Zombillenium 5 & 6: Black Friday and Sabbath Grand Derby

By Arthur de Pins, translated by Joe Johnson (NBM)
ISBN: 978-1-681123-17-2- (HB) eISBN: 978-1-681123-18-9

Win’s Christmas Gift Recommendation: Spooky Satisfaction Guaranteed… 9/10

Arthur de Pins is a British-born French filmmaker, commercial artist and Bande Dessinées creator whose strips – such as adult comedy Peccadilloes -AKA Cute Sins and On the Crab – have appeared in Fluide Glacial and Max. His superbly arch and beautifully illustrated supernatural horror-comedy Zombillenium has become his signature success and led to the overlong hiatus between the last translated volume and the cracking read under review today. De Pins has also orchestrated and co-directed (with Alexis Ducord) a magnificent animated movie, so check that out too…

The Bande Dessinée it was based on is a truly addictive comics cult classic that began in 2009 (serialised in Le Journal de Spirou from #3698 on) and now concludes for English-speakers in this bumper double-book tome (96 huge tabloid pages) courtesy of NBM.

Rendered with beguiling style and sleek, easy confidence, the unfolding saga details odd goings-on in a horror-themed amusement park staffed by actual monsters. As time and tomes went by we learned it is owned and controlled by a cabal of venturesome capitalistically-inclined infernal powers. They had big expansion plans only curtailed by perpetually lethal jockeying for pole position on the diabolical Board of Directors…

The place Zombillenium is a magical entertainment experience celebrating every aspect of the spooky and supernatural, where (human) families can enjoy a day out rubbing shoulders with werewolves, witches and all breeds of bogeyman. Of course, those enthralled customers might not laugh so hard if they knew all the monsters were real, usually hungry and didn’t much like humans – except in a culinary fashion…

The inaugural volume introduced hard-working, exceedingly humane Park Director (and vampire) Francis Von Bloodt, newly-reborn Aurelian Zahner (a pathetically inept thief until he expired at the park to return as a demonic indentured employee) and stroppy British Witch Gretchen: a youthful newcomer interning there whilst advancing her own secret agenda.

As all individually toiled away in the vast entertainment enterprise, its true nature slowly emerged: for unwary, unlucky mortals the site is a conduit to the domain of the damned and devilish overlord Behemoth: an intolerant capitalist horror insatiable for fresh souls…

Humans in the nearby town know the monsters’ true natures (because work-shy absconders hide from their bosses there), trying many schemes to evict/exorcise the occult occupants. For the uncanny Park workers – who would rather be anywhere else – conditions of employment worsen daily. Zombillenium is regarded as the least profitable holiday destination on Earth and The Board constantly threaten sweeping changes.

For most of its existence – despite the incredible bargaining power of its many monster Trade Unions – the only exit from a Zombillenium contract was the True Death and final transition to Hell, until a cascade of changes upset many apple-carts. Through it all, newcomer Aurelian somehow always shouldered the blame for each new crisis…

Stuck between a rock and a hot place, he gradually adapted to his new (un)life of constant sorrow whilst growing closer to Gretchen – once she shared her own awful life-story with him; revealing what he has become whilst disclosing what her real mission is. The big boob never knew how much she left out…

The saga moved into apocalyptic high gear when Gretchen’s secret agenda unfolded a little and her private plot gathered pace after contacting a loved one in Hell. The bold sorceress promised seemingly impossible liberation, whilst in the mortal world, a long-dreaded day dawned and all arcane artisans and supernatural staff quailed at “Big News”…

Ultimately, incessant pressure and scheming from the bosses below triggered rebellion in the earthside workforce. Most were scared, appalled and resistant, but a significant proportion saw an opportunity they’d long argued for: a last chance to feed and feast and hunt all those obnoxious yet tasty human morsels on the best Black Friday anyonething could have possibly imagined…


Mounting tensions sparked cataclysmic battle between supernatural forces and a revolt of the monsters, triggering Zombillenium’s evacuation. Casualties were kept to a minimum but when the dust settled, Francis was out and elite vampire/corporate flunky Bohemond Jaggar de Rochambeau was in charge pro tem: actively encouraging killing unattached or unaccompanied humans. They, typically, now came in droves to the most exciting entertainment experience they’d ever seen…

This infernal escapade hurtles headlong to the end by initially looking back to 1987. In Manchester, England a foolhardy bargain with the wrong entity reveals how Gtechen came to be, before flashing to Black Friday Now. The theme park crisis has become the lede in human news, as dilettante, desperate and even previously disinterested demonic factions sit up and take notice that everything has changed. Zombillenium is sealed and as the world(s) watch, human visitors rapidly move from hostages to bargaining chips without ever really leaving the menu of many of their “hosts”…

With The Board challenged by infernal upstarts, they respond only to the numbers mounting up whilst Gretchen takes to the skies to save as many as she can. That plan goes deep, deep south once an old friend turns up on behalf of the bosses…

As Jaggar goes into spin control mode for massed human media, Gretchen links up with the Unionised park rebels to recalibrate. Their solution is incredibly brave… and undeniably stupid… and begins with the valiant proletarian monster resistance boarding “the Hell Express” to beard the Management in its own stronghold.

Meanwhile, under Earth’s skies, former boss-once-removed Francis Von Bloodt debates with Jagger once and for all modern business methodology in traditional vampire terms…

The economic endeavours expire in grand style after a meeting of magical movers and shakers declares a Sabbath Grand Derby to settle provenance and ownership of Zombillenium and its ambulatory property. When Gretchen and her allies hit bottom, they trigger a high-stakes gladiatorial contest/TV Reality show/magic Rollerball duel with all concerned depending on the scrupled sorceress being able to shake her past and eradicate so many people she used to love.

At stake are all those still alive far above, her family (actual, historical and acquired), humanity in general and control of the most amazing entertainment franchise in existence. And let’s not forget her true opponents are the most sinister, pitiless, duplicitous, morally bankrupt, double-dealing, conniving beings in creation… who are actual devils too…

Available in English in both oversized Hardback Album and eBook formats, this is a seditiously mature and subversively ironic horror-comedy, bringing together cultural archetypes and modern bugbears with smart and sassy contemporary insouciance and a solid reliance on the verities of Nature – Human or otherwise.

Sly, smart, sexy and scarily hilarious, Zombillenium has mastered the remarkable trick of marrying slapstick with satire whilst deftly treading its own unforgettable and enticing path. You’ll curse yourself for missing out and if you don’t, there are things out here which will do it for and to you…
© Dupuis 2020, 2022 by De Pins. All rights reserved. © NBM 2023 for the English edition.

Zombillenium 5 & 6: Black Friday & Sabbath Grand Derby will be released on December 12th 2023 and is available for pre-order now. For more information and other great reads please go to http://www.nbmpub.com/