By Geoff Johns, Winick & various (DC Comics)
ISBN 1-84576-247-9
In the build-up to DC’s Infinite Crisis crossover event lots of long-running story-threads were all pulled together ready for the big bang. This volume collects a shared storyline that ran in Teen Titans #24-26 and Outsiders #24-25 and 28 with art by Matthew Clark & Art Thibert, Carlos D’anda and Tony Daniel & Marlo Alquiza.
Superboy was always believed to be a clone of Superman, but the discovery that part of his DNA was Lex Luthor’s deeply unsettled the young hero. However, just as he is about to share the revelation with his young team-mates, Luthor activates a deeply seated program that overrides Superboy’s consciousness and makes him evil.
Indigo was a robotic being from the future who travelled back to our time and inadvertently caused the death of Omen and Donna Troy (see The Death and Return of Donna Troy, ISBN13: 978-1-84576-248-3). She subsequently joined the Outsiders but here is revealed as Brainiac 8, a deadly cybernetic killer determined to wipe out the heroes and re-configure her own time-continuum.
Fast-paced and well illustrated this lightweight but engaging tight-and-fights thriller goes through all the expected motions with great style and enthusiasm but it’s rather charmless for all that and the casual reader will definitely wonder what all the fuss was about.
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