenstein, Paul Smith, Bob Wiacek & various (MARVEL)
ISBN: 978-0-7851-8383-9 (HB/Digital edition)

Wolverine is all things to most people and in his long life has worn many hats: Comrade, Ally, Avenger, Teacher, Protector, Punisher. He first saw print in a tantalising teaser-glimpse at the end of The Incredible Hulk #180 (cover-dated October 1974 – So Happy 50th, Eyy?). That devolved into a full-on scrap with the Green Goliath – and accursed cannibal critter Wendigo – in the next issue. Canada’s super-agent was just one more throwaway foe for Marvel’s mightiest monster-star and subsequently vanished until All-New, All Different X-Men launched.

The semi-feral mutant with fearsome claws and killer attitude rode – or perhaps fuelled – the meteoric rise of those rebooted outcast heroes. He inevitably won a miniseries try-out and his own series: two in fact, in fortnightly anthology Marvel Comics Presents and an eponymous monthly book (of which more later and elsewhere).

In guest shots across the MU – plus cartoons and movies – he carved out a unique slice of superstar status and hasn’t looked back since. Over those years many untold tales of the aged agent (eventually revealed to have been born in the 19th century) explored his erased exploits in ever-increasing intensity and detail. Gradually, many secret origins and revelatory disclosures regarding his extended, self-obscured life slowly seeped out. Afflicted with periodic bouts of amnesia, mind-wiped ad nauseum by sinister foes or well-meaning associates, the lost boy clocked up a lot of adventurous living – but didn’t remember much of it. This permanently unploughed field conveniently resulted in a crop of dramatically mysterious, undisclosed back-histories. Over the course of his X-Men outings, many clues to his early years manifested such as an inexplicable familiarity with Japanese culture and history. This was first revealed after The X-Men save the eastern nation from diabolical maniac Moses Magnum and resulted in an on-going but distanced romantic dalliance with a Japanese princess…

Most fans and amateur historians accept the Frank Miller/Klaus Janson Daredevil stories that introduced Elektra and stormed fan consciousness for fuelling the comic world’s obsession with ninjas and the Japanese underworld in the 1980’s & 1990’s. These themes dominated the funnybook landscape of the era – and spawned the seemingly unstoppable Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles phenomenon – but a lot of that initial traction actually came from one of Marvel’s earliest miniseries and subsequent graphic novel collections…

Wolverine by Claremont & Miller is an oft-republished landmark originally comprising just Wolverine #1-4 (cover-dated September – December 1982), but with most later editions also including the conclusion/sequel from Uncanny X-Men #172-173 as released in August and September 1983.

Big on experimental layouts, dramatic imagery and grittily iconic combat scenes revealing artist Miller’s growing fascination with Koike & Kojima’s seinen manga epic Lone Wolf and Cub, the tale is a simple fable of unrequited love and consequences of aspiring above one’s station in life…

Inked by Joe Rubinstein and lettered by Tom Orzechowski, ‘I’m Wolverine’ reveals that Mariko – the princess Logan dares to love and who loves him in return – is daughter of Shingen Harada, lord of Clan Yashida. Missing for years, the long-lost patriarch has returned but is not the honourable father figure Mariko dreams of. Austere, autocratic, ambitious and deeply bigoted, he is also supreme overlord of Japan’s most powerful Yakuza organisation…

Unaware of all this, the hero travels to Japan to win his lady only to find the dutiful daughter has allowed herself to be married off to a crime boss. Descended from an unbroken line including the Imperial family, Mariko is semi-divine, whilst Logan is a base, uncultured gaijin – and arguably not even human. Nevertheless, he makes his move…

When Wolverine invades the Yashida citadel he finds his beloved compliantly abused by both father and new husband, but his righteous response is forestalled by Mariko before he is captured by Shingen’s forces and tricked into a duel rigged to make him appear a wild, cheating, honourless beast…

Utterly outsmarted, shamed and despondent, he is cast aside and goes on a monumental bender ‘Debts and Obligations’, accompanied by mercenary assassin Yukio who literally drags him out of the gutter. She is wild and ferocious but her obvious attraction to the mutant does not get in way of her latest commission, one that further embroils Wolverine in war between crime lords and constant clashes with ninja cult The Hand

Shingen’s complex campaign to prove Logan is nothing but a trained beast with ridiculous pretensions is simply a sidebar to his scheme to become Lord of everything and he uses The Hand and Yukio to kill his rivals and drive a monumental wedge between Logan and Mariko. The mutant’s carefully orchestrated fall from grace is only halted by the killing of his old Japanese Secret Service associate Asano Kimura: another casualty of the clandestine figure seizing control of the underworld. His ‘Loss’ is the catalyst Logan needs to clear his head and soul before finally going after the debased aristocrat at the root of his troubles. Thus – through a far fairer rematch – Logan reclaims his ‘Honor’ as well as his true love’s heart and respect…

