By Darryl Cunningham & Simon Gane (Slab-O-Concrete)
ISBN: 1-899866-16-7
Here’s another cool cure for the seemingly endless homogeneity of mainstream comic books from the sorely missed Slab-O-Concrete outfit. John Dark is a secret agent who quits his job seconds before being fired. He becomes an enforcer for a gang boss because criminals are less corrupt and evil than any spy or politician and proceeds to cause as much mayhem and carnage as any post-modern thriller fan could ever want.
Brilliantly mordant black humour, solid dialogue and just enough deep-seated respect and admiration for its antecedents to cheer up the jaded fan, this slim book, which also contains “Underworld†a bleak, black tale a gangster’s final vengeance, was released just ahead of the wave of Cool, Retro British gangster movies such as Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, and to my mind is infinitely superior to them simply because of the stylish and eccentric artwork of Simon Gane.
You should hunt it down and make it your own!
© 1998 Darryl Cunningham & Simon Gane. All Rights Reserved.