Modern editions then follow-up with a sleekly impressive turn from Claremont and illustrators Paul Smith & Bob Wiacek originally seen in Uncanny X-Men #172-173. ‘Scarlet in Glory’ sees Logan still in Japan, preparing for his impending wedding to Mariko. When his teammates jet in for the nuptials they are all poisoned, leaving Logan and new member Rogue – whom he deeply distrusts – to seek an antidote. Meanwhile, staid maternal Storm is transformed from placid nature goddess to grim-&-gritty bad-ass punk wild child by mercenary maniac and obsessive Logan-lover Yukio, even as the last X-Men race a ticking toxic clock to a literal deadline…

The pressure results in sheer carnage as Logan goes berserk. With the desperate-to-please probationer Rogue trailing his bloody wake Wolverine carves a shocking path to Yakuza mercenary Silver Samurai (current challenger to Mariko’s rule of Clan Yashida) and mass-murdering mastermind Viper in ‘To Have and Have Not’

Although the bold champions are eventually triumphant, the victory comes at great cost. Logan returns to America alone and unwed after Mariko inexplicably calls off the nuptials…
© 2010, 2014, 2023 MARVEL.

Wolverine: Weapon X Gallery Edition

By Barry Windsor-Smith, with Chris Claremont, Frank Tieri, Avalon’s Raymund Lee, Jim Novak, Tom Orzechowski & various (MARVEL)
ISBN: 978-1-3029-3395-1 (HB/Digital edition) TPB

Wolverine is all things to most people and in his long life has worn many hats: Comrade, Ally, Avenger, Teacher, Protector, Punisher. He first saw print in a tantalising teaser-glimpse at the end of The Incredible Hulk #180 (cover-dated October 1974 and Happy 50th, Eyy?): prior to indulging in a full-on scrap with the Green Goliath – and accursed cannibal critter The Wendigo – in the next issue. The Canadian super-agent was just one more throwaway foe for one of Marvel’s mightiest stars, and vanished until All-New, All Different X-Men launched.

The semi-feral Canadian mutant with fearsome claws and killer attitude rode – or perhaps fuelled – the meteoric rise of those rebooted outcast heroes. He inevitably won a miniseries try-out and his own series: two in fact, in fortnightly anthology Marvel Comics Presents and an eponymous monthly book (of which more later and elsewhere).

In guest shots across the MU plus cartoons and movies he carved out a unique slice of super-star status and screen immortality. He hasn’t looked back since, and over those years many untold tales of the aged agent (eventually revealed to have been born in the 19th century) explored his erased exploits in ever-increasing intensity and detail. Over decades, his many secret origins and a stream of revelatory disclosures regarding his extended, self-obscured life slowly seeped out. Cursed with recurring periodic bouts of amnesia, mind-wiped ad nauseum by sinister or even well-meaning friends and foes, the Chaotic Canucklehead packed a lot of adventurous living into decades of existence – but mostly didn’t remember much of it. This permanently unploughed field conveniently resulted in a crop of dramatically mysterious, undisclosed back-histories, the absolute best of which is re-presented here.

Spanning March to September of 1991 in 8-page instalments, Marvel Comics Presents # 72-84 hosted a much-demanded semi-origin for the mystery mutant, revealing how he was internally enrobed with wonder-metal adamantium. The tale delivered a ‘Prologue’, 12 highly visual revelatory chapters and a concluding ‘Interlude & Escape’. In 1993, when the tale was collected into a graphic novel, Larry Hama wrote a prose ‘Epilogue’ to dot all the “I”s and cross all the “T”s, and that’s included here, plus thematic continuations to the saga that shook the Marvel firmament. Those include an excerpt from Wolverine #166 and the contents of the Smith co-crafted X-Men #205.

A visual tour de force with truly visceral imagery – almost medical torture porn – the story of how a burned-out spy walks into a bar and eventually regains his senses sometime later, changed beyond all recognition, is told in overlapping, interwoven flashbacks within flashbacks.

The abduction, who did to what to “Logan” under the illicit auspices of “Experiment X” – and why – is all here to experience in gorge-rising detail, but the easy answers you want won’t be easy to see. The monstrous tale of forced transmutation, fight for survival and autonomy and the dichotomy of what separates Man from Animal reveals facts yet leaves truths to later stories. What you have here is how a victim of atrocity overcomes his tormentors and lives free by not dying… and it is truly spectacular.

Written, illustrated, coloured and lettered by Barry Windsor-Smith, Weapon X is short and pretty to look upon, a masterpiece of visual storytelling that must be seen to be believed. It’s also a superb shock-horror tribute to Frankenstein, exposing the true nature of the tortured soul underneath the imposed layers unknown enemies have smothered Logan in for so very long and the first step towards his ultimate emancipation.

Following the Hama conclusion, an extract from Wolverine #166 (September 2001) sees Windsor-Smith return to his opus in a flashback sequence scripted by Frank Tieri: focusing on one of the nameless army grunts (and rare survivor) who faced the berserk escaping Experiment X. Accompanied by Windsor-Smith’s cover for #167 and mirrored by his cover for Uncanny X-Men # 205 (May 1986), they precede his collaboration with Chris Claremont on ‘Wounded Wolf’; another boldly visual triumph as Wolverine faces vengeance-crazed, adamantium augmented cyborg Lady Deathstrike in a compelling fable of obsession guest-starring little Katie Power from pre-teen titans Power Pack.

Although there are many versions of this collection available, this Gallery Edition is a dream for fans of Windsor-Smith art, closing with 17 pages of original art and a selection of X-related covers, images and pin-ups by the author. These are culled from the back of Wolverine #4, Marvel Comics Presents # 72-84, and assorted X-collections including Weapon X Hardcover (1993), Weapon X Trade Paperback (2001), Wolverine: Weapon X Marvel Premiere Classic Hardcover,  X-Men: Lifedeath Marvel Premiere Classic Hardcover, There are also house ads, promo posters, and variant covers for Uncanny X-Men #395, New X-Men #115,and Deadpool #57-60.

Short, fierce, relentless and unmissable.
© 2022 MARVEL.

Black Panther: The Saga of Shuri and T’Challa

By Reginald Hudlin, Jonathan Mayberry, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Aaron Covington, John Romita Jr., Ken Lashley, Gianlucca Gugliotti, Pepe Larraz, Brian Stelfreeze, Chris Sprouse, Mario Del Pennino, Klaus Janson, Paul Neary, Karl Story, Walden Wong, Goran Sudžuka, Roberto Poggi & various (MARVEL)
ISBN: 978-1302946005 (TPB/Digital edition)

The Black Panther rules over a fantastic African paradise which isolated itself from the rest of the world millennia ago. Blessed with unimaginable resources – both natural and not so much – the nation of Wakanda developed unhindered by European imperialism into the most technologically advanced human nation on Earth. It has never been conquered, with the main reason being an unbroken line of divinely-sponsored warrior kings who safeguard the nation. The other is a certain miraculous super-mineral found nowhere else on Earth…

In contemporary times that chieftain is (usually) T’Challa: an unbeatable, feline-empowered, strategic genius dividing his time between ruling at home and serving abroad in superhero teams such as The Avengers and The Ultimates beside costumed champions like Iron Man, Mr. Fantastic, Thor, Captain Marvel and Captain America

Acclaimed as the first black superhero in American comics and one of the first to carry his own series, the Black Panther’s popularity and fortunes have waxed and waned since he first appeared in the summer of 1966. As originally created by Jack Kirby & Stan Lee T’Challa, son of T’Chaka, was an African monarch whose secretive kingdom is the only source of vibration-absorbing wonder mineral Vibranium. The miraculous alien metal – derived from a fallen meteor which struck the continent in lost antiquity – is the basis of Wakanda’s immense wealth, allowing that isolationist nation to become one of the wealthiest and most secretive on Earth. These riches enabled young king T’Challa to radically remake his country, even after he left Africa to fight as an Avenger.

For much of its history Wakanda was a phantom, utopian wonderland with tribal resources and people safeguarded and led since time immemorial by a warrior-king deriving cat-like physical advantages from secret ceremonies and a mysterious heart-shaped herb. This has ensured the generational dominance of the nation’s Panther Cult and Royal Family. The obsessively secured “Vibranium mound” guaranteed the nation’s status as a clandestine superpower for centuries, but recent times increasingly saw Wakanda a target of incursion, subversion and invasion as the world grew ever smaller. However, as crises arose, T’Challa was confident his system of Regents and his own kin could handle the load of governance.

This selective trawl highlights his interactions with his half-sister Shuri re-presenting Black Panther (volume 4/2005) #2, Black Panther (volume 5/2009) #1-6, Klaws of The Panther #1-4 (2010), Black Panther (volume 6/2016) #1 & 9, #8 & 10, 11, and Black Panther: Long Live the King (2018) #3-4: spanning cover-dates May 2005 to March 2018.

The reprise begins with ‘Who is The Black Panther: Part Two’ by Reginald Hudlin, John Romita Jr., Klaus Janson & Dean White as seen in Black Panther #2 (volume 4, May 2005) which reworked the classic origin and set-up for a new century. What began with Fantastic Four #52-53 (July & August 1966), as T’Challa launched himself on the world stage by ambushing the FF in his savage super-scientific kingdom as part of an extended plan to gain vengeance on the murderer of his father, was acknowledged but refined. Now lone mad scientist Ulysses Klaw was remodelled as a murderous agent of an international cabal, America’s NSA was acting against Wakanda, and the ritual of clan members duelling for the right to be Black Panther was reimagined to introduce an unsuspected younger sister for the King. In the war that inevitably erupted (and for which you’ll need to read a different collection – I suggest Black Panther: Who is the Black Panther?) headstrong Princess Shuri endured a hellish trail by combat all her own…

Increasingly, over decades of publishing, Vibranium made Wakanda a target for subversion and incursion. Volume 5 #1-6 (cover-dated April – September 2009) Black Panther: The Deadliest of the Species – by Hudlin, Ken Lashley & Paul Neary – confirmed changing global Realpolitik as T’Challa and his new bride Ororo embark on a goodwill tour. As a mutant – and far worse, an American – married to the king, the X-Men leader is keenly aware of her tenuous position and potential for disrupting an ancient social order. All thoughts of winning over the people are forgotten when her husband’s jet – gone for only hours on a diplomatic mission – catastrophically crashes in the heart of the city despite all the weather goddess’ efforts to slow it down…

Five hours previously the Black Panther had secretly met with regal rival Namor the Sub-Mariner to hear an invitational offer from a Cabal of world-conquerors led by former Green Goblin-turned government operative Norman Osborn. Now the adored sovereign is near death. His formidable Dora Milaje bodyguards are gone and, after being dragged from the wreckage burned and broken, T’Challa agonisingly reveals how he was ambushed before lapsing into a coma. As Queen Mother Ramonda and Shuri rush to the hospital, the ruling council are frantic: terrified the assassination attempt is prelude to invasion. Wakanda is always ready for such assaults, but that was with a healthy Black Panther. Right now, they are spiritually defenceless. Even though the king is not quite dead, his Ministers advocate activating protocols to create a new Panther warrior – but the question is who will succeed?

Hours ago, after Namor departed, a far less friendly potentate accosted T’Challa as he left the conference. Dr. Doom is also a member of the Cabal and took the Panther’s refusal to join the club very, very badly. Back in the now-desperate meetings and Ororo’s refusal to undertake the mystic rituals result in Shuri being reluctantly assigned – over her own mother’s strenuous protests – the role of Black Panther Apparent. As T’Challa’s sister it’s a role she was destined for, but one her brother seized decades ago. At that time, she was being schooled in the West when Ulysses Klaw claimed her father’s life. With cruel circumstance demanding nothing less, the boy took the initiative, the role and responsibility of defending the nation.

Thus, after years as an irrelevant spare, the flighty jet-setter is asked to take up a destiny she now neither wants nor feels capable of fulfilling. She is especially afraid of the part of the ceremony where she faces the Panther God and is judged…

T’Challa cannot reveal how the battle with Doom ended in brutal defeat and imminent death, or how his valiant Dora Milaje gave their lives to get his maimed body in the jet and home via auto-pilot. He is unable to even stay alive and, when the world’s greatest doctors abandon hope, Ramonda convinces Queen Ororo to try something terrible and very ancient instead…

Despite pervasive secrecy bad news travels fast. Across the continent adherents of the Panther Cult’s theological antitheses revel in Wakanda’s misfortune. Smug, gleeful worshippers of rival cults prepare arcane rituals to finally destroy their enemies and – in a place far removed from the world -T’Challa awakes to meet his dead bodyguards once more…

In an isolated hut Queen and Queen Mother bicker with sinister shaman Zawavari. The wizard claims to be able to bring T’Challa back but gleefully warns the price will be high. Thanks to years of constant training, Shuri has no problem with the physical rigours of the Panther Protocols and foolishly grows in confidence. Far away, Wakanda’s enemies succeed in summoning terrible Morlun, Devourer of Totems – wholly unprepared for the voracious horror to consume them before turning his attention to more distant theological fodder. In Limbo, a succession of dead friends and family subtly, seductively seek to convince T’Challa his time is past and that he must lay down his regal burdens…

As Morlun ponderously makes his way to Wakanda – stopping only to destroy other petty pantheons such as the master of the Man-Ape sect – Death continues her campaign to con T’Challa into surrendering to the inevitable and Shuri faces her final test.

It does not end well. The Panther God looks through her, declaring Shuri pitifully unworthy to wear the mantle or defend Wakandan worshippers. Despondent, she is ignominiously despatched back to the physical world just as her sister-in-law lands in Limbo, sent by Zawavari to retrieve her husband from Death’s clutches. Ororo doesn’t want to tell T’Challa it is their last meeting. The price of his safe passage back is her becoming his replacement…

In the world of the living, Morlun is at Wakanda’s borders, drawn inexorably to T’Challa’s (currently vacant) physical form. The beast is utterly invulnerable to everything in the nation’s arsenal and leaves a mountain of corpses behind him. With armageddon manifesting all about them, the Royal Family and Ruling Council are out of options until Zawavari points out an odd inconsistency. The price for failing to become Wakanda’s living totem has always been instant death, but Shuri, although rejected, still breathes…

Realising both she and her country have one last chance, the latest Black Panther goes out to battle the totem-eater whilst in the Country of the Dead T’Challa and Ororo resolve to ignore the devil’s bargain and fight their way back to life. And as both hopeless battles proceed, Ramonda and Zawavari engage in a last-ditch ploy which will win each war by bringing all combatants together…

After one all-out attack culminating in Doctor Doom seizing control, recuperating T’Challa was forced to render all Vibranium on Earth inert, defeating the invader but leaving Wakanda broken and economically shattered. During the cataclysmic clash, once-flighty, Shuri fully took on the role of Black Panther: clan and country’s champion whilst her predecessor recovered from post-fatal injuries and struggled with the disaster he had deliberately caused.

Packed with guest-stars, Klaws of the Panther was a 2010-2011 4-part fortnightly miniseries that traced her progress through the Marvel Universe: striving to outlive a wastrel reputation, serve her country and the world whilst – crucially – defeating a growing homicidal rage increasingly burning inside her. Written by Jonathan Mayberry, with art by Shawn Moll & Walden Wong, the story starts with ‘Honor’ as the Panther Champion brutally repels an invasion by soldiers of Advanced Idea Mechanics: simply the latest opportunist agency attempting to take over diminished Wakanda.

With her brother and Queen Storm absent, Shuri is also de facto ruler of the nation, but faces dissent from her own people as embarrassing reports and photos of her days as a billionaire good-time girl continually surface to stir popular antipathy to her and the Panther clan. When opportunist G’Tuga of the outlawed White Gorilla sect challenges for the role of national champion, Shuri treats the ritual combat as a welcome relief from insurmountable, intangible problems but has badly misjudged her opponent and the sentiment of the people…

That last bit was a prelude from Age of Heroes #4 and the Klaws of the Panther graphic novel. I’ve included it for context as it inexplicably is omitted here. This book opens with the main event by Mayberry, Gianluca Gugliotta & Pepe Larraz already underway with ‘Savage Tales’ as Shuri is lured to fantastic dinosaur preserve the Savage Land, in hope of purchasing a supply of anti-metal (a Vibranium isotope) but instead uncovering a deadly plot by AIM and sentient sound-wave Klaw. The incredible fauna of the lost world has been enslaved by the Master of Sound – who murdered Shuri and T’Challa’s father in an earlier attempt to seize ultimate power – and the villain has captured the region’s protector Ka-Zar whilst seeking to secure all Savage Land Vibranium for his nefarious schemes. Klaw, however, only thought he had fully compensated for the interference of Shuri and Ka-Zar’s formidable spouse Shanna the She-Devil

Driven by lust for vengeance, Shuri almost allows Klaw to destroy the Savage Land with only the timely intervention of sister-in-law Storm preventing nuclear armageddon in ‘Sound and Fury’, after which the Panther seeks out Wolverine in outlaw haven Madripoor, looking for help with her anger management issues. Once again, AIM attacks, attempting to steal the rogue state’s stockpile of Savage Land Vibranium, but instead walks into a buzzsaw of angry retribution…

Shuri is extracting information from a surviving AIM agent in time-honoured Wakandan manner when Klaw appears, hinting at a world-shattering plan called “The Scream” which will use mystery device M.U.S.I.C. to utterly remake Earth…

Following another furious fight, the Panther gains the upper hand by using SLV dust, but squanders her hard-won advantage to save Wolverine from certain death. Knowing the planet is at stake, Shuri accepts the necessity for major-league assistance in ‘Music of the Spheres’ but sadly the only hero in Avengers Tower is relatively low-calibre Spider-Man. Reluctantly she takes the wisecracking half-wit on another raid on AIM, at last catching a break when one of Klaw’s AIM minions reveals the tragic secret of the horrific M.U.S.I.C. device…

All this time, Black Panther has had a hidden ally in the form of tech specialist Flea: providing intel from an orbiting spaceship. Now the full truth is revealed as the heroes find Klaw’s plans centre on an attack from space. The maniac intends to destroy humanity from an invulnerable station thousands of miles above the planet and nothing can broach the base’s incredible defences. Happily, Spider-Man and Captain America Steve Rogers know the world’s greatest infiltration expert and ‘Enter the Black Widow’ sees Earth’s fate turning on an all-or-nothing assault by the icily calm Panther and the world’s deadliest spy.

Cue tragic sacrifice, deadly combat, spectacular denouement, reaffirmed dedication and a new start for the ferociously inspired and determined Black Panther…

Despite initially being rejected by the Panther Spirit, Shuri proved a dedicated and ingenious protector, updating, innovating and serving with honour until she perished defending Wakanda from Thanos in crossover events Infinity and Time Runs Out. When T’Challa inevitably resumed his position as warrior-king, one of his earliest and most urgent tasks was resurrecting his sister: task made a little easier as he had gained the power to talk to his deceased predecessors as Wakanda’s King of the Dead.

He learned Shuri had passed into the Djalia (the people’s communal Spiritual Plane of Memories) and absorbed the entire history of the nation from ascended Elders. On her return to physicality, she gained mighty new powers as the Ascended Future

Since then – thanks to the equally formidable magic of a bravura role in a blockbuster movie – a slightly reimagined Shuri starred in her own series, blending established comics mythology with the fresh characterisation of a spunky, savvy, youthful super-scientist. The start of that transition came with Black Panther volume 6. Here Wakanda’s status and its vibranium tech were fully restored in time for further immense changes instigated by correspondent turned author Ta-Nehisi Coates (Between the World and Me) and designer/illustrator Brian Stelfreeze (Batman: Shadow of the Bat, Day Men).Again reading complete collections for the full story will pay off best, but salient moments first seen in Black Panther (volume 6) #1 & 8-11 here reveal the next stage in the evolving sibling relationship. As ever, Vibranium has ensured the nation’s secret superpower status but makes Wakanda target for subversion and incursion. Addressing real world political unrest in Africa’s oldest surviving kingdom and Earth’s most advanced (human) nation, Coates & Stelfreeze see T’Challa reclaim the throne ceded to his sister before global catastrophe, economic collapse and consecutive invasions wrought havoc amongst the Wakandans.

As he strives to reassure his aggrieved subjects at the Great Mound, a moment of indiscipline from his guards sparks disaster. As T’Challa faces striking miners, a gesture is misinterpreted and his security team fires into the crowd. Only the Black Panther’s senses detect the presence of another influence shaping emotions and triggering an escalating clash that explosively erupts. Meanwhile, in Burnin Zana: The Golden City of Wakanda another crisis brews. A member of his elite Dora Milaje acts beyond her station; punishing a local chieftain’s abusive treatment of wives and daughters with uncompromising finality. Now, for taking the law into her own hands, Aneka must die…

Near the Nigandan Border, super-powered rebels take stock. “The People” are fomenting violent change in Wakanda using ancient sorcery, unsuspected connections to the palace and the fervent dream of a new nation. Aneka’s resolve to face her fate bravely is challenged and swiftly withers when comrade-in-arms and lover Ayo explosively breaks her out of jail. Wearing stolen Wakandan cybernetic war-armour, the women head into the wilds, seeking nothing but freedom but all too soon are diverted by the plight of abused women they continually encounter.

As the furious fugitives punish the awful ravages of malevolent bandits, rogue chiefs and typical husbands, emancipated women flock to their bloody banner. Wakanda’s growing civil war finds itself faced with a third passionate, deadly faction ready to die for their cause…

And in a place supposedly far removed from the cares of the world, recently deceased Queen Shuri is challenged by a mysterious stranger in The Djalia. Shuri is not destined for peace or rest but has a task to finish if the spirits of her ancestors are to be believed…

Tragically, as the opposing forces and ideologies converge in a very earthly hiding hole, the extremely rich white man funding much of the chaos gloats and further refines his grand scheme and T’Challa acts at last to resurrect his sister…

Jumping to #8 and following the defeat of the plotters – thanks to aid from Luke Cage, Misty Knight,  teleporting mutant Manifold and estranged wife/former queen Storm – the King completes his interrupted task, recalling Shuri back from ancestral heaven in time to jointly end the rebellions, crush the threat of The People and usher in a new era of democracy and constitutional monarchy. Of course, as deliciously delineated by Chris Sprouse, Karl Story, Walden Wong, Goran Sudžuka, Roberto Poggi & Laura Martin, that struggle for the heart soul and consensual governance of the reunited tribes of Wakanda is spectacular and costly…

Ending the mystery history tour is the last half of 2018 miniseries Black Panther: Long Live the King (2018), with #3-4  – ‘Keep Your Friend Close parts 1 & 2’ – spanning cover-dates May 2005 to March 2018. A revised peek at T’Challa’s formative years by Aaron Covington, illustrator Mario Del Pennino, and colourist Chris O’Halloran, it sees the siblings united and the nation endangered by old friends, rogue robots and the White Gorilla cult…

With covers by Esad Ribi?, J. Scott Campbell & Edgar Delgado, Mike Del Mundo, Brian Stelfreeze & Laura Martin, Khary Randolf & Emilio Lopez, plus variants by Ken Lashley, Paul Neary & Paul Mounts, Mitch Breitweiser, Stephanie Hans, Alex Ross, Olivier Coipel and Ryan Sook, this is a large but slight, immensely readable introduction to a rich, vast and complex world: a full-on rollercoaster ride no fan of Fights ‘n’ Tights fantasy can afford to be without.
© 2016 MARVEL. All rights reserved.

Avengers versus X-Men Compendium

By Jason Aaron, Brian Michael Bendis, Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction, Jonathan Hickman, John Romita Jr., Olivier Coipel, Adam Kubert, Frank Cho & various (MARVEL)
ISBN: 978-1-84653-518-5 (B/Digital edition)

Despite all of us being sick as dogs, can we let this anniversary year end without revisiting Marvel’s one big idea in perfect execution? Enjoy this prime example of what made Marvel great – heroes pummelling other heroes…

The mainstream comics industry is now irretrievably wedded to blockbuster continuity-sharing mega-crossover events: rashly doling them out like epi-pens to Snickers addicts with peanut allergies, but at least these days, however, if we have to endure a constant cosmic Sturm and extra-dimensional Drang, the publishers take great pains to ensure that the resulting comics chaos is suitably engrossing and always superbly illustrated…

Marvel’s big thing was always extended clashes between mega-franchises such as The Avengers and X-Men, and this one began in Avengers: X Sanction when time-lost mutant Cable attempted to pre-emptively murder a select roster of the World’s Greatest Heroes to prevent an even greater cosmic tragedy.

Hope Spalding-Summers was the first mutant born on Earth after the temporarily insane Avenger Scarlet Witch used her reality-warping powers to eradicate almost all mutants in existence. Considered a mutant messiah, Hope was raised in the future before inevitably finding her way back to the present where she was adopted by X-Men supremo Scott Summers AKA Cyclops. Innumerable signs and portents had indicated that Hope was a reincarnated receptacle for the devastating cosmic entity dubbed The Phoenix

This mammoth collection gathers the core 12-issue fortnightly miniseries (April – October 2012) which saw humanity and Homo Superior go to war to possess this celestial chosen one, and also includes prequel Avengers vs. X-Men #0 which laid the plot groundwork for the whole blockbusting Brouhaha.

Necessarily preceded by a double-page scorecard of the 78(!) major players, the story begins with a pair of Prologues (by Brian Michael Bendis, Jason Aaron & Frank Cho) as now-sane and desperately repentant Scarlet Witch Wanda Maximoff tries to make amends and restore her links with the Avengers she betrayed and attacked. However, even after defeating an attack by manic mutate MODOK, and a personal invitation from Ms. Marvel to come back, the penitent mutant is sent packing by her ex-husband The Vision and other male heroes she manipulated.

Meanwhile in Utopia – the West Coast island fortress housing the last 200 mutants on Earth – an increasingly driven Cyclops is administering brutally tough love to adopted daughter Hope. She is determined to defy her apparently inescapable destiny as eventual host for the omnipotent Phoenix force on some far future day by regularly moonlighting as a superhero. Sadly, she’s well out of her depth when she tackles the sinister Serpent Society and daddy humiliatingly comes to her rescue.

… And in the depths of space a ghastly firebird of life and death comes ever closer to Earth…

In the first chapter (by Bendis, John Romita Jr. & Scott Hanna) the catastrophically powerful force of destruction and rebirth nears our world and the perfect mortal host it hungers for and needs to guide it, frantically preceded by desperate harbinger of doom Nova, who almost dies delivering a warning of its proximity and intent. Soon, The Avengers and the US government are laying plans, whilst in Utopia Scott Summers pushes Hope harder than ever. If The Phoenix cannot be avoided, perhaps he can make his daughter strong enough to resist being overwhelmed by its promise of infinite power…

At The Jean Grey School for Higher Learning, ex X-Man and current Avenger Wolverine is approached by Captain America and regretfully leaves his position as teacher to once again battle a force that cannot be imagined…

With even his fellow mutants questioning his tactics and brutal pushing of Hope, Cyclops meets Captain America for a parley. On behalf of the world, the Sentinel of Liberty wants to take Hope into protective custody but the mutants’ leader – distrustful of human bigotry and past duplicity – reacts violently to the far-from-diplomatic overtures…

Jason Aaron scripts the second instalment as frayed tempers lead to all-out battle on the shores of Utopia, with past personal grudges fuelling a brutal conflict. As the metahuman war rages, Wolverine and Spider-Man surreptitiously go after hidden Hope, but – even far off in deep space – The Phoenix force has infected her and she blasts them…

Meanwhile in the extra-solar void Thor, Vision, War Machine and a select team of Secret Avengers confront the mindlessly onrushing energy construct…

Scripted by Ed Brubaker, Chapter 3 begins with the recovering Wolverine and Wallcrawler considering how to catch missing hyper-powerful Hope with both Avengers and recently departed X-Men chasing her. When the feral mutant clashes over tactics with Captain America, the resulting fight further divides Avenger forces. In episode 4 (authored by Jonathan Hickman) as the easily defeated space defenders limp back to Earth, Hope and Wolverine meet at the bottom of the world and devise their own plans for her future…

All over Earth heroes are hunting the reluctant chosen one, and clashes between mutants and superhumans are steadily intensifying in ferocity, but the fugitive pair evade all pursuit by stealing a rocket and heading to the ancient “Blue Area of the Moon” where revered mutant Jean Grey first died to save the universe from The Phoenix.

When the former Marvel Girl was originally possessed by the fiery force she became a hero of infinite puissance and a cataclysmic champion of Life, before the power corrupted her and she devolved into Dark Phoenix: a rapacious wanton god of planet-killing appetites…

In a valiant act of contrition, Jean permitted the X-Men to kill her before her rapacious need completely consumed her in the oxygen-rich ancient city on the lunar surface (of course that’s just the tip of an outrageously long and overly-complicated iceberg not germane or necessary to us here: just search-engine the tale afterwards, OK?… or just buy one of many collections of The Dark Pheonix Saga).

When Hope finally reaches the spot of her predecessor’s sacrifice she finds that she’s been betrayed and that the Avengers are waiting – and so are mutants Cyclops, Emma Frost, Colossus, Magik and Namor the Sub-Mariner. With battle set to begin again, the battered body of Thor crashes into the lunar dust and the sky is lit by the blazing arrival of the Phoenix avatar…

Matt Fraction scripts the 5th chapter as the appalling firebird attempts to possess Hope, who realises she has completely overestimated her ability to handle the ultimate force, even as Avengers and X-Men again come to blistering blows.

Some distance away super-scientists Tony Stark and Henry Pym deploy a last-ditch anti-Phoenix invention but it doesn’t work as planned, and when the furious light finally dies down, infernal energy has possessed not Hope but the five elder mutants who turn their blazing eyes towards Earth and begin to plan how best to remake it…

Olivier Coipel & Mark Morales begin a stint as illustrators with the 6th – Hickman scripted – instalment as, 10 days after, old comrades Magneto and Charles Xavier meet to discuss the paradise Earth has become – especially for mutants. Violence, disease, hunger and want are gone but Cyclops, Emma, Sub-Mariner, Magic and Colossus are distant, aloof saviours at best and the power they share incessantly demands to be used more and more and more…

Myriad dimensions away in the mystical city of K’un Lun, kung fu overlord Lei Kung is warned an ancient disaster is repeating itself on Earth and dispatches the city’s greatest hero Iron Fist to avert overwhelming disaster, even as fearful humanity is advised their old bad ways will no longer be allowed to despoil the world. Naturally the decree of a draconian “Pax Utopia” does not sit well with humanity, and soon the Avengers are again at war with the last few hundreds of mutantkind. This time, however, the advantage is overwhelmingly with the underdogs and their five godlike leaders…

A desperate raid to snatch Hope from Utopia goes catastrophically wrong until the long-reviled Scarlet Witch intervenes and rescues the Avengers and Hope. Astounded to realise Wanda’s probability-altering gifts can harm them, the “Phoenix Five” declare all-out, total war on the human heroes…

In the 7th, Fraction-scripted, chapter Avengers are hunted all over the planet and the individual personalities of the possessed X-Men start clashing with each other. As Iron Fist, Lei Kung and Stark seek a marriage of spiritual and technological disciplines, Sub-Mariner defies the Phoenix consensus to attack the African nation of Wakanda…

Adam Kubert & John Dell handle the art from issue #8 with Bendis’ script revealing how an army of Avengers and the power of Wanda and Xavier turn the tide of battle… but not before a nation dies. Moreover, with Namor beaten, his portion of Phoenix-power passes on to the remaining four, inspiring greedy notions of sole control amongst the possessed…

In #9 (by Aaron, Kubert & Dell) as the hunt for heroes continues on Earth, in K’un Lun Hope is being trained in martial arts discipline by the city’s immortal master, and schooled in sheer guts and humanity by Spider-Man. When Thor is captured, the Avengers stage an all-out assault and by a miracle defeat both Magik and Colossus. Tragically, that only makes Scott Summers stronger still and he comes looking for his wayward daughter…

Brubaker writes the 10th chapter as Cyclops invades K’un Lun with horrific consequences whilst on Earth Emma Frost succumbs to the worst aspects of her nature: enslaving friends and foes with her half of the infinite Phoenix force. Simultaneously, Captain America and Xavier lay plans for one last “Hail Mary” assault…

And in the mystic city, Hope finally comes into her power – blasting Cyclops out of that other reality and back to the moon where the tragedy began…

Bendis, Coipel & Morales craft the penultimate instalment as Phoenix’s rapacious destructive hunger causes Cyclops to battle Frost, even as the unifying figure of Xavier unites X-Men and Avengers against the true threat, as with issue #12 (Aaron, Kubert & Dell) Cyclops finally descends into the same hell as his beloved, long-lost Jean by becoming a seemingly unstoppable, insatiable Dark Phoenix with only the assembled heroes and the poor, resigned Hope prepared to stop him from consuming the Earth…

The series generated a host of variant covers (I lost count at 87) by Cho, Jason Keith, Jim Cheung, Laura Martin, Stephanie Hans, Romita Jr., Ryan Stegman, Carlo Barberi, Olivier Coipel, Morales, Skott Young, Arthur Adams, Nick Bradshaw, Carlo Pagulayan, Sara Pichelli, J. Scott Campbell, Jerome Opeña, Mark Bagley, Dale Keown, Esad Ribic, Adam Kubert, Alan Davis, Humberto Ramos, Leinil Francis Yu, Adi Granov and Billy Tan which will undoubtedly delight and astound the artistically adroit amongst you…

Fast, furious and utterly absorbing – if short on plot – this ideal summer blockbuster (don’t you wish movie lawyers moved as fast as comics folk and this was screen ready by now?) remains an extreme Fights ‘n’ Tights funnybook extravaganza that delivers a mighty punch without any real necessity to study beforehand: a comics-continuity both veterans and film-fed fanboys alike can relish.
© 2012 Marvel